Hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha Trump.... hahaha

Hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha Trump.... hahaha

Ameritards, your leader is as dumb as your collective populace.

How did you VOTE for this literal idiot? He's a moron. Come on! You can't be serious?! I'm fucking mind-blown, and I'm not even an American.

Are Americans the lowest IQ nation?? I think they're stupid president proves it.

Other urls found in this thread:


You misspelled im mentally retarded again

>hur dur let me suck trumps cock!

He's right , it is cold. -12C in NYC.


German fag here.. trump is right. And Gore had to change his so called global warming to climate change years ago didn't he?

No one cares faggot. Go back to

Bro do you really not believe that climate change is real?

>I get trolled by John Nolte like twice a week

Look at him, commie. He sees into your soul.

There you go:
Climate change =/= global warming

The stupidest man alive.

Absolutely. What does that say about the American people? When they go to war with NK, they're going to fucking happy to do it for Trump. America is the cancer of the world.

that can't be a real quote?? kek

"Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?" - Donald Trump 2004





This isn't real. No fucking way. Of it is, it's the saddest thing I've ever seen in my life. Thank God I'm Canadian.

Fake News

wtf is that?

It is 100% real. Kek.
Look up realDonalTrump on Twitter. It's the first post.

The next post is him boasting about a 46% (when it's really like 33%) approval rating like it's a good thing.

Global warming is climate change, but not all climate change manifests as permanent warming.

Now shut the fuck up and die.

Protip nobody cares



You can't measure NYC temperature in Canadian measurements...

Stop being deliberately retarded

the ameritards should

he actually said something like this though right? kek "if i were president..."

>Haha you guys are so stupid
EU kills another country
>America is so fucked with drumpf
Stock market hits another record
>You guys elected an idiot
Merkel wins reelection
>Your system is fucking stupid
Tax cuts threaten Germany's entire economy
>Average IQ must be so low
Rape in Sweden swells another 9%
>Haha look at the stupid stuff your president says
Gets arrested for wrong-think

>>This is OK.

why not?

>EU kills another country
>Stock market hits another record
The president has nothing to do with this.
>Merkel wins reelection
She's great.
>Tax cuts threaten Germany's entire economy
>Rape in Sweden swells another 9%
Fake news.
>Gets arrested for wrong-think

Except every bit is true.
People are being arrested for wrongthink in Germany every day. It’s 1984 Orwell over there. Just be a mindless drone and don’t argue against us, or you’ll end up in wrongthink re-education camps.

>NY times
fake news.

I mean, Trump is an idiot, i agree. But global warming is not a serious thing though. It happens naturally.

Naturally we put more carbon in the atmosphere and that’s warming us when the sun is actually in a down cycle. Yeah, "natural ".

It's fine for you to be wrong from my perspective, but don't deny reality. Reality always wins.


It’s happening

>they're stupid president
>not their

you seem very intelligent and well spoken user

Global warming is not caused by humans, stop falling for those lies.


You are mistaking free speech with Not-bound-by-law speech. The same shit can get you arrested in the US, in case you did not realize. Note how I emphasize CAN, not will. Germany just happens to be more uptight about cyber harassment and enforcement of related laws.

Thats the website Bannon runs its pretty much daily mail quality but with Sup Forums level nationalism

English is clearly not my first language faggot. I bet I speak it better than you. How many languages do you speak? Probably just 1 you stupid American

Because NASA is lying? The evidence says it is caused by human activity. This includes cattle grazing. Deal with it.

That's a pretty good excuse. Any other excuses you'd like to make?

>when it's really like 33%
Autism detected

>>Stock market hits another record
>The president has nothing to do with this.


But he really doesn’t. He isn’t the ceo of all those companies

Also stock market doesn’t equal gpd. It won’t make us all rich.

That's not even true. Deal with it.

Meaning I don't remember the exact percentage. If I didn't say "like", and just said "33%", then I'd be lying.

Yes, indeed, your autism is showing.

ThisHe's not working at those companies, bringing value to them. It's literally nothing to do with him. And that shit will continue to rise until it doesn't. It will eventually crash.

Sorry pajeet but I dont think 500 hours of tech support hotline is going to allow you to pronounce English as well as a native speaker.

Also I dont learn other languages because every third world hell hole teaches their kids my language. Why would I learn Hindi when you are just gonna learn English?

You’re claiming NASA doesn’t say that? climate.nasa.gov/evidence/

It's an economic indicator, not a control.
Also, check the GDP, consumer confidence, purchasing power, unemployment...

Whatever you want, it's all way in the green.

As it was under obama. Yet you hate him.


I'm a linguist and I completely agree. If English is your first language, you're already superior in that respect because 'Murica made it the most relevant.



Climate change is a jew lie

Was it?
Don't seem to remember anyone experiencing that.

The one he pulled us out of?

>How did you VOTE for this literal idiot?
>Ameritards, your leader is as dumb as your collective populace.

Nigga, come on. You answered your own question

America is the hegemon of the world. go suck shit, nignog.

>anything I don’t like is fake news.
You’re such a little bitch. It’s happening. Soon we will all live in a police state, only being able to think what your shepards approve of.




Here’s a great example. Police arrest nine people a day, in the uk for wrongthink.


Don’t have opinions that are misaligned or we place you in re-education camps.

Better think like us, or you’ll go away. You’ve got your head so far up your own arse, you can’t see that the people who complain about facists, are actually imprisioning anyone who says anything against them.



according to america

I am claiming that what nasa is saying is not true.

Those kind of people just want to make money, and they come up with the weirdest theories to get your money.

Why don't you get off this shit with your good damned terrible pics.


>all in the green


sooo wee! he sure did git us libruls gud!

Must be so hard for filthy fucking foreigners watching the US win so much while they think we're so dumb.

Kind of reminds me of the media on Trump, actually.

Please, keep underestimating us. I'm getting a stiffy just thinking about it.


>hur dur let me make a pointless thread!

>How did you VOTE for this literal idiot?
They didn't. Less than 50% of the populace voted for him. But America is still using the broken as fuck electoral college system, hew was picked by a group of 500~ people.

Maybe you're right. Maybe America is cancer. But that raises a couple of questions. Have you noticed how cancer prevails on Sup Forums?
And... since cancer does so well on Sup Forums, how will it do irl?
I don't know where you're from, but if I were one of these ultra liberal, anti-american, eurogays or pretty much anyone who was fighting, mocking, or undermining that "cancer." I'd be pretty scared of the consequences. Shit i'd be shitting my pants, just based on speculation.
But that's just if irl cancer is the same as cancer on Sup Forums.

It is cold.

Dude you're on Sup Forums.

What exactly IS a pointless thread?

National Socialism is the only real option.

Also Trump is amusing, and a far better choice than the traitor slut Clinton.

Fake news.

What did Trump do that's so bad?

Shut up faggot. You’re so wrong. Post one example of a person being arrested in the US for social media posts and being sent to a re-education camp.
It only happens in the European caliphate. I’ve posted seven plus examples. You post one.

For a minute I thought this thread was going to be random I couldn't see what your picture was from a distance but sadly it's just another Trump hate thread.


I think Trump might have a touch of teh Autism

Ok. Well, since scientists just make shit up, then take all of the shit you own and throw it in the trash. Your phone, TV, remote, microwave, coffee pot, etc. etc. Those were all created by those "weird theories".

Go live in a fucking cave.

Hey mate, how about you give us some german news about that.

We all know that the US and Great Britain hate germany and want germany to fall. So fuck off with your propaganda, fucking kike.

>while they think we're so dumb.
I mean, like a good half is prettying fucking dumb. You can’t argue that point. I fucking dare you to

I don't even drink coffee lol.

Get your facts straight, kid. Deal with it.

Those are tangible things, not like your voodoo “science” that is only supported by fake news.

you do realize that not all scientists share the same opinions right? everyone isn't on the same page about global warming.

mild form of cancer maybe but not stage 4 terminal cancer like Brazil, UK, AUS, ASIA, Brazil, all island people, sand niggers, niggers, brazil, and africa in general

Breitbart is not credible in any sense.

I infect you victims with aids, hobos

Don’t forget brazil.

Honestly, the Paris Accord wouldn’t have done shit if we became a part of it. I’m not sure why liberals think that it’s some magic solution when China and India don’t have to do anything.


Good thing too because otherwise the 2-3 massive fucking state with all the people would control the entire country.

Pretty much said some "mean" things a couple times.

and brazil

You're going to die.
Is your time being spent well raging over politics?
This is a question to all.

Well over 90 percent of climate scientists are on the same page. It’s like with evolution. Your minority opinion is in the minority for a reason.