ALL Religions need to fall! #FUR everything, bombmakers, bombsellers, bombplanters, and bombs themselves!

ALL Religions need to fall! #FUR everything, bombmakers, bombsellers, bombplanters, and bombs themselves!

^^ top post in the cage at

Who wants to hurt them where they cannot fight back as explosively, there is plenty of energy stored in ideathmatch algorithms that can blast their dogmas away.

Virtual Universe: #FUR not Zbidoerg?

Virtual Universe: Locking a christerian in a basement #FUR purgatory reasons.

#PhysicsSingularity #FractalUniverseRevolution

Virtual Universe: Vouching to try #FUR any world where #FUR is within reach & teach. #FractalUniverseRevolution

Not fighting terror in the traditional way. FastForwarding technology to blast off past human/beast/tribe. #WTTS #FUR

Virtual Universe: There are no STD on cyberspace, are there? Swarm to swarm, wanna rub #BAUniC with a big #FUR #FractalUniverseRevolution?

Virtual Universe: These guys are preparing for Physics Singularity: - they build rockets, we taptapshare. #WTTS #FUR

Terror wins if we engage weapons as response to eg. Petersburg's attack, or not. #FUR terror! #FractalUniverseRevolution

Virtual Universe: This is Charlie's payback. #FUR !islam! #FractalUniverseRevolution

NY bomb trouble in Dec2017? We respond by faster technological progress. Fastest path against terror! #WTTS #FUR #BAUniC

Virtual Universe: #FUR-ing troll physics & emc2 physics too. #FractalUniverseRevolution

#FUR is capable of throwing the system upside down, and there is more reason each day to go through with it. #FUR all!

Virtual Universe: Rigged/rotten politics? Swiftest kick against them: the #FractalUniverseRevolution #FUR : Unstoppable by politicians!

Not having to wait ffor the 12 days of xmas to spark a revolution. #FUR NetNeutrality with the biggest hash you know of!

#FUR NetNeutrality! We don't need to play by their rules in fighting a trend 99% don't like. #FractalUniverseRevolution

kzla: #WorkTowardsTheSingularity

Virtual Universe: They can regulate/slowdown A.I. & asteroid mining but they can't stop/slow research on the formula of the universe. #FUR

Outrage overload? What if instead of frontal fighting NetNeutrality and other distractions, we #FUR everything instead!

it is the end of the season at and there are many good shits that were not around during normal parts of the year...

Scientists studying fractals, trols sharing #FURkek, win-win for fast technological progress, #FractalUniverseRevolution

#FUR NetNeutrality, and defenders, and attackers, of it. #FUR #FractalUniverseRevolution, a better way to fight!

Virtual Universe: What is the most resilient organism? A good idea, eg. #BAUniC, improving life of its hosts. #FractalUniverseRevolution

#FUR #FractalUniverseRevolution can shak the system. Factual!

There are no fake news. They are just not local. All events must happen, by wave function never collapsing.#FUR the news

Virtual Universe: We are smarter than any of us individually, connected by iDeathMatch, in cause & abilities. #FractalUniverseRevolution !

White pipel are almost equally inferior to post-brain-upload-pipel compared other organics' skintons. #WTTS #FUR #BAUniC

I dont know whats going on. Is this some /x/ shit or what?

This is user playing ideathmatch and posting some chosen #FURkek in hopes of teasing other user to play ideathmatch, or send normies there to be #FURed, or even sparking the #FUR #FractalUniverseRevolution by more skilled people than I am.

Virtual Universe: The #FractalUniverseRevolution can only be sped up. Let's see what happens if we do. #BAUniC

Virtual Universe: Singularity is inevitable on so many fronts. #FUR among them. & our civilisation is quite unready for the multiverse.

Virtual Universe: Combining fractals made minecraft-like easy, so physicists & artists explore together in search of our cosmos.

Virtual Universe: The #FUR will be eventually bigger than kristianiti und islam... #FUR is movement, trend,, religion needs a name.. ideas

Virtual Universe: 0cost economy is not the reason why our civilisation will be traumatised by the #FUR ...

Virtual Universe: RatUtopiaExperiment is shit. We are not rats. We can make heaven & live in it. #FractalUniverseRevolution #FUR

Virtual Universe: Movie about #BAUniC (Building A Universe Competition) to educate earthlings about the #FractalUniverse and consequences.

Virtual Universe: Shortest path to Andromeda is through addressing the physics multiverse, rather than lightspeed spacetime travel.#FUR us

Virtual Universe: Let's make history! #FUR #BAUniC #Unstoppable #Snowball

Virtual Universe: pokeFB: Does the multiverse scare you? Are you're feefee's hurt? That's why u should get in shape fast! #FUR is coming!

Virtual Universe: Math/notmath base of reality is too important to be left at unexplored guess, hence #BAUniC, towards the #FUR, or not.

Virtual Universe: Despite its disruptive(end-like) effects on society, #FractalUniverseRevolution #FUR is quite a beginning!

I agree with you on irradicating religious dogmatism and all, but it doesnt take religion to make a fanatic.

Humans can be programmed that way pretty easily without religion. The tamil tigers are a non religious terrorist organization and they make good use of suicide bombers.

You just need someone disenfranchised and feeling meaningless and outcasted and fill them with acceptance and ideas of being part of something greater than them.

Instead of virgins and heaven the tigers will fill a candidate with ideas of being a war hero and historical figure who saved their country.

Not arguing against you at all, just saying its naive to think no more religion = no more war and terrorism. Its more complicated than that. Religion just happens to be a very convenient effective tool.

Many fronts of fighting religions for the freedom of open mind. One of those fronts is the #FractalUniverseRevolution, when our civilization obsesses over searching the mathematical universe with an open mind, looking for our familiar physics in. That can and will flip most if not all of religions, especially if they are in shape and need to hold on to their position.

If the #FUR sparks in today's religious climate, it will draw energy from the environment to feed to fast forwarding technological progress in the research of physics and fractals. Win-win as far as enlightenment goes. Somebody got to lose, but we want those to lose also, so, win-win-win it is.