What is there to know about this guy? I heard newt Gingrich was a possible trump vp

What is there to know about this guy? I heard newt Gingrich was a possible trump vp

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He won't be VP.

anyone with a brain would realize gingrich gave us nafta and therefore can't be VP

Former speaker of the house, architect of the Contract with America, and one of the most respected politicians in America.

He is about my favorite establishment republican. He is a true statesman and an accomplished legislator. He should not be Trumps VP partly for all those reasons.

>Le moonbase man

I like him but he shouldn't be VP, would be a great Chief of Staff though.

Lead the Republican party during the 90s

Made Clinton cut welfare a little so we could have that famous surplus that lasted 5 minutes

ya dude the moonbase is the shit.

Honestly, why the fuck hasnt the US taken over the moon and built a military base on it?

Also, there's a ton of Helium three up there that can be used to run fucking FUSION reactors. This is all well known and true. Yet people fucking mocked Gingrich in 2012 over the "ludicrous" moonbase.

Fucking morons.

he's really thirsty to be president himself

but he should be in Trump's cabinet

could be a pretty secure nuclear waste storage area, no sandnigger can get to it, no environmental problems from storing that shit there, would create jobs, and we can have NASA back, so yeah, why not?

Probably one of the smartest men out there.


He orchestrated what became known as the "Republican Revolution" in the 1994 midterm elections, which won Republicans both the House and the Senate. They hadn't controlled the House for 40 years.

It's not just this. There's more to the story. The Democrats only cut welfare after Gingrich and the Republicans shut down the fucking government for like 4 months.

Gingrich is one of the last great congressional heros. He used congresses last power (the power of the purse) to get what he wanted. They'd have accomplished alot more spending cuts than just some miniscule rollback of welfare if Bob Rubin (clinton's treasury secretary) hadnt fucking borrowed the US governernment workers' pensions to pay the US bills.

It was un-fucking real. There is no law that says the treasury secretary can fucking temporarily de-fund pensions (and thus invalidate contracts w individuals at will). Bob Rubin should be in fucking jail, but whatever.

The point is, Gingrich is a political hero.

However, he also divorced a bunch of chicks, and one of them he divorced after she got cancer and was on her deathbed, so people think he's an asshole lol.

>Gingrinch becomes VP
>Trump Moonbase and Casino opens in 2020
>Trump literally leads humanity on a great crusade into space.
>Grand opening happens, Trump steps out of his pod into the casino wearing a solid gold space suit.
>Takes it off, steps out in his tux
>Jeb Bush's mother asks him why he doesn't have a moon base
>Jeb sudduko's
>Putin meanwhile in the west wing torturing a british spy
>Ghost of JFK shitposts on Sup Forums about how good things really are.

He should be press secretary. Every time he is on Fox News he says some genius-tier stuff.



I'll post the important bits of the Wiki article for you guys:

>Rather than campaigning independently in each district, Republican candidates chose to rally behind a single national program and message fronted by Georgia congressman Newt Gingrich. They alleged Clinton was not the New Democrat he claimed he was during his 1992 campaign, but was a "tax and spend" liberal. The Republicans offered an alternative to Clinton's policies in the form of the Contract with America.[2]


>The Contract with America was a document released by the United States Republican Party during the 1994 Congressional election campaign. Written by Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey, and in part using text from former President Ronald Reagan's 1985 State of the Union Address, the Contract detailed the actions the Republicans promised to take if they became the majority party in the United States House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. Many of the Contract's policy ideas originated at The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

>The Contract with America was introduced six weeks before the 1994 Congressional election, the first mid-term election of President Bill Clinton's Administration, and was signed by all but two of the Republican members of the House and all of the Party's non-incumbent Republican Congressional candidates.

Also, keep in mind that Donald Trump went to Newt Gingrich before anybody else to discuss running for President.


or we can run breeder reactors and not have to worry about nuclear waste.

He really does. I want to dislike him because he was part of the establishment for so long, but I have never heard him say something that didn't make sense. He is definitely a very intelligent man.

What kind of mother would name her child a fucking Newt Gingrich?

>data-mining opinions on Newt as VP
Sup Forums will respond to this

This. He's also a Sheldon Adelson goy and a globalist.
Has past wife issues, too.


It didn't work with embed, but go to 30m-25s for relevant part about Gingrich.