What I learned while visiting Sup Forums IS

What I learned while visiting Sup Forums IS...





Nuke everyone

I learned what british lad culture is, that USA is way more mixed than I thought (People/opinion wise), that everyone around the world is an asshole in some way, that there are still people who are obsessed with race and that we need regional flags

they are drop dead gorgeous

>Finns aren't white
>Slavs aren't white
>Celts aren't white
>Germanics aren't white
>All of the world's problems are caused by either the eternal Jew, the eternal Anglo, or the eternal Teuton

>says Canada

G*rmany has to be nuked asap

World peace cannot be achieved without racial segregation.

That I'm greek

kill the witheys

Americans are not white
Germans are literally demons sent from hell to destroy Europe
Persians are 100% aryan and in no way influenced by arab
Afghanistan is actually pretty interesting


that racemixing is good

I'm white

that slovakia could be potato superpower

world is not ready yet for such force

i would dick every last one of them tbqhwyl

Oh and Croatians really like black women.

And Estonians apparently

Slavs have cute Traps

french people are autists

yeah,,, so? wanna get your racist teeth get buried in your throat?

I think I am liking chocolate now

>when Estonia tries to shittalk

>it considers me a country
thanks i guess, no one has ever been this below me before



anime is for retarded losers


Where do you think you are?

really makes you wank


What is this type of body shape/figure called? Hourglass? Buxom? Curvy?


Estonia is based

Also Poland isn't such a bad place

And what I learned from Sup Forums is that Peru and Macedonia have the best posters on Sup Forums


Poland is my promised land