My mouth starts watering just by the thought of vodka

my mouth starts watering just by the thought of vodka
is this normal?

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Hej Juha, hur är läget i öst?

It's normal for my wife.

For an alcohol, it's perfectly normal.

my mouth starts watering just by the thought of water
is this normal?

Idk, are you of a slavic persuasion?

>the driver was an alcohol


A real alcoholic hates two things


And alcohol

my mouth starts watering when I think about taking a poop. is this normal?

Funny cause it's true. I'm an alcoholic for more than 10 years now and I hate myself and alcohol. Sipin beer now

>suffering from an illness that tells you you dont have an illness

novaks come a long way. I'm proud of him

Sigh nothing bores me more than "addicts".

> me problem me problems me difficulties privilegie fake disease


It's astounding to me how anyone can lack the mental fortitude to kick a habit.

Even more astounding is how people try known-super-addicting shit when it's KNOWN to be super addictive. Ass hattricks.

You're clearly 13

he was shooting heroin from when he was like 12 - 13 years old

alcohol counts as one of the most addictive drugs.
and im sure you have some habits that you would like to change. if not congratulation on your enlightened being.

This will never not be funny.

then we know

Ya know, a lot of people say you can't be this fucking stupid. I believe you can be.


Or both.

Mouth starts watering, normal?

Handsome and smug.

Used alcohol, cannabis and every single naturally occuring psychedelic drug out there.

There are only 2 explanations. Either you are an alcoholic or you just like the taste of vodka.

Actually there is another explanation which is you can be both like me right now. Drinking vodka with fresh orange juice ftw

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