I'm vegan, why aren't you?

I'm vegan, why aren't you?

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too lazy and i dont like broccoli

not stupid


my grandmom died at age 109 not eating vegan, vaganism is a scam

Implying veganism is hard work
>i dont like broccoli
Implying that you can't eat other veggies
Not an argument, maybe you're stupid after all.
Not an argument, who knows how old your grandma could've been if she was vegan.

im not a cuck

Adam lived 900 years without being a vegan


Why not enjoy the benefits of being on top of the food chain?

I'm not a faggot, of course you wouldn't say you're a faggot, would you? no, you'd say you're queer or bi to impress a girl who you know deep down you don't love but you're such a faggot you can't get with anyone else, so you lie to try and impress an attention-whoring pc dipshit like the cuck you are.

Because I don't really care about your eating habits, and you shouldn't mind.

What I do mind is when vegans try to impose their lifestyle on pets they have who can't survive healthily eating only vegan.

I like meat and also enjoy not having a protein deficiency.

Also, vegans are stuck up assholes who want everyone to know how superior they are to the rest of the world for being concerned about the animals or some stupid shit.

So I'll ask you in return: Why are you vegan?

>It's healthier.

No it's not. There is no significant advantage to not eating animal byproducts, and it has been found that it may have detrememtal value to avoid things like lean meat and poultry.

>It's good for the environment/I care about the animals.

All your favorite barnyard animals are still going to be slaughtered at the EXACT SAME RATE. It's not cruel, it's not violent, it's not inhumane, it's just business. There is no other way to feed 320 MILLION people, there just isn't.

>B-but it's b-better–

No, it's not. You just want everyone to applaud you for being special, or you want recognition for doing something stupid. Go jump off a bridge if this is your motivation, because you are waste of space and a burden on the rest of us.

Because i am no subhuman gay nigger!

Vegetarianism/veganism actually kind of appeals to me somewhat, but the reason I would never consider it is that I don't want to be lumped into a group with a bunch of insufferable preachy faggots like you who can't just do their thing and leave other people alone. Every time I see a post like this it makes me want a steak or something.

Veganism doesn't imply cuckery
The Bible isn't solid dietary advice
Not an argument, idiot.
What benefits? Haven't we already proven that point? Is it necessary for us to kill and eat animals?
Why so mad? And why imply that I'm a faggot cuck? Do you want to imply that veganism is less masculine than just plain old I do not care what I eat? I disagree and also not an argument.
You should care about what you put in your body and where your money is going. It's called responsibility. I don't have pets and I agree on what you say.

Because Bacon

Because I eat meat.

Because it takes too much willpower. I tried, and didn't have enough desire to stay with it. I've settled at vegetarian.


Because pork isn't a vegetable.

Vegetarian, havent figured out how to do away with all animal products yet, kind-of ok with it. :/ Also, social conditioning is a tough reality.

Best fucking response ever

>what benefits
like what, healthy eating?
>veganism doesn't imply cuckery/faggotry
yes it fucking does you brainless idiot
>why so mad?
are you genuinely trying to devalue an argument with "u mad?"
>bible isn't solid dietary advice
pretty sure it says to eat meat, so you're wrong
>I don't have a pet
fucking loner
>you should care about what's being put in your body
like what, healthy foods that you get from meat?
>n-not an a-arguement
fuck off back to tumblr.

I've met several vegans irl and they've been complete cunts. Holier-than-thou, self-righteous choads. I'd rather die than be associated with a group of faggots.

I'm like 98% vegetarian, little bit of meat here and there, but I'll never go full vegan. I'm not saying (you) are a shitbag, OP, I'm just saying the chances are high and most of your ilk are. So fuck you, and stuff.

And I love steak.

because I like meat and i'm not a pussy like you.


Because I'm a man

Because im not a faggot

Because I'm in the middle of eating bacon and eggs

I didn't mean I don't care what I put in my body - I eat healthy, I just couldn't force myself into a strictly vegan diet, which may or may not be healthier. I like my red meats, a nice glass of milk with my eggs in the morning, etc. You do you, I'm glad you're happy, I just don't see why most vegans feel like announcing to the world that they're on some imaginary moral high ground.

>I like meat
Does taste justify killing?
>protein deficiency.
You can have plenty of protein on a vegan diet.
>Also, vegans are stuck up assholes who want everyone to know how superior they are to the rest of the world for being concerned about the animals or some stupid shit.
I don't claim to be superior, I just think veganism or atleast abstaining from meat is a rational lifestyle choice. I just came here to defend it and to make some people more aware of veganism. Wouldn't consider caring about animals stupid shit, that's intellectually lazy.
>Why are you vegan?
>>It's healthier.
Actually yes, eating to much meat can be very unhealthy. Especially processed meats which has been labelled a carcinogen just like tobacco by the World Health Organization. Of course becoming vegan doesn't mean healthier per se, but since I've become vegan I've become way more health conscious. Also I don't want all that cholesterol clogging up my arteries.
>>It's good for the environment/I care about the animals.
This! You say that it still gonna happen at the exact same rate but that's not completely true. First of all, my money isn't flowing directly into animal slaughter business. Also veganism is growing all over the globe which will impact the rate of money going into this business. Also it really isn't an argument because using your money and being against it would make you a hypocrite

tl;dr it's better

>I don't claim to be superior
are you genuinely fucking serious? please, fucking kill yourself and do the world a favour.

>Does it justify killing?

Are you retarded, or did you just casually forget that literally every other carnivore on planet Earth must kill another animal to feed itself? Humans are the only ones who seem to have a problem with it. I would more than gladly kill a cow if it meant having the freshest, juiciest cut on my plate that evening.

>You can have plenty of protein on a vegan diet.

Not the kind of proteins your body needs. It's like adding Splenda to something that needs sugar. Sure, it'll still taste sweet, but your body will notice the difference and begin to get sick.

>I don't claim to be superior.

So why did you make this thread and try to convince others to join your retarded cause? It's called narcissism.

>Meat is a carcinogen.

Everything is a fucking carcinogen. The SUN is a carcinogen, does that mean we should sit inside a dark room all day and not do anything productive? Cancer is genetic anyway, so eating meat isn't going to make it any more likely for the majority of people to get cancer.

>I don't want my money going to food companies.

What I meant to convey to your dense self is that one person or even a million people choosing not to eat meat will not change the rate at which animals are harvested. These companies will still ship the same amount of product to the Americans who aren't fucking idiots.

tl;dr You're a fucking retard.

Not an argument
Don't fall for the meme bro, people are just sensitive about their diets. I don't really bother "preaching", as you called it, often. But how else are you gonna spread a philosophy? By keeping your mouth shut? No ofcourse not, Socrates was annoying as hell, but he made people realize things when they needed to rationalize their own beliefs.
Not an argument
[spoiler]I'm actually not a hard core vegan myself, shhhhh! They might call me a hypocrite[/spoiler]
Why do you eat animals?
Does taste justify killing?
Not an argument :^)))

Because I like animal products

Because I'm straight

>being straight in current year

Blech, fiber

Because meat comes from animals.

Please, I'm just trying to argue. It has nothing to do with superiority. Is it wrong to have a debate about this, because special snowflakes like you think I'm just here to show off?
Not an argument.

>did you just casually forget that literally every other carnivore...
Are humans carnivores?
>on planet Earth must kill another animal to feed itself?
When animals kill other animals for food, they do as they must, in order to survive; they have no choice in the matter. Many humans, on the other hand, do have a choice, and when people with access to plant-based foods choose to continue eating animals anyway — simply because they like the taste — they are harming animals not from necessity, but for pleasure.
Sure, I would kill animals for food if I was in a survival situation but guess what I ain't and neither are you.
>Not the kind of proteins your body needs.
Hahaha, wat? Seriously. PIC related
>It's like adding Splenda to something that needs sugar. Sure, it'll still taste sweet, but your body will notice the difference and begin to get sick.
This is utter bullshit, there are no sources to back up these claims. You just made this shit up.
>So why did you make this thread and try to convince others to join your retarded cause? It's called narcissism.
Because the JIDF pays me goyim. Seriously why does it bother you that I've started an discussion on a random board of a Indian Stamp collection forum?

>Everything is a fucking carcinogen.
No it isn't. Also I was talking about the list of carcinogens by the WHO.
The SUN is a carcinogen,
Strawman, also not on the list.
>Cancer is genetic anyway, so eating meat isn't going to make it any more likely for the majority of people to get cancer.
More bullshit, got any sources on that? No because you just made that shit up.
>What I meant to convey to your dense self is that one person or even a million people choosing not to eat meat will not change the rate at which animals are harvested. These companies will still ship the same amount of product to the Americans who aren't fucking idiots.
What is supply and demand, if a million of people stopped buying meat the company would be run by an imbecile if he doesn't lower "production".
>tl;dr You're a fucking retard.
Haha, I guess that applies to you, brainlet.

Yes, is killing an animal because it tastes great justified?

This is a good thread.

Vegan eating practices are more expensive.

That's rarely the case, you got lots of cheap vegan foods. Rice, pasta, beans, veggies, etc. Meat is quite expensive though, especially if you eat it daily, and is in most cases the most expensive part of the dish.

Its asocial being vegan (at least for most people). Being invited for dinner and refusing to eat what they serve because you're vegan is bullshit imo.

Furthermore meat, fish and eggs are a great source of protein and other nutrients. Its so easy and it would be complicated for me to put together a nutritious vegan diet (which I actually would like in the long run).

And lastly, meat is fucking tasty.

Does it need to be justified?

Have you been to an American supermarket?

because I am lazy
I am a pescetarian
I ate fish today, tomorrow and they day after that

When balanced using the Cron-o-Meter, being Whole Food Plant Based is far better than being Vegan for your health.

With clear communication I think you can avoid as coming of as asocial but I agree many people get triggered when you even utter the word vegan. Perhaps because diet is a very personal and because there is some ethics involved very sensitive.
A nutritious healthy vegan diet is definitely possible, there is great info you could find online. Like this guy says.
I think so.
No, don't live in America.
Old habits die hard.

You think?

Everything here is processed, which makes food fairly cheap. I happen to not have a lot of money, so spending less is appealing to me.

Because i like meat

meat means you shove 7kg of food to make 1kg of food.
We could easily feed the world with that and not have to burn the rainforests.



I tried it for a few months, then realized I don't care about the animals suffering and dying for my culinary experience

>This is utter bullshit, there are no sources to back up these claims. You just made this shit up.

You mean just like everything that comes out of a vegans mouth?

fuck off and die you hippy fuck.

now thats a bad attempt at a comeback

Do you even philosophy?
Are foods like rice, beans, lentils, pasta, noodles, potatoes, corn, etc (especially dried) super cheap.
Kill for taste
Exactly, meat is one of the most unsustainable industries on the planet especially with our growing population. China for example spends their government money into developing and improving lab-grown meat because of that reason.
Why so mad? Point me toward where I said bullshit.
You made a claim there is a difference between plant and animal protein and yes there is. But it's exactly opposite of what you said plant protein is actually better for your health.

non-the less true, most that comes out of a vegans mouth actually is bullshit

I dont kill others do the killing i just do the eating

>muh bullshit
Not an argument :DDDD
So according to that logic, hiring a hitman or a thug is justified?

Rather be an omnivore, I get the best of all worlds.

Because we are supposed to be omnivores, we eat vegetables to shit the meat easier!
It's an expensive hobby
Also soyboys

> (You)
>Do you even philosophy?
It that all you got?

Meat is delicious desu. So are vegetables, so why not to have both?

if you look at our closest relatives meat is like 3-0% of the calories consumed


I am vegan. 3 years.

Coz I'm not a homosexual who is afraid of meat or dairy

Personal preference doesnt require an argument you faggy bugman

I am, user. Best thing i have done with my life so far.

But don't eat soy tho.

Im not into self harm

Because I love life

Because I'm not a pussy.

Because I am alpha

Because I don’t want to make pussy dry

Because I like being a man

Because I am not a soy boy


Not really, our teeth are not really made to rip flesh from an animal and raw meat is really bad for us. Also like he says. Ofcourse with the invention of cooking on fire and animal domestication. we where able to eat meat more easily. Eating meat in the old days was essential to our survival. But I argue that our mass meat consumption right now is actually detrimental for our future survival.
Okay there are three reasons I don't eat meat. From an ethical point, from an environmental point, and because of health. I'm not trying to convert y'all to veganism like some jehova witness. All I hope to do is make you more conscious on what you eat. In the end you can do what you want, eat drink whatever. But know that there are some good reasons to lower your meat consumption.

Beep beep lettuce go back to africa

I don't really understand the vegan vs omnivore conflict.

If you want to ruin your health with bacon and burgers, do that.

If you want a more healthy alternative by being vegan, do that.

If you don't really care about either, and want to combine them into a way that works best for you, do that.

I am vegan myself, but i would never look down on somebody who is not, and much less demand that they obey to the dietary decisions that i deem are the best.

But if people want to learn i am a bastion of knowledge and willing to help out any day of the week.

Who is this guy!

Our digestive systems is closer to a lions than a cows.

Because I like the thought of dead animals

>Lions have one stomach

>Cow's have four

>Therefore we are closer to lions

Good use of logic user

people worry about soy when there are things that contain much more phytoestrogens and actual female hormones (like milk).
Not that they have been proven to have negative effects.

Or regular tap water after Berta pisses out her p-pills

Vegans are pu55i3s

exactly. Or flame-retardants that are like super powered P-pills

What a load of bollocks natural milk is this kind of thing that would build up Male sex hormones more than give you estrogenic ones. Factory farmed milk maybe.

Because I hate you.

You're clearly looking for attention.

Also, kill all the livestock.
Eat all the meat.
Beef is love.
Beef is life


nice trips

I like the taste of meat and dairy. Vegetables are expensive and there are not a lot of "quick-meal" options available for vegans where I live.

Though, if my partner wanted to go vegan I probably would as well.