Sieg heil

sieg heil

I miss the days when you had to have slaves and a small amount of resources to shit post now anyone on the Internet can just shit post
Shit post as such in the picture


I miss the days you had to actually be antisemetic and a race realist/purist to be called a nazi.

It's late. Off to bed with you, little man.


Dein Hund soll deine Mutter ficken Arschloch Hurensohn

either a fatty or edge lord, probably bouth

88 mein komerad

what the fuck are you talking about cunt ill destroy you and your dog

Is you this you op?



truth. at least usa is to blame those refugees come flooding europe.

u wanna tussle bic boy

Kind sir, will you please explain the meaning of the number 88?

I mean, fuck Nazis but.. if those guys could see what was to come..

Hell I'm pretty sure some of them have been punched in the face by a libtard calling them Nazis in their old age.

totally agree.

i agree



How stupied you are to wish back a time where People was killed only for their origin or opinion. You are very very poor humans without education

88 is a bad number, only stupid people like the number 88. All the smart people like the number 14. 14 is good, 88 is bad.

shut up jew

H is letter number 8 in the alphabet. So 88=HH=Heil Hitler

hell yeah, 1488!

holy shit kys

sie geil?




I miss the days when Antifa and Ameritards were the only one using the word "Nazi".

..and germans..

Hail victory brother.

Germans didn't called themselves Nazis.

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