What should be my next move? been stuck for a while now

What should be my next move? been stuck for a while now

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user present. Gimme a sec

Bc5 -> Bb6

Didn't even see that as a possibility, nice

Then more than likely they'll take with queen
Then Qe5

You're in a bit of a shituation. Either Bxf3 or Bb6

Bear in mind this person is 100 above me

Gotta advance that pawn


It would be taken by the horsey at e4

If you're playing against a person
Always open a second tab to simulate the game with bots lmfao

I did this

both bishops are under attack, one is likely to be lost regardless.

Bg2-xF3, puts king in check, king has to move to take the piece, then move Qto H4


This game is close to transitioning to end game and you are in horrible shape. For starters, your down a knight, people will say your two pawn advantage helps to nullify this, and earlier in the game that might have been true, but your pawns aren't protected well enough or advanced far enough across the board to be meaningful at this stage in the game. Position wise, you are fucked; your two rooks aren't accomplishing shit, your two bishops are all but gone at this point, and your queen is far from well utilized.

Tip your king and go back to checkers, faggot

this. OP is in a pickle here. He's losing a bishop either way, and he's not able to trade out either. He's basically fucked from this point.

What a douchebag.

if he can get momentum he can gain more back. thats why i say he should take f3 to get whites king out in the open yes he will go down but if you can play the checking game well enough you can either force a draw or put yourself in a better position

Mate attack with a single piece, that's right, just go in there and punch that fucker out.

OP asked for help, but plays chess about as well as a high school athlete who's been hit in the head with fucking drywall hammer a few times. I offer the best possible advice; quit and do something your better at. How is that douche like?

T a8 -> e8

Lock up all the blacks, they ain't kangs no more.


this concept doesn't really exist in any real form of competitive chess.

Why did you even stick around to wait for a reply to that?

welll ass this guy puts it, hes not playing competitively.

Bf3,kxf3,f5, nxc5, if he doesnt move the knight you get a nice discovery on king and get bishop

xxxxx Bgxf3
Kxf3 Qh4

What comes next? Unless you have mate in three that I am completely blind to, you just lost both your bishops and the game ultimately

where did he put it that way? Also, why ask for help in a game that means nothing to you?

QxH2 check

Nope, the king would be sitting on f3 after taking the bishop, so your Qxh2 would be responded to with Qxh2, and then your queen is gone.

Never played checkers

Qxe5 then Q to h2

I meant Q to e5 then Q x h2

... - Bxe3
Qxe3 - Bh3
Voila. No more pickle for OP

Apologise am driving, qh2 then try to find an adantagious position. It would be better to fight it out

Then B(c5) takes Be3

So, instead of a pickle, he loses a bishop for a pawn, and has another one trapped on the edge of the board while white advances superior position

apply pressure to both the rook and the pawn in pic related.
if he takes your bishop with his rook, he loses his other rook to your queen and you have a strong position on either side.
the rear line is wide open if he should try to trap your queen in, too.

If I had to play out of this, I would do
..... Bxe3
Qxe3 Qe5

After that, I would hope to push the f pawn forward, to put pressure on the the Knight, then get the a Rook into the game.

OP HERE, I DID THIS, but he hasn't moved, I'm hoping he moves soon

you capture the bishop in front of white's king
he has to recapture with his king or queen, giving you the time to move your remaining bishop to h3

black has to open the center to get counter play since
a) whit is attacking on the kingside
b) the white king is missplaced in the middle

I would even say, if black can figure out a smooth way to hack the center open without exchanging the queens, black should play for the win here.

Someone please explain the game to me

Qh3 check, attacking Rg4

OP didn't show the die they have to roll each tenth move
also, without the seat shuffling and head bouncing, the game is not half as fun

find moves to open up your own rooks without wasting opportunities, but dont sacrifice pawns for nothing.


there are actually two die rolled each tenth turn; each player has to roll one to see who gets the next seat shuffle priority. he may decide to pass it up for more strategic options. it's like chess within chess.

No matter what DO NOT PLAY Qe5

He's just going to fuck you up with Nf6+, forking your queen off the board.

just play Bh3 and happy to keep your material even

I would answer with f3-f4 and your Queen is fucked. You can take the tower on right side, loose Q and than you have the same position without Queen.

Better you quit that game, because its waste of time to go on. You cannot win (except against a total idiot).
Give up.

Decide yourself

well if i want you to take the first seat shuffle to see where you end up, i might let you make the first mistake, and counter you in the actual chess game. from there it really becomes a game of dominoes.


This xDD I laughed lotses. You right tho

Just let me be and go play with yourselves

I think if fucked(ur black? ) but I'll ry and come up with something.

Why do they hate me?

Not good. Then white threaten queen. With pawn forces move and free bishop.

he is going to lose one of his bishops no matter what he does. might as well try to make the best of it.
in reality, he is in a terrible position. is right.


If you do this move then he moves f4-f4 you can go j2 with your queen for the areas I've play

Then look to get your rooks doing something useful..
U fucked up on rook placement.

Actually I'm wondering it might not be better to flee with the bishop on g2.

Do you people play chess to just feel smarter than everyone else? It can't be that interesting of a game surely there is better ways to waste your time?

I mean b2

I find it fun

Play 50+ games in a row, i.e. speed chess. The world becomes fucking crazy. You hear people insult someone, and you see it as a chess move. Waiting for the reply of the opponent, if it's brutal, you get a "click" in your head, and it's a checkmate, there's no recovering.

It's likely that I'm actually autistic though, so I don't know if this happens to everyone.


What are some really good books to learn how to play chess?

You're a fucking faggot. Bringing nothing to the table and encouraging resignation ON A FUCKING GAME.
You're a bitch and life is going to rape you. Further.

Also your grammar is atrocious.
Maybe stick to charades or something you're better at.

protect one bishop without accomplishing anything and then lose the other bishop to a pawn.

Queen > E4


I get that when I learn too much about apes, it's much easier to grasp when you think of it in simple terms although losing humanity will never lead you to enlightenment, which is what I seek everyday

If you know the basics(what each piece does), go learn more basics, such as opening moves. Study them. Go watch chess matches on youtube.


Current fen:
r4rk1/ppp1qp1p/3p2p1/2bP4/1P2N3/3BBP2/P1PQK1bP/R5R1 b

You can try to save the bishop on g2 but I would cut your losses on that or you can try opening the E rank pawn and try to start using the right rook, you can also try pushing with your queen like someone said

You need to work on your piece development most of all

>Not understanding chess is warfare
Beta bitch

A rank pawn*

I had one called 'Chess In A Nutshell'. It came in handy for a long time.

you could also move qe5 to h5 and check. from here you can hope he makes a mistake and gives an opportunity to attack.


haven't even got your rooks in play what a loser they'er already moving their strat around you trying to open those up already

That doesn't help mate, his problems are our problems

God fucking damn I'm impessed at how bad most people here are at chess.

Bishop to e3 forcing the trade, followed by bishop to h3 saves the light colored bishop. It's better to trade the bishops then let the knight capture the dark square for the trade because bishops are much more powerful in this board state. It would be best not to trade them, but you kinda have to trade at least the dark square.

After the trade and pinning the white knight, rook to e8 should be your next play. Your pawn structure is significantly better than white, you should leverage this in your next few plays.

>I'm impessed
what did he mean by this

maybe he's a impesserio?

black bishop takes black bishop, Queen takes, Qe5

e5 is getting a little bit of release from the Q+B+pawn focusing down potentially on F4

his white bishop is quite weak, you should try to keep his queen on black squares