Okay Sup Forums, this is going to sound like a weird request...

Okay Sup Forums, this is going to sound like a weird request, but can any of you tell what kind of drug this person is on?


The person in the video is my brother, and my family and I can't get ahold of him. He's ignoring all of our family's messages and we have no idea why he hasn't contacted us for almost a year now. He he just now posted one of his weird one minuet vlogs on Youtube and its strange how he just dropped off the face of the earth on us.

I suspect its drug related, he does look high to me... but I don't know anything about drugs or its effects. I love my brother and I miss him, and if he's struggling with drugs then I'm going to track him down and get him the help he needs.

Any feed back would be nice, I am very worried about my brother....

TLDR; What drug (if any) does Sup Forums this my big brother is on?

Looks like dope to me. Had friends who did heroin, and it's dead on. Semi-incoherent, long pauses, dead eyes. Could be a number of things tho. It's more than "coffee jitters" tho.

What do you mean by dope? People call weed "dope" where I am from, I'm not worried if he's just smoking weed, even though I don't approve of that either... I'm just afraid he's doing drugs that could kill him....

Dope = heroin.

Are you serious man.... How worried should I be about my brother....?

Like I said, it just reminds of old friends who heroin, but it's not a given he's doing that. Clearly on something tho. If it was my sibling, I'd get a hold of him to see whats really going on

who did*

Really worried. Lost my brother to heroin last Christmas. Shot up in my bathtub and drowned. Thanks Santa. Anyway. Good luck. Shits tough and he probably will not beat it. Not many do.

Please guys.... What should I do? I love my brother so fucking much... I almost want to cry right now....

If you were really his brother and you were really worried, you would have already saw the video he put up talking about heroin. Fuck off you junkie tard.

Wow, I got baited hard... Literally a video on the channel called "Heroin". Nice, OP. Suck a dick.


Yeah. That's heroin. Go get him in rehab before he overdoses.

Haha, I hope you guys arent too mad at my prank lolol

Haha tricked you guys good

No dude, it was just a heroin prank. I've been doing heroin for 3 months now and it's actually really safe. You can't over dose on it if you actually know what you're doing.

The only people who od just don't know what they're doing.

Anyway, gotcha! :)

You realise its permabannable to post this kind of shit right? I dont really care either way but you should know.

Cool, have fun. I know people who have been doing heroin for thirty years, and I know people who died really young. I don't really care what you do.

>I don't really care
>I don't really care

Kek, I was injecting tea. It's good for the body and I do it every day. Sup Forums is turning into a white knight city, isn't it?

Hey you guys, my mom just walked in the room and saw these pics. She is really REALLY pissed, how do I delete this?