If I killed someone in self defense, let's say in a home invasion, would any of the following be illegal after the kill?

If I killed someone in self defense, let's say in a home invasion, would any of the following be illegal after the kill?

Beheading the deceased

Collecting a trophy i.e. teeth, finger, hair

Where would I go to find out what's legally acceptable in terms of self defense?

Do it. It might be unprecedented though. Try going for the small stuff. Maybe a tooth.

Desecration of a corpse is illegal in most jurisdictions.

>Beheading the deceased
>Collecting a trophy i.e. teeth, finger, hair
Yes, those would not be things you should do. Though, you take a bit of hair/fingernails no one will notice.

Collecting a trophy would make proving you acted in self defense extremely difficult.

Nope, none of them.
Though you could probably get away with keeping hair if you hid it

They will, at least initially, assume murder and not self defense if you start mutilating the corpse or taking "trophies".

You would just be making life hard for yourself. They would not be inclined to believe your version of events if you did that to the corpse.

I think the remains of the body would belong to the family of the deceased

You can always claim that your beliefs require you to count coup. Say that you're 1/16 Cherokee and take a plug of his scalp.

That would be desecration of a corpse.


The prosecution wouldn't have a hard time convincing a jury you didn't have self defense in mind

OP you're being 2FuckingEdgy4Me

that's a mental problem

what color is your skin?

>Beheading the deceased
Muhammad pls


Be sure to eat their heart, to gain their courage.

You sound like a sociopath OP. Might want to get that checked out.

just take his watch jewerly or wallet, is better that having a piece of a corpse.

Say strictly in a home invasion though.

Not really mental.

Plenty of cultures had their prizes after combat.

something unnoticable like
said, maybe a tooth. I personally would want a driver's license if they carry a wallet but if its a coon don't count on that cause they cost about $40 which they would rather spend on black and milds or colt .45s and shitty weed

So this isn't a mental problem for OP, it's really more of a softer society that we live in that caters towards criminals.

If OP wants to send a message, why not?

It's fucked up how Americans can legally kill intruders yet I get arrested for metal spoons.

Scalps are ok. Nobody'll blame you for taking a scalp.

The body belongs to the state in both of our countries until after the postmortem examination

So it's easier to defend that he lost a tooth during the struggle?

If he actually lost the tooth during the struggle. But I wouldn't chance it, they can recreate the scene and go in really deep if they suspect foul play, there is a difference between extracting a tooth after death and knocking out a tooth during a fight and their investigators will be able to find out which is which -if- they call the investigators.

So if I were to admit that due to some non regulated warrior code that I had collected a trophy after I defended myself, could I be excluded from any wrong doing in self defense but still get in trouble for damaging state property?

It's possible, unless you break some other law in place that is specifically in place to deal with corpse desecration.

and there is a chance the family will sue you in civil court as well. But I can't see the need to keep a trophy. If I killed a home invader, I would probably just bury them in the garden and not tell anybody.

Is there ever a time during a struggle where it is no longer considered self defense? Or is there such a thing as excessive force in a home invasion?

I have a wooden mallet. Would I get in trouble for bashing a skull in with it in self defense?

Use of deadly force in a self-defense case means only using the level of force you need to remove a threat. There is no way you could justify desecrating a corpse after you've incapacitated the attacker.

I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that one. In england one is allowed to use reasonable force to prevent ANY crime occuring and if the other party is dead and you are the only witness, I suppose you will have to think of some circumstance that lead you to bashing a man's head in with a wooden mallet, but as far as I can understand, if he had a weapon then you could smash his head in but if you do that after shooting him then the analysts will be able to detect that.

How confidant are you that you could win a fight armed with only a wooden mallet?

Mind you this is all hypothetical and for imagination.

But, have you ever even, without full force, smacked, say your hand, with a mallet? It's got some weight to it.

Don't know but in England it's customary to make the burglar a cup of tea while he's working.