I’m an opiate addict. Ask me anything

I’m an opiate addict. Ask me anything.

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I've heard that opium doesn't reduce pain, but you only care less about it.
Is that true?

Drug of choice and how high is your tolerance?
t. morphine fiend

In my experience, it truly does relieve pain. I do agree that it makes you care less about it, but I have severe lower back pain and it is gone completely when I take opiates. Opium in specific is not as powerful as things like Roxicodone etc imo.

Roxy is what I like best. I haven’t been using IV lately, mostly snorting. It takes me about 90 mg to get right. I can do about 12 in a day..

12 30mg roxy’s*

When you're in withdrawal, does your shit smell funny?

About the same here. The only thing I dislike about opiates is how quickly you develop a tolerance.

When you were younger, did you know even then that you had inferior genes?

Do you realize that death is real and you will likely die, affecting others in ways you cannot comprehend

How did u end up addicted, I've done all types of drugs and opiates especially i abused for weeks and ive never developed an addiction

Yes, and I tend to get diarrhea.

I wasn’t aware. I come from a successful family, and I’m very high functioning. I work for Apple corporate, and my addiction doesn’t really affect my job. As long as I can continue to get what I need.

I broke my arm when I was 14, and the rest is history.

How much do you spend in a week?

My brother is an opiate addict. How can I reach out and offer help without upsetting him? He seems paranoid and is often angry.

Number of dicks sucked for drugs

About $800. Thankfully I make good money and can afford it.


Best place to buy it?

I’ve been sober a couple of times. I’m sorry to say, but honestly there’s not much you can do until he is ready. Good luck man

Have you overdosed yet?

Old people with disabilities, or the dark web. Also sketchy doctors offices that are cash only

One time yes. The one and only time I tried Fent

For sure, Where do yooou get it.

Holy goddamn shit. If you're telling the truth, then you're a clown, regardless of how much money you make.

I literally just bought some five minutes ago from a disabled man. I typically go through other people who sell their prescriptions. I started this thread because I had to wait in a Walmart parking lot for a little while.

Did you end up in the hospital?

Yes I did. I just stayed overnight and I got sober for about a year afterwards.

ER physician here.

Thanks for all that you do. I get paid more money when I can claim critical care on a patient, and intubation is automatic criteria for cc.

Really appreciate you guys, sincerely.

No problem

The old-school OxyContin 80s were my favorite before they changed then. Now I like Roxicodone 30 mg

Amazing how you choose the easy way of life than man up and handle your obstacles


Ah man I need to start making friends with oldies

>spending 800 a week on oxy
>not just doing heroin at that point
Kek, I love oxy too but god damn dude

I still work my ass off. I’m an account executive working at Apple, literally accomplishing my dreams from high school. I’m about as high functioning as an addict can be. I honestly feel that I do better in life when I am high

If I couldn’t afford pills, I probably would use heroin. Fent freaks me out..

It truly seems much harder to not be high 24 seven. I can remember the first time I got high off painkillers, and it truly seems like it been when I was waiting for my whole life.

Every time I hit my h guy up the first question I ask is how cut with fentanyl is it and he usually rates in on a 1-10 scale. I usually don't buy if he rates it over 5. Heroin isn't ridiculously hard to make just need a place to grow poppies.

I probably would grow poppy and make my own age if I wasn’t married. My wife and the rest of my family have no idea that I’ve been an addict for over 10 years.

Trust me, I still buy a lot of nice things.

Why aren't you something else besides an addict?

I’m many things besides an addict. I don’t get what you’re saying?

You don't feel as though your addiction will go downhill, but it can and most certainly will.


Ur weak

I've been on high doses of prescribed opiates for pain for several years, and this is true for me. They seemed to reduce my pain when I first started taking them, but after 8 years or so, they really do just make me care less about the pain.

Are you addicted to anything, at all?