Horse's foot with the hoof removed

Horse's foot with the hoof removed.


pour salt on it

Am I supposed to find it interesting?

or you could comb it

I always wanted to lick this

I find it arousing for some reason

nigger what

i really want to bite it, everytime i see this picture i think that, i dont know why but it just looks really chewy

I wonder how painful that really is, a whole organ of a nail removed at once. damn man that is brutal. i have seen this so many times and I always imagine the pain of loosing all five nails on my foot or all the skin on my foot. Horses got it rough boys.

A: The horse is already dead
B: I'm fairly sure it was dissolved off with some kind of acid or some such. There's no tear or ripping.

>I always imagine
You're not a horse so shut the fuck up and stop projecting. We don't feel anything

Epic! Haha! LOL! ROFL! Screecap! Sup Forums epic!

Then you must not have fun nightmare that feel real. Ever been tourtured in your sleep? Most of the time the peeling of flesh feels similar i would assume. A deep burning. If you wanna be a faggot at least make a point.

Horse is actually in less pain with its nail removed. Horses with infected feet will have the nail removed and cleaned of infection. End result is this picture.



Op trolled you all successfully. This is actually only on them as newborns but quickly dries and falls off. It's a protection for the mother as the calf comes out. It has a name but I forget it

Would love to touch this. Looks satisfying and slimy

Fake and gay
This is what happen if a horse remove his hoofs

The eponychium which covers a foal's hooves are formed so that during birth, the chances of the foal's hooves perforating the Dam's uterus/vaginal wall is minimized.
The OP's picture is that of an adult horse's foot, with the hoof removed to show the interior laminae, which is what holds the hoof TO the foot. This is the part that fails during 'Founder', and is damnably difficult to treat/cure.
Given the size and weight of a horse, particularly when galloping/carrying a rider? The stresses on their hooves/lower legs is phenomenal, and the main reason so many race/competition horses break down and die younger than they should.

1992-2004-2010-2011-2013-2017. Well rested.

Almost go me, cunt. Nice b8. It's soft because it doesn't hurt mommy horse as it's been born. A simple Google will receipt this.