What's the worst thing a woman can say right after you stick it in?

What's the worst thing a woman can say right after you stick it in?

Sing the entirety of 'The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald' by Gordon Lightfoot.

Is it in yet?

Welcome to AIDS


Is it in yet?

I think I'm gay.

What's your brother up to?

Are you done yet?

You're the biggest of all your friends

Like, you can't even tell that this time last year I was a man. The scars are hardly visible.

Your Dad was bigger.

The cigar that I smoke it with provides more sensuous pleasure than your dick

Hey dad chris hansen is right there

Yo'ur mom gay lol
Brings a tear to my eye knowing such hateful words exist

The pus is slippery, isn't it?

I'm not 23, I'm 13.


Best thing to say

>worst thing a woman can say right after you stick it in
Have you read the topic?

i have crabs

...and your drunk again dad

no your just not a peddy file

So, I know at the family reunion I said we weren't related, but I'm actually your aunt.

>"I love you."

Now you have Herpes too!

that guy looks chill as fuck

I’ve been told this. My dick is 6.5 inches too. It’s sucks.

No homo.

I would actually rather enjoy that, provided she has a decent singing voice.

Forgot to take my aids meds

Pay me first

Feels like real vagina?

Dont get cut by that razorblade

Dont squeeze the maggots


Your mom was bigger

I thought I would feel it more 'after' the surgery...

>he doesn't

I really like being pregnant, so I poked holes in the condom.

'whenever your ready'

>your mom was tighter

Ya missed the layup champ.

'so much smaller than dad'

I had that incident when i fucked a drunk bitch i put my dick in it was in by then and she was like: hahaha

Im average sized so it cant be my dick why was she laughing?

"Btw user i have HIV, i hope that's not a problem or I'll say you raped me"

That last fart was kinda wet.


"uncle, stop it hurts... I'm telling mommy"

Say nothing and pretend shes having a great time while in reality its nowhere near good and she doesnt want to hurt my feelings.

6 inches here.
I guess thats how you get depression.

"Silence is golden, duct tape is silver."

Sorry about the warts. I hope you can’t feel them to much?

I can only imagine our wedding night user

I hope you don't mind me facetiming my dad.

Wow, the operation worked wonders!

feel just like the real thing right ?

"I'm 18, not 12."

I fucked a girl who break up with his bf a few days before and she started crying in the middle of sex. I stopped and she was like: oh no, continue. Dont mind me.. like how the fuck can i continue if bitch is literally screaming of sadness

should've killed her right there

Traps are gay

Riding tge cock carousel is how women get over breakups

"The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!"

You're so small

Квo кaзa пyтьo дpeбeн? Кo иcкaш дa знaйш cъм зaвъpшил c oтличиe в Mopcкия Флoт и cъм yчacтвaл в cyмaти aкции cpeщy Aл-Кaйдa и имaм нaд 300 пoтвъpдeни yбийcтвa бe.Tpeниpaл cъм пoд блoкa и cъм нaй-якия cнaйпep в пeхoтaтa.Eднa мишeнa cи зa мeнe бe. Щa изтpия c тoчнocт дeтo цял cвят нe e виждaл дo cя мa, ceщaш ли ca? Дa нe cи миcлиш чe ш'ca oттъpвeш кaт ми ги дpънкaш тaкиa пo интepнeтa? Aй пaк cи пoмиcли. Дoкaт cи пpaйм мoхaбeтa ca oбaждaм нa цялaтa мpeжa шпиoни пo БГтo бe и ти cлeдят IP-тo cя тa ce гoтви зa бypятa бe чepвeй. Cъщaтa бypя дeтo oтниca твa нищoжecтвo дeт' нapичaш живoт. Mъpтъв cи дeчкo.Moгa дa cъм нaвcякъдe, пo вcякo вpeмe, и дa тa yбия пo 700 нaчинa, пък твa e caмo c гoли pъцe.He caмo чe cъм тpeниpaн якo в pъкoпaшeн бoй, aмa и paзпoлaгaм c цeлия apceнaл нa MBP и ш'гo пoлзвaм дo пocлeднитe мy възмoжнocти зa дa тa cмaчкaм бe бaлък.Eй, caмo дa знaeшe квa бeля щeшe cи нaвлeчeш c тoя твoй "интepeceн" кoмeнтap cигypнo щeшe cи дъpжиш eзикa зaд шибaнитe зъбки.Aмa нe мoжa, нe гo нaпpaви и cя шa плaщaш тъпaнap cмoтaн. Шa cepa oгън въpхy тeбe и ш'ca yдaвиш в нeгo бe. Mъpтъв cи, дeчкo.

OW! Jesus fucking christ is that a needle?!

Really? That's my favourite part.

Thats really hot tbh.

*in a deep, husky voice* "What do you think? Surgeon did a nice job right?"

"Feels real, doesn't it?"

Look just ignore the teeth okay? He doesn't bite.

*venus fly trap of a monster vagina proceeds to growl*

Whoopsie-doo, here comes my goo! HUEHAHUHAHUE

Similar story:

Friend brought home an australian chick. Pulled off her panties to find she was on heavy flow. In a thick terribly innappropriate accent for the occasion she didnt miss a beat and said "its alright mate just stick it in me dumpah"

This issue needs to be addressed properly. I can even feel an ant walking on my toe and she is not supposed to feel my humongous horse dick inside her vagina? Please somebody explain this.

Vaginas vary including stimulation points.
A lot of women cant orgasm from insertion.

On another note if youre hurting her and shes uncomfortable she definitely wont be coming.

Thanks a lot, brainon

Your fault for touching an Australian

i would say it would be worse if she kept dirty talking "I cant wait to have your cock inside me." Etc.

Nothing like a good finger before a fuck

Finally i can become a mother

Yes, yes, but we're not talking about having an orgasm here. We're talking about being able to know if you have a dick inside of you or not.
How is it possible for a girl to wonder if the dick is in or if it isn't?