Just readin' old emails from my ex

Just readin' old emails from my ex.

Best read in context with her fave Halloween costume.


She is gross. No wonder you had a hard time getting it up OP.

Yeah. She had no gag reflex, though. That's the only part of her I miss.


She looks a lot better in this one like shes in better shape. The first pic isn't flattering at all. Her body looks all skinny-fat and weird.

I still have all that stuff of hers.

Yeah, she's in better shape in that pic. Still has what she calls her "poochy tummy" tho.

You're such a dumb teenager. Definitely not a man.

Nice, Leia slave kink. But at the end if the day she sounds like a dramatic cunt and you’re a man baby and this is the only interesting part itt

OP actually sounds like a major cunt

lol where in canada?


lol you're a cunt, son.

Totally a dramatic cunt, with an MFA in acting to boot.

Too much gums

>MFA in acting

Yeah definitely an annoying cunt

Yeah I mean that’s a red flag right there. And all this shit about I’m an xyz and you’re not kissing me enough first like skip did.

That said you’re still kinda a tool my guy and it sounds like you deserved eachother

lol can't really disagree



Damn bro right in the feels. Feel like I could write a shitty romcom out of it like 500 days of summer.

So she quits acting and the marriage. Well-named jpg.

Is she still single? The no gag reflex sounds good.

She seems to have a good point, OP. She's no looker but she certainly made a mistake getting with you.

Waiting to tell me she had an STD until after the wedding day kinda mitigates things. But I feel ya.

typical, you're all a bunch of pieces of shit.
or chinks.

OK, I no longer care if she's single.

What std and gross

Not really. I'd have the marriage annulled immediately and never talk to her again, not try to get money out of her like a bitch.

I mean who was the stupid one for thinking a marriage like that would work? Well, she did lie to me about a STD but it should be smooth sailing from there!

Self-absorbed cunt. You should raise a glass to celebrate your divorce anniversary every year until you die. Thank Christ for no kids or even joint marital assets.

chlamydia. And after she told me, she phoned a few ex-bfs to tell them to get tested. Cried hysterically while admitting it. At the time, it was horrifying. Now, I laugh about it. Thank god I didn't catch it.

I didn't try to get money out of her. She's making excuses in that email. The STD thing was what led to the separation. Tip of the iceberg.


Sure reads like you were trying to get money out of her

Good god no wonder you didn't want to go down on her. Hope you used a condom!


Congrats OP on getting rid of the cancer wamen!

Sounds like you dodged a bullet there, man. Makes you wonder what else she was lying about or hiding, huh?

>telling a few other niggers to get tested too
I rescind my critique of you op your wife was a whore, I’m sorry

Yup. Karma caught up with her. She's now in her 40s, with a roommate, teaching yoga to pay the bills. She'll be a cat lady in 5 years.

probably only got it during her engagement party

np. I actually saw her profile on OKC a few months back. Now, she's admitting upfront about her STD. Guess that saves her the awkwardness of mentioning it on the first date lol.

>40s, teaches yoga, STD-ridden but I provide my own condoms! Why not take a chance?!

Good part: Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) that can be easily cured. If left untreated, chlamydia can make it DIFFICULTfor a woman to get pregnant.

Bad part:Can chlamydia be cured?
YES, chlamydia can be cured with the right treatment. It is important that you take all of the medication your doctor prescribes to cure your infection. When taken properly it will stop the infection and could decrease your chances of having complications later on. You should not share medication for chlamydia with anyone.

Repeat infection with chlamydia is common. You should be tested again about three months after you are treated, even if your sex partner(s) was treated.

Stopped reading at 40s LOL

>intense yoga community

my sides