I just watched old VHS tapes on Christmas which more or less documented my first 4 years on this planet...

I just watched old VHS tapes on Christmas which more or less documented my first 4 years on this planet. Now I'm sitting here crying like a bitch because I hate myself and I hate that I let this cute, innocent little kid down. Where did it all went wrong you guys? I'm 27 now, a bit overweight, bad mindset (I hate too much) and just really unhappy. I dont know the times were so much better back then. It was all so beautiful and colorful and loving and warm. I believe the world has gone so cold nowadays. Now my aunt who filmed all this is in the hospital, old and sick, I dont see my brother very often and my mother got so hateful of anything too for some reason. It just makes me so sad guys. I put this here because although I have a few good friends, I'm not comfortable talking about stuff like this to anyone. Anyone things I'm a laid back, happy, funny guy but I hate this mask of mine. I dunno guys, I just want to feel the love again that is in the air when you are 4 years old I guess. wat fucking do?

tl;dr I'm unhappy with myself, wat do

join the army

why would you subject yourself to that?

your parents fucked you over by not teaching you social skills.

what will that do

Join navy. Get married. Raise kids with Christian values. Feel successful.

OPTIONAL: Receive college degree (community college works fine), and/or become firefighter.

I'm already in college and I'm working in an elementary school too. Getting married is a problem when you don't have a girl.

I would say put yourself out there more than ever (attempt to socialize) and find/make happiness make it real like was when you were younger.

sorry about what your going through bro

thank you man.

Oh look, you look like a guy from Sup Forums. Just accept the fact that your situation will never change, because deep inside you know that.

Dude it's not that bad. There is always time to change. Just get's a bit harder at xmas for everyone really.

Embrace the inner child, bucko

You should just go to Sup Forums and go be with all the other depressed people that miss the past.

Don't be nostalgic faggot. Hindsight is perfect vision

if it was that easy. how?

holidays are the worst - they are all wrapped up in what our lives "should" be like. Especially about family.

here is the good news 27 isn't that old. plenty of time to change yourself for the better. find people you like. make a family you want to be a part of.

I'm 44 and realizing just how fucked up I am. I would literally sacrifice a strangers life to be 27 again.

thank you bro, keep your head up. it's easy for me to say, but I think 44 isnt THAT old either you have plenty of time left man.

>I hate myself and I hate that I let this cute, innocent little kid down
I'm 34 and I've had the same exact thought before.

I guarantee my situation is more pathetic than yours. Can I do something about it? Sure. Do I know what I need to do? Yep. But I drink and have no ambition.

I cant even look in the mirror anymore. If I think about what 4 year old me would say if he knew how he's going to be and how he's going to look 23 years later, I get so angry at myself. 4 year old me wouldn't want to become 27 year old me.

I empathize “kids”. 45. Went through a massive existential crisis, regret, anger, lost time, a couple of years ago. It sucks. More time spent looking back/regretting, more time lost in the present.

>I dont know the times were so much better back then. It was all so beautiful and colorful and loving and warm.
It's called growing up.

>I dunno guys, I just want to feel the love again that is in the air when you are 4 years old I guess. wat fucking do?
Have kids.

That's probably right. Happens when you just let children sit in front of the TV etc.

“I can’t wait until I grow up, and can drive, drink, do adult stuff...”


I dunno I had a great childhood. I'd say until I became a teenager. Social Media happened, Internet happened. It went all down hill from there on out

>If I think about what 4 year old me would say if he knew how he's going to be and how he's going to look 23 years later, I get so angry at myself. 4 year old me wouldn't want to become 27 year old me.
You have a bad view of yourself, and it all starts there.
Many innocent 4 year-old boys ended up as murderers and rapists and all kind of bad people. Maybe you're not living shit, but just an average human - with all ups and all downs?

I felt the same a while ago..
Drugs actually help.. Start with something not too heavy, but it is crucial you do it steadily so you can start getting ready for something harder.. After a while you are going to feel awesome.. I've been doing heroin for about a year now.. It's awesome!!
Don't let get bullshit around from people saying it's dangerous and shit.. It's just that big pharmaceutical companies don't get a cut and they want you to take only their shit.

Bunch of fags

I guess. I don't know. I feel like I had much more potential of some kind. I dont even know what kind of potential though.

If it was the fault of the internet you could easily fix it.
You became an adult, and adult life is full of problems.
You just use the internet to fill the void in your life. You need an aim, like having a family, something that gives you a reason to live and to make money. And then you need children, and you will have a chance to recreate the positive experiences you miss.
If you lack the will to get out of your misery, no amount of words, whether warm or cold, will help you.

One of the biggest lessons in life and the most useful is to become more mindful. Live in the present. Many mental illnesses spring forth from thinking about the past incessantly and fuelling your regrets. You make yourself in this life, good news is you’re still making yourself so nothing is cast in stone...

Bad and disgusting trolling.

that is great advice. I really use the internet to fill a void. didnt ever think about it that way. its hard fighting myself to get out of this misery. I will try.

that is also true. thank you as well.

Dont even give him attention user

Life isn't about expressing yourself or winning "bigly." We live to pass on our genes, so that our children can carry on with our legacy.
Unless you are very successful, you will probably be forgotten after three generations. Without kids, everything you build and achieve will vanish into oblivion. The animal instincts of humans understand that, and trigger a growing sense of desperation and loneyness if we grew older without having children. Hence cat ladies.
Going to the gym might help. At least it gives you a feeling that their is a constant improvement in your life.

Probably around the time I was born

Why is Sup Forums full of niggerfaggots trying to help each other?
Go back to Twitter roody poo candy asses

because Sup Forums always helped eachother. but its more fun to masturbate to shemales and laugh about bananas I guess. newfag.

If you're posting on Sup Forums, it's, too late. Try to devote your miserable life towards making others happy.

>because Sup Forums always helped eachother

kill yourself! yay! once you're dead, you'll be happy again! with jesus! (or whatever fairy tale you believe in)

you are clinically retarded right?

Follow the way of the warrior. Or budo, as it were. This helped me. It might sound like some weeb bullshit but try to live your life how you would picture some generic samurai would. Go for a hike, watch a sunrise/sunset, take a martial arts class, help at the homeless shelter, just do good and give whatever you decide to do 100%. It might take a while, but you'll eventually start feeling better and purpose will start to come back to your life.

I decided to come out as gay to my family when I was 15 I just had to tell someone I couldn't hold it in I initially told my sister but being the sociopathic snitch that she is she instantly ran to my mother who then told my father and at that point I had no choice but to come out and was told no faggot will live in my house and was kicked out to live on the street. What proceeded was a lot of heartache and pain but there were good times as well (if you can call it "good") I really want to post more but I'm too lazy to write because nobody cares anyway but if you want me to I will tell you all of it. I'm 21 btw

yeah, go on bud

Find the most interesting thing about yourself and let it be known.If no one hears, be louder.

Actually this:
You can rehash your life's regrets and be miserable or create positivity just the same. Every day above ground is a good day

I wasted my childhood in front of runescape and counter strike instead of huffing gasoline and learning social skills which makes me angry as fuck that I can't take it back now or even start now without a delayed start so to speak in other words I'm retarded thanks to computers

Do one thing at once.
Get fitter - go to gym or even better, go swimming at least 4 times a week
Stop visiting here - it's cancer
Cut down on porn. Stop fapping every day.
Do some volunteer work - soup kitchen or walking dogs for the sick, disabled
Do stuff for others without expecting any reward
Start some evening classes: fencing etc where girls go and strike up conversations.
Get laid. This releases tension.
Wear sunscreen.

thank you, will do. gotta find a hobby besides vidya and internet anyways