God exists. prove me wrong

god exists. prove me wrong.

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Kids with cancer

Quick rundown on BAIT THREADS
============1. background============
> m00t started Sup Forums 2004
> Sup Forums costs $$$ to run
> not enough $$ from ads: advertisers no like Sup Forums + adblock cucks
> more time on Sup Forums = more jewgold
> STRATEGY: keep users on Sup Forums longer m00t losing it, tired of shit revenue
> befriends SJWs (A.S., Z.Q.), gets SJW gf (Mallory G. from Gawker)
> Aug 2014 GamerGate & Fappening shitstorm
> advertisers say 'bye!'
> Sup Forums is fucked now, need $$$$!!!
> m00t bans GamerGate & Fappening pix (temporarily)
> replaces current mods with SJW mods to enforce bans
> Sup Forums rebels: vandalizes everything
> fuckthisshit.jpg
============3. Sale of Sup Forums ==========
> m00t leaves jan 2015
> Hiroyuki (2ch founder) buys Sup Forums on sep 2015
> Sup Forums still make very little $$$ (compared to costs)
> needmoretraffic.jpg
> 1. POLITICAL SHILLING ——Shillapalooza: JIDF, CTR, ShareBlue, Ruskies, NRA, etc.

if god exists why is trump in charge?

god emperor trump was blessed by god to rule the world you filthy inbred nigger

Just ignore this man everyone

but im white tho

no one cares about american politics
not even god

Needs more Deus Vult

He's got nothing to do with politics. Free will

My brother dying from cancer.


Which God are you referring to?

Read Feuerbach.



Cthulhu is the one true god

There is one god.

God doesn't exist. Prove me wrong op.

Allah exists. Prove me wrong.

Cthulhu is a fictional character m8

Your proof alone wanting to have denied His very existence

allah is god, nigger

It's impossible to prove that god is or isn't real until we have solid proof.

If God exists, he will delete this post.


Cthulhu disapproves your shenanigans

Might as well ask us to prove unicorns don't exist. You can't fucking prove it, OP.

This proves God doesn't exist. It also proves mods don't exist, since mods = gods.