No self-respecting adult should buy comics or watch superhero movies

>Can we all please grow up? Can we acknowledge that Marvel and DC have scraped right though the bottom of the barrel? Can we call time on superhero films? Films which are too dark for kids the comics were originally written for, yet too dumb for any thinking adult.

Other urls found in this thread:

>brittish "humor"

I know it's autistic but I still get sad when people say comics to mean superheroes. It's a whole medium, honest.

They're right.
>There are people here who actually think mindless action-comedy for children has deep artistic value

It's true not because it's adult but because superhero movies are the antithesis of quality and you can't possibly have the intellect of an adult if you watch these.

I don't want to subscribe. Can you paste the article?

>implying any self-respecting british man doesn't let the paki parade run a train on his wife

I stopped buying comics back in 1995. I sometimes read my old X-Men issues from the 80's and early 90's for pure nostalgia.


>tipping my fedora

>people still believe in 'comic books = superheroes meme'

> Rhymer Rigby

Back to Sup Forums manchildren
chop chop

It's because American comics are almost all capeshit.

this is why MoS/BvS are the only good capeshit

>In the 80s and 90s, people used to worry about “dumbing down”, where complex ideas in spheres like politics and literature were simplified in order to make them accessible to people who were unwilling or unable to deal with sophisticated thought (tellingly, the term originated in the film industry). These days, I’m more worried about dumbing up, where you take something that’s pretty stupid to begin with and then throw money and talent at it until it has a semblance of intelligence and sophistication.


Yet it is fine for women to latch onto the fake nerd trend to make themselves feel special and unique.

I was with him up until he started defending adults watching South Park. Grow up and stop watching cartoons.

>too dark for kids the comics were originally written for, yet too dumb for any thinking adult.

this. when I saw the Dark Knight in theatres I was in grade 6. I didn't quite get the story. I didn't understand the ending. I remember leaving the theatre confused, and confused as to why it was being praised so much. None the less I told myself I loved it and thought it was just too deep for me.

Now that I'm an adult and less naive, I just realize that the movie was always dog shit and was made for 12 year old kids to think they're watching something deep. I Cringed so many times in the Dark Knight trilogy upon a rewatch as an adult. It's kinda sad. I've ruined any emotional attachment I said to those films.

I still like superheroes. Im also 28 years old, living with my parents, and I dont care about pussy at all. I also sold a script a month ago. So suck my cock

That's like saying anime is a whole medium too though

Sure you're technically right, but when someone says anime, the first thing you're thinking of is slice of life moe-shit

"Self-respecting" """adult""" movies

-The Godfather: a story about some immigrants who choose to be criminals and we're supposed to admire/sympathize with it. being in a gang is okay if you're italian.
-Blue is the Warmest Color, Love, and other french porn: hey! look, it's tits. this is so adult and mature.
-Citizen Kane: an old rich dude looks back at his shitty life. wow, totally top of the barrel stuff here.
-Pulp Fiction: don't get me started
-Fight Club: Finding Nemo is more adult
-Boyhood: literally a movie about a kid.

I can go on but capeshit is hardly less adult than the average 35-50 year old blogger's top 10 list.

>I was in grade 6

what did he mean by this?

People are stupid, fuck look at this place.

>"Nerd culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy, designed to infantalize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control."
- Simon Pegg

>"A sweet-faced boy of twelve told me proudly that he had seen Star Wars over a hundred times? I said, 'do you think you could promise never to see Star Wars again?' He burst into tears. I just hope the lad, now in his thirties, is not living in a fantasy world of secondhand, childish banalities"
- Alec Guinness

>"I don't think they are making [comic book movies] an elevated art form, I think it's still just Batman running around in a stupid cape.. It's for kids, it's adolescent in its core. "
- David Cronenberg

>"I don't want to see or make films about super heroes that fly around in spandex and a cape solving the problems of the world. I think it's fine for children, children of all ages by the way, but it's not for me."
- William Friedkin

>“They have been poison, this cultural genocide, Because the audience is so overexposed to plot and explosions and shit that doesn’t mean nothing about the experience of being human.”
- Alejandro Iñárritu

>"Superman makes me vomit, Batman and all of that. That whole empire... this religion... It is so important that superheroes suffer... I don't give a damn, I shit on the United States."
- Alejandro Jodorowsky

>"To my mind, this embracing of what were unambiguously children's characters at their mid-20th century inception seems to indicate a retreat from the admittedly overwhelming complexities of modern existence"
- Alan Moore

>"The movies are for children but they don't want to admit that... There is a small group of fans that do not like comic sidekicks. They want the films to be tough like The Terminator, and they get very upset and opinionated about anything that has anything to do with being childlike."
- George Lucas

imagine how good a Batman movie could be if it wasn't made by executives at Warner Bros whos priorities are shared cinematic universes, franchises, and toys?

Imagine how fucking a great a character driven, small, independent Batman movie would be with a heavy enthuses on atmosphere. Some of these comic book characters could actually be fucking great.

It's such a shame we'll never see them outside of world ending, team up, blue laser shooting up into the sky cgi cluster fuck superhero movies.

>people on Sup Forums are in their early 20s
>in other news.. water...wet!

I hope for your own sake you aren't over the age of 25 and still wasting your time here.

And no self respecting adult listens to the opinions of some rag internet sight shouting opinions as facts.
>If you like Pokemon you are not an adult.
>Because its for kids.
And adults made it, wrote it, animated it, made the music for it.
>For kids.
So they cant enjoy the product they made because they made it for kids?
>Im not saying that.
So adults can like Pokemon.
So we should hire kids to make the show.

>my kiddie picture books are much better than those superhero kiddie picture books

>That's like saying anime is a whole medium too though
Well, animation is the medium, anime is just jap animation.

>No self-respecting adult should buy comics or watch superhero movies
Is this news to people? I figured this was common knowledge.

>literally arguing with yourself and losing

>newfag cancer thinks he knows anything

kek, let me guess you found Sup Forums in 2009

Why the fuck would anyone want to be an "adult?" Our work schedules take over our entire lives for the majority of it, and nobody gets paid enough to buy property or invest in anything that moves them up classwise. Living check to check is a miserable reality for anyone under 30 who wasn't born wealthy in the US, and it's likely to get worse. So again, why the fuck would I want to interact or contribute to a society that has repeatedly tried to fuck me over?

>whiny tumblrinas and their numale cucks whine about muhsoggyknee and problematic themes in superhero movies
>studios making bank so give no fucks
>"lol superhero movies are for kids dont be such a little manbaby stop watching them now"

nah. found it in 2013 :)

>kiddie picture book

Thanks to the media a lot of western men now in 2016 have lost respect for themselves and now don't give a fuck what people think and do as they please.

numale cucks love superhero movies

>lifestyle sections
>literally the media control your lfie

>Let’s use a food analogy. It’s like making hamburger out of Wagu beef mixed withfoie grasand then serving it in a toasted brioche bun and topping it with artisan cheddar, oak-cured bacon and hand-brined pickles. Sure, the end result will be good but it will be kind of “stupid-good,” the ultimate expression of something quite dumb. A cassoulet made with far cheaper ingredients would be a better, more sophisticated and more satisfying dish by almost any yardstick.
I don't even like capeshit but this guy is a complete retard

Who's more pathetic? Grown men who watch capeshit or journalist who write pieces like this? I'd say both.

You for being the former, but trying to play the above this whole thing card

It's absolutely true. Unfortunately there are so many fucking retards around that if you question the infantilisation of adult culture then they jump to their number one excuse - "Why don't you like fun? You're just pretentious."

>you're pretentious if you don't want to watch grown men in spandex act against a tennis ball in front of a green screen 6 times a year

>Anybody can enjoy anything and only cunts try to tell you otherwise.


nah, they did at first, because they thought they could bend them to their will like they did with marvel comics, but problematic fav and the rest have put their noses out of joint too many times now that they're singing a different tune. Also, please understand that I'm not a capeshit fan myself, I just hate the intellectual dishonesty of these people.

nice argument

Eh, that got too sentimental in the end. I loved the harder-hitting parts, like when he discovers his friend's been living in a shack for years and lost his mind, that was some grim shit.

I don't know if it's that but it's now totally acceptable, expected even, for adults to watch stuff aimed squarely at kids. My friends are totally normal well-adjusted people but they tell me how great the Minions are, and suggest the latest kids' cartoon movies for cinema outings. Sometimes I feel like an alien.

>enjoying any fictional and scripted entertainment to distract you from your broken dreams and that ugly wife you knocked up and settled for.
If you enjoy any kind of entertainment aren't you just a pussy too afraid to go out and experience life? Havent you faggots ever killed a man or built a house? Im so ready for the nukes to start going off.

Super hero movies and shows are one of the absolute foundations of nu-male-ism.

But I'm not.

This shit's badass, c'mon man.

sauce m8

>the first thing you're thinking of is slice of life moe-shit
I don't know. Many normies have more contact with shonen (or whatever the spelling) because of the success of DBZ, St Seya, Naruto, ...

You should be able to solve this.

Better off desu, had to leave during that time because it was so shit. I mean it's still shit but it's a nice escape from the social media crap that has been so prevalent in the last few years.

>my kiddie movies by Murnau and Wigman are much better than those kiddie movies by Bay and Tarantino

Capeshitters BTFO

Good, these movies are boring as fuck. They're like the simplest kids book

What's with this sudden influx of normalfags and snobs on Sup Forums who think they are too good for comics and games?

Remember that this site was founded an anime

nothing on reverse image search and the archive has no other posts.

Buttsmithy, be warned though elf buttsex ahoy


When someone says anime, I think of berserk.

nope, they rode the initial wave because they thought, that like the comics, they would embrace social justice in a big way, but they made so much money, ridiculous money, that the studio would never let them make major changes to the formula now, look at how they went bananas over age of ultron and doctor strange.

America was founded by Native americans!!

Who gives a shit what it was

Welcome to 2007 n00b

“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

-C.S. Lewis

thanks m8

Execs go where the money is and right now it's in superhero movies. The funny thing is these people complaining about superhero movies probably also wouldn't be able to enjoy anything more complicated than capeshit. I want to know what this guy's favorite movie is.

Fuck that's a good quote

>Series like The Wire, Breaking Bad, Narcos and Deutschland 83 are the real heirs to all those great films from the 1970s like Taxi Driver and Apocalypse Now

All those shows are just soap operas that are ok for men to watch. Add Mad Men to that list as well.

This. Capeshit as fun af.

Yea but capeshit is much dumber than pixar movies, they're safe and bland. Making them darker doesn't change the fact that we've seen the story told 1 million times before

Pic related: Please freely give this "picture book" to your kids.


can't be assed to read the article
but most cape comics are complete fucking garbage that no one should read, the movies are regular popcorn trash, don't really get the appeal
but fuck that guy, people are free to do what they enjoy

Not even a Sup Forumsfag but I will say I have read some comics that would make great movies if they did it right, however it's just the latest Hollywood fixation. They've been doing it since the early 1900s. Barton Fink addresses this well I think. You can shit on capeshit for being childish or shallow but its no different from the Hollywood fad before this one or the one before that one. To act like it's somehow worse because instead of doing poor book adaptations they're doing poor comic adaptations seems like a pedantic distinction to make.

>all simon pegg has ever done is make low brow garbage for idiots.
>shits on others for doing the exact same shit


You do know that Lewis was very outspoken about wasting time with lower forms of art, right? Do you think he would have taken your side here? Or is this just another case of the juvenile misusing his quote to defend themselves?

this is the most fedora thing ive seen all year

Alan Moore knows the score

>No adult should buy comics
Aren´t comic sales going down? Despite the movies, no one is reading them. Only watching the next movie.

>Thinking Man
I can smell his disgusting 105IQ from here

I don't buy comics and superhero movies are just action movies of the 2010s
There's nothing wrong with a dumb flick every year




Do you have this saved for every time that quote pops up? I was expecting it when I saw the quote and here it is.

I'm glad he found someone to look down on. That can't be easy for an internet journalist.

Very true. Still, most superhero films are bad because they themselves suffer from this problem. MCU and DC at least.
Now, Raimi's Spiderman, those were great comic book films, and they were great cause tehy embraced the child-like qualities of its source.

Adventures of Tintin
Charlie Brown
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck

These three has way more "adult" content than edgy superhero films.

Ba dum tsh!

Ever since the /mlp/ drones were defending themselves with it.

old comics book were way more childish than now, most of the superheroes comics now are much more adult, while the cartoons are just for kids, but people still think the cartoons are exactly like the comics.

Only now they are trying to make superheroes movies a little more adult, like the comics has been doing for a while.

Says the guy who writes for the Jew York Times who has never turned a wrench once in his life. Jew York 'intellectuals' have always been a joke.

They were for all ages, now they're for (early)teenagers exclussively

I think I get more "oh come the fuck on" when people take them so.goddamn.seriously.

It's like if you went back in time and people were having heated arguments every single day for years on end about movies like The Mummy 2 and Jurassic Park 3.

Spiderman 1 is a story of finding your identity post-graduation. Its more about becoming your own man at its heart. Spiderman 2 meanwhile is about being responsible for what you become and being mature about your decisions. The superhero thing then is just for show and not the end all be all.

Do you think a film having themes somehow contradicts being child-like? The villains in boths films are cartoonish as hell and Raimi treats them that way. And not only that, he seems to have fun while doing it

This shit freaked me out as a kid.