

What the

The miracle of life my nigger.

Real classy.

This is trashy as hell

Alright, but i mean theres a trampoline right fucking there, could've given the guy a softer landing at least

he looks dead already to me...


youre stupid

Nah mate, still attached to mother and getting nutrients and air from cord.

Once it's out, little man will take his first breath any moment after birth.


Our second kid was a water birth. Spent his first 2 minutes underwater having a swim before we got him out and he started breathing on his own



Cord's around the neck, little guy needs help

But yeah, popping him out from that height can't be good

Lol.. I worded it a little wrong.

"Oxygenated blood" would've been a bit more correct.

god i wanna fuck that baby's mouth

Not the best thing, but considering what that baby just went through to get out of there, that little drop is nothing.

Babies are super resilient.. a lot more than you think.

Careful of that edge.

it's like a second asshole yknow

lol nah wat the fuck is she a nigger?

>birthing fluid, guts on trampoline
>mom and baby slip and be circus folk for 3 seconds
>dead baby
at least a pillow not a trampoline or the ground lol

blue face isn't a very good sign anyway.
i saw some babies being born, none of those was that blue

It's so obvious... She should have used the fucking slide.

Search google for:

They die from being shaked m8

babby's dead


>Search google for:

Well how do ya like that?

It's will find a link to the vid you fucking retard.


Great. Now the baby has a dent on it's head. "Mother of the Year" folks.