I´m a 22yo handholdless who got asked out on a date by a 16yo chick I´ve known for years. Food for thought

I´m a 22yo handholdless who got asked out on a date by a 16yo chick I´ve known for years. Food for thought.

Looking to get your dick wet, or something more?

Something more :/

Pathetic. Get something your age and stay away from playgrounds, you freak. Or wait 2 years. That's borderline pedophile.

I mean, do you think you'll much in common with a 16yo? If it was getting laid, I'd say go for it. Realationship wise I don't think it'll work.

She's really shy and I've refused to go on a date with her all year because of her age. I dont want to be mean to her, I told her I'd think about it.

She's been dogging me all year to go out. She wants to go out tomorrow should I just appease her to get her off my back or would that be a mistake help anons I'm not familiar with this whole dating biz.

You should go out with her, and while you are out with her, gauge how far she wants to take things. Don't even think about long term relationship until you've fucked her.

Thanks user. I would like more opinions because this user said what I want to hear.

Age of consent in some states is 16

What state/country?

Laws, like hymens, are made to be broken

go out with her. whip out that 3 incher. she won't want to see you ever again.

problem solved.

Fuck her and get it over with

But she's 16 everythings big for her

Her uncle tells me to get all over that

This is her

Just wait two years

it's ephebophilia nigger
by far the best time to reap grill
>not to young that she will be left scarred
>not to old and fucked through hell and back by foreign benis
take some amphetamines and read a book fag

But she asked me to go on a date tomorrow

>never hold hands with a grill
>never kissed by grill
>never got dick wet
>grill slightly younger than me WANTS to go out with me
>wat do

are you plain retarded or teasing troll
she clearly wants you
you really think someone could be that obsessed over someone and not want to try make something serious out of it
>do it faggot


Don't you want to feel that cozy little box squeeze down on your Johnson?

Just go out with her. No one cares. You’ll be fine.