Would you slap this bird for 5 billion dollars?

Would you slap this bird for 5 billion dollars?

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why not

I'd slap that bird for being a bird, but sure, 5 million get

What is it with these "Would you [insert form of violence] this [insert animal] for [insert exorbitantly large sum of money]?" threads?
Do you make stupid threads on purpose?

Pigeons are the Chinese/niggers of birds. I'd kill it for $5

I'd cut off my left nut for half that, come on now

I'd fuck it for $500

I'd slap that bird WITH 5 billion dollars

Whould do for free, he is a arrogant little fucker

Yeah, no problem. For an extra $50 I would flick it in the head, too.

5 million dollars? To slap a birb? Sssshhhheeeeiiiit

Okay, I’ll be honest - I’d skap that bird for like $500, probably less.
I would fucking bitch slap that thing into last century. I’d put it’s entire species in my backyard, clip their wings, and massacre every single one of them with my lawnmower. I would duct tape it to a baseball bat until I hit a homer out of Fenway Park. I would stick it onto the side of my blender with some rusty nails and turn it on. For FIVE BILLIONS DOLLARS? Are you fucking kidding me? A VEGAN WHO WORKS FOR PETA would slap that thing straight back to hell for that kind of money. Shit, for 5 billion dollars I might even slap this thing.

>Would I do something ridiculous and super easy for alot of money.


Your rediculous

Just one of our fine shitposters, out on break from junior high school.

no because im a vegan and am ethically superior to you all

And how's that going for you?

So good, i feel way better than everyone fucking meat eater on this planet. Im on cloud nine and am shitting down upon you filthy selfish meat eaters

Yea, it doesn't say how hard you have to slap the bird. Just do a slowmo slap

i'd shoot that birds dick clean off then its beak

then have two fingers of the glenlivet

>A VEGAN WHO WORKS FOR PETA would slap that thing straight back to hell

That implies it came from hell originally

Well I'm happy for you. I'd be a vegan, but I hate chickens way to fucking much.

never. not to that birb. he is a good birb.

I'd hit it with a baseball bat for 1 million dollars

They're all the same user


Oh yeah? Well I'd bludgeon it to death with my dick for 20 bucks

yes, you didn't specify how hard the slap has to be, so i will very lightly slap it to bring no harm to the birb and take my 5 billion dollars GG EZ.

No, you peasant. Of course not.
I'd pay a nigger $10 to do it then have my chauffeur drive me to collect my 5 billion dollars...

You are killing plants that bring us oxygen and help stablize the world, you want more animals to live to increase methane production and cause holes in the O-zone layer, you are not ethically superior, you are a faggot, you are killing this entire planet to save animals who arn't self aware enough to realize they are being killed, save a plant, save the world, eat an animal, Carnivores unite!


No, but I'd be happy to slap you for free.

Nice try fbi