Avatar 2 (2018)

>Avatar 2 (2018)
>Avatar 3 (2020)
>Avatar 4 (2022)
>Avatar 5 (2023)

Do people really care about Avatar anymore?


Is this real?

I actually care a lot. It's a new sci-fi universe created by my favorite director, and the sci-fi elements are actually really well done unlike the nonsense in the Star Wars and Star Trek movies.

no, it was a huge phase.
I remember when people were actually using those online tools to turn their selfies into navi.
That shit isn't going to fly anymore, no one cares about negro catgirls.

Yes, this is from James Cameron's imdb page

>Do people really care about Avatar anymore?

I await your return, oh great one.

I want her to stick her tail up my ass

sure it'll look pretty, maybe it'll even be good if he gets someone who can write this time


There are actually 4 writers this time, including Cameron. Each writer was assigned one movie while Cameron is overseeing everything.

Here's your reply.

>he'll be back


>Cameron is overseeing everything.
as in the writing? that sounds like a problem

I miss Abatap.

None of these will ever happen outside of 2 and 3

They won't be successful enough to be more than a trilogy

>it's actually real
what the fuck is he thinking

How so? He wrote T1, T2 and Aliens. His writing is perfectly fine for the kind of movies he makes.

what was Sup Forums like when this came out?

Sup Forums originally liked it until it became too successful and when everybody was liking it people here started to hate on it.

it was ok, but it did birth the greatest shitposter of our time

he'll be back right guys?



He will purge Sup Forums of the heathens once more

I thought he was going to make a movie of The Dive that would be released next year?

This is why he's filming them all at once, he's gonna make em all at once so they can't cancel it once it bombs

her hand reminds me of the Tali shoop

seriously though why only 4 fingers?
is there a biological explanation for this?