Necrotic cannibal porn, the movie

necrotic cannibal porn, the movie


Would I like this if I liked Eraserhead and Suspiria?

2deep4u, pleb

There's one short necrophilia scene and there is zero cannibalism shown on screen. I don't know what prompted you to make this post but you are retarded.

What's the problem with that?

>People still cant get neon demon

answer me you fucking fucks

Probably. Have you seen any other Refnkinos?

yeah but that was back when I was a pleb

an autist tries to direct:the movie


1,5 hours of nothing as an excuse to film a minute of lesbian necrofilia and show a clump of chicken mincemeat with a plastic eye in it.

If you consider this shallow pice of shit to be art then watch some commercials on fashion channels. You will get the same ""stunning visuals"" and ""symbolysm"".

The only few seconds worth watching is the Keanu knife scene.

Fuck this movie made me angry.


>it's another "it's style over substance" mongoloid

Yawn. I don't know why you conflate depth (whatever that means) and artfulness as if they're inextricably tied.

As art this film is much more genuine than most films. All of Refn's films are basically just him expressing his ideas exactly the way he wants to.

Kek holy shit kiddo

he's right refn sucks

Wow you sure convinced me with that insight, hotshot.

>All of Refn's films are basically just him expressing his ideas exactly the way he wants to.

I agree.. But that doesn't mean his way of expressing himself should be celebrated. The guy is so full of himself. When you're taking up people's time you should be humble enough to consider if what you're saying is really worth listening/watching.

This movie should've been about an hour shorter.. It was like butter spread over too much bread.

>The guy is so full of himself.

Kind of. It's one reasons I like him so much, and what allows him to indulge himself as much as he does.

>if what you're saying is really worth listening/watching

He doesn't really try to "say" much anything. And he's not thinking about the audience that much when making the film. That's also what makes him so good.

I fucking lold hard at the theater when she started having a seizure in front of a giant triforce

Are you autistic?

I wasn1t alone.

Why did you laugh though? I don't understand how the minds of people like you work.

Have you seen the movie

The one girl eats that regurgitated eye ball at the end idiot

I saw the fucking triforce and whispered it in my mate's ear who was already on the verge of laughing.

They were laughing at you.

I need to convince you to let go of your shitty taste?

First two acts were beautiful and unsettling.

Third act was shit.

Probably. It's very pretty and has a great atmosphere but the ending didn't quite work imo

You laughed because the symbol reminded you of a meme? Ok.

What's the point of even posting if you're not going to write anything that the other person can argue against? Maybe you should just never post anything, that would be ideal. Thanks.