1) Animals are conscious and feel pain.
2) The meat industry is bad for the environment.
3) There are many health issues because of our excessive meat consumption.

killing an animal can only be justified in extreme circumstances; consuming a living creature just for its taste, for convenience, or out of habit is not justifiable.

Why are you consuming so much meat?

Other urls found in this thread:

the animals deserve what they get

What have animals done that they deserve that?

being assholes, fucking hate cows pigs and chickens, especially pigs

Can't claim to be Vegan for moral reason, and justify the health benefits.

Any balanced diet will make you healthy.

You just got the moral justification left.

Eating excessive ANYTHING even water, will kill you, moot point.

Sell us on why :
1. Animals don't deserve to be food?


2. how the logistics of vegetables for every human being is plausible in anywhere that isn't in the Tropics?

>2) The meat industry is bad for the environment.

You're using an electronic device which is bad for the environment. Also, electronic devices contain animal derived products.

>3) There are many health issues because of our excessive meat consumption.

There are many health related issues with excessive consumption of anything, including water. Whats your point?

>Why are you consuming so much meat?

The question is, why are you not consuming meat? We, humans, always consumed meat. Its part of most cultures, has a taste that can't be replaced by other foods (because we are genetically conditioned to like it), its healthy, rich in protein, and at least in my country, pretty cheap.

Exactly what have they done? If you respect animals lives, you have to respect insects lives too, and if you walked on grass in the open before you're putting countless 'lives' at risk.




dis nigga saying that computers have animals in them lol

It was also part of our culture to rape woman and kill babies with genetic defects, should we start doing that again? Retard. Eating meat is murder, dont rationalize. You either face the facts and take it as a man or stop eating meat and be a better human being.

Cause if I don't, they'll slaughter the animals due to overpopulation and throw away the meat or preserve it. The meat industry is actually saving the planet by killing cows and pigs. You're probably a dumb cunt American who knows nothing about animal emissions and upkeep.

disregard the health arguments vegans make, it's a moot point since veganism isn't natural and is justified by PURLEY moral choices, even in India it's religious reasons, and no one chooses Vegan because of the health benefits, because the reality is the opposite, it takes a LOT more effort to be healthy as a vegan.

Also Hindu shit in the streets, so we should do that too, since they're vegan.

if we aint going to fucking eat them then some coyote will and it will be worse for them that way

havent you literally just finished one of these faggoty vegan threads

Just dropping in here to say I just had a bacon cheeseburger cooked rare at Texas Roadhouse for dinner tonight and anyone who doesn't like meat in their mouth is a faggot like OP

What is stearic acid? Dumb cunt.

It was never ok for a civilized society to rape women and kill disabled babies. In my culture that never happened. Eating only veggies destroyed your brain user.

I disregarded them. There are obese vegans too, makes no sense.

In India veganism is not because of religious reasons, sacred cow exist because from an economic point of view it was cheaper to use cows to work the land and eat veggies when India was going through a famine, now its claimed as a religious reason but it only came to be because economics. It was done by their prime minister at the time.

>1) Plants are conscious and feel pain.
>2) The farming industry is bad for the environment.
>3) There are many health issues because of our lack of proper protean consumption.
>killing a plant can only be justified in extreme circumstances; consuming a living plant just for its taste, for convenience, or out of habit is not justifiable.
>Why are you consuming so many plants?

How about you stop eating your ass crack hair and actually actually man the fuck up.

Just ate with 5 friends about 10 pounds of meat celebrating an early the new year with a friend thats leaving the country. Shit was so cash.

stearic acid is a byproduct, they dont kill animals because of it

anyways eating only vegetables and grains would destroy the land over farming would strip the dirt of nutrients it happened during the dust bowl when all we did was farm

Do you kill them yourself? Also does the environment and health not bother you at all?
>Can't claim to be Vegan for moral reason, and justify the health benefits.
I'm vegan because of all the arguments combined.
>Any balanced diet will make you healthy.
Not true, define balance. If you eat things that have a net negative impact on your diet it's better to avoid it.
>Animals don't deserve to be food?
Because they have a central nervous system and feel pleasure and sadness, excitement and resentment, depression, fear and pain.
>how the logistics of vegetables for every human being is plausible in anywhere that isn't in the Tropics?
Ever went to the supermarket? We already have those logistics.
>You're using an electronic device which is bad for the environment.
Not as bad as buying meat.
>Also, electronic devices contain animal derived products.
Wat? Are you actually retarded?
>There are many health related issues with excessive consumption of anything, including water. Whats your point?
Meat is a carcinogenic and is a lead cause of our cancer, diabetes and hearth attack epidemic.
>why are you not consuming meat?
Because my arguments still stand and no rebuttal is given.
>Categorizing insects the same as farm animals
Nigga you trippin'
>The meat industry is actually saving the planet by killing cows and pigs.
t. Meat and dairy lobbyist
No, thank god.
Meat has bad cholesterol, clogs up your arteries and is hard to digest. If you don't wanna die from an hearth attack veganism is the best choice.
Wtf? You know that the billions of animals slaughtered each year barely get sunlight.
I'm not done yet
I didn't say that meat can't be delicious

You think they remove the 'byproducts' of cows how? You think they giving liposuction to the cows?

I look down at my distended belly, intermittently small hand prints press against the inside of the skin.

"Mommy, why did you eat me?" I hear my toddler cry from inside my gut.

"Oh honey, mommy's tummy needed food"

"But I'm not fo-"

"Shh" I whisper as I slide my finger into my vagina and begin to stimulate myself.

"Oh. OH!" I shout as I begin to organism, the rush of another person inside me digesting giving me a rush.

Finally, I climax, laying back into the sofa, running my gurgling belly.

"That's a old boy, let's both go to sleep, okay?" I speak softly to my son "in the morning I'll use the energy you'll give me to start my day"

I fall asleep to the desperate cries as I ignore how long I'll spend in the bathroom passing this one through.

Don't eat at all. Plants are conscious and they feel pain. Stop eating plants they feel pain if you can not hear it that does not meant it don't exists...say no to consumption of Vegetables....

no but i wish i did, im perfectly healthy and me quitting meat wont help the enivorment

The only meat that is a true fucking disaster to the environment is beef.

Why you hate plants?? What they have done to you?? Why you encourage to hate plants?? And eat them??

This is hilarious you think a balanced diet will make you unhealthy? If you have things that have a net negative impact on your diet THAT'S NOT A BALANCED DIET.


Am not sure you really understand the health impacts.

But then you claim
>Because they have a central nervous system and feel pleasure and sadness, excitement and resentment, depression, fear and pain.

So this means we can eat smooth brain animals that don't feel those emotions, or is it just because the central nervous system?

You're literally inventing arbitrary rules for morality now. Smooth brain animals are nothing like us, so with your arbitrary rules, we should be allowed to eat them.

You are putting a premium on central nervous systems, because then you'd have to admit 'bug lives matter' and you are still choosing what lives matter.

You choose what lives matter, and think that we don't deserve the same freedom.

You say emotions make a difference, I say contributions to society do.
Dogs and cats play roles in society, we don't eat them.

What you invented is just arbitrary, you can't say having emotions is of worth to society. You personally, maybe, but that's not how morality works.

>Eating meat reduces the chance of heart diseases and strokes.
>Killing is natural and always has been.
>Animals kill for fun (like lions).
>Humans have animalic gene material in them which results in various instincts.
>Humans are animals, ffs. Differentiating between humans and animals is like saying cats are not animals but cats.
>Nobody cares for the envoirment. Sooner or later our CO2 emissions will destroy everything we need to live. A similar thing has already happened before human era and it took tens of thousands of years to recover.
>Fuck off to your PETA subreddit, faggot.

It's a myth that red meat is bad for you.

This is how fats work in the diet:

Back in the 20th century, there was a major epidemic of heart disease running rampant in America.

It used to be a rare disease, but very quickly it skyrocketed and became the number one cause of death... which it still is (2).

Researchers learned that eating saturated fat seemed to increase levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

This was an important finding at the time, because they also knew that having high cholesterol was linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

This led to the following assumption being made:

If saturated fat raises cholesterol (A causes B) and cholesterol causes heart disease (B causes C), then this must mean that saturated fat causes heart disease (A causes C).

However, at the time, this was not based on any experimental evidence in humans.

This hypothesis (called the "diet-heart hypothesis") was based on assumptions, observational data and animal studies (3).

The diet-heart hypothesis then turned into public policy in 1977, before it was ever proven to be true (4).

Even though we now have plenty of experimental data in humans showing these initial assumptions to be wrong, people are still being told to avoid saturated fat in order to reduce heart disease risk.

Maybe find the truth first instead of looking for a known targetable demographic by companies to exploit.

Fuck you plant hater fuck you billion times you mf. When "touch me not" close it's leaf tell me then if plants don't feel pain mf

Bugs have feelings too.

>I'm not done yet

No they do not, do some research.

There is world beyond America it's called rest of world and it's very health and living in peace with environment and health and no there are no fat people that exists in America the rest of world have free medical and my doctor ask me to eat more beef for my.leg and back pain.

Fruit flies are the best-studied insects and are considered a model organism, so it goes to reason if they experience nociception other insects may also. Some activists tout these two studies as proof insects feel pain. ... But nociception is not pain. The current definition of pain requires an emotional response.

>So if they don't feel emotions we can eat them

Yes they do and lets stop eating M&M since bugs die to give red color and yes bugs have emtions too

The consumption of sugar is attributed to the obscenity. If anything America eats too much veggies. Corn syrup mostly.

But sure, you can blame meat for the fat people, and just cherry pick the facts.

That's the american way.

Can we go back to eating burgers now

Dude, all candy bars have an acceptable amount of bugs in them. It's impossible to eat any candy bar entirely bug free.

>1.) dont give a shir
>2.) also dont give a shit
>3.) you just want the earth to look pretty you dont give a fuck. Keep driving your car shithead.
Tastes good and gives me big mooscle so I dont look like a skinny bitchy beta


in prehistoric time we used to hunt that shit down and eat it raw but were still fucking here

Problems with what you just said
1. Animals dont feel pain when we kill them. Because we kill them before they have a chance to feel pain, or knocking them unconscious instantly with a tool that jams their brains in.
2. You provide no evidence to back up anything you say.
3. There are many health problems related to not eating meat

Corn syrup. You can go any part of the planet and you will not see CORN SYRUP on any chocolates or ice cream this disease of corn is in AMERICA only the rest of the world use sugar.In Australia and New Zealand you will find products with sugar not corn syrup there is a reason it's ban as sweetern but American government don't give a shit. Also Nice Donlad Trump picking fight with Pakistan really love to see that since PAKIS ARE KNOWN nutcases and are armed with nuclear weapons love to see the end of that AMERICA will forget afginstan


oh you silly little 5'8" manlet


Hey OP I made you a beautiful artwork

Sorry to tell you. In rest of world if candy bar have small tiny tiny amount of bugs in it's not consider edible and not sold on market.its only in America where FDA alows bugs to be eaten since company pay them for this only in America people get to eat spider in there canned food the rest of world it don't happen

where did you get thoes numbers from not saying there isnt farmers who do that and honestly sad but dont group every farmer in with mcdonalds farm me i get mine from a local butcher who has free rang where his cattle live to a good age then are killed quickly so hes an inhumane monster?

nothing wrong with a bit of meat

>stearic acid
May also be of plant origin, including from cocoa butter and shea butter. Also didn't know they where inside electronics.
>It was never ok for a civilized society to rape women and kill disabled babies.
Bullshit, ever researched history?
>Eating only veggies destroyed your brain user.
If you go on a whole food plant based diet and pay a little attention to your B12, your brain will develop fine.
>I disregarded them. There are obese vegans too, makes no sense.
That's because veganism doesn't mean you can't eat shitty. Any respectable nutritionist says you should eat not to much meat.
Your actually harming more plants by eating meat, because the animals eat plants to grow and live before they get slaughtered. Thus if you want to minimize plant suffering you would eat plant only. Also plants contain protein.
>eating less meat is less manly
Sounds nice, go meat free tomorrow.
No it doesn't, like explained above eating meat requires more farming and space.
Again the same argument, if you want to minimize plant pain you need to eat less meat. It's not an argument.
I don't hate plants that's why I don't eat meat, animals are plant murderers, eating them would kill more plants.
>Balanced diet
A true balanced diet would minimize meat, because of the negative impact.
>Central Nervous System is arbitrary
No it isn't, insect nervous system differ greatly from that of higher order animals. Also smooth brain animals don't exist.
How do dogs and cats "contribute" to our society? You say that emotions don't matter, but dogs and cats are kept for emotional reasons only.

The little brown pieces of my son slide out of me rather easily into the toilet.

Relieved, I go about my normal day, only this time, I've got a new-found hunger.

Hours of cooking and cleaning pass until hubby finally gets home.

"Hey deer, where's Jimmy?"

"At a friend's house, dinner is ready"

We eat, no, he eats, I tell him I'm not hungry. Anything couldn't have been farther from the truth.

We go to bed, I tell him to take off his clothes, he thinks it's sexy time. It ain't.

I put his feet in mouth and begin to swallow his legs like a giant noodle.

He, laying on the bed, looks down to see me eating him like a snake.

"Whoa, what the fuck?" he yells, I smile and inch my way upward.

He's waist deep in my esophagus when he decides to call someone. I let him, afterall, who's gonna believe him?

He calls the police, tells them the exact situation and much to my pleasure, they hang up on him and tell him not to prank call them again.

When he's done with that, it's just his head and arms outside of my body. He's out of options.

I stand up, let my jaw hang, and let gravity do the pulling. A minute later, and my husband is fully in my stomach.

He puts up a fight, and I start to feel nauseous, but one solid burp and everything is okay again.

"Like father, like son" I laugh, patting the weight.

Tomorrow I'll talk to my brother, maybe have him over for dinner.

Fuck your moral high ground, our entire western lifestyle is built on the backs of deeply impoverished sentient beings who manufacture the shit we buy for nowhere near what it really should cost. We all have blood on our hands

And veggie burgers taste like shit

I wanna Big Mac.

OP is a shill faggot.



and eating meat doesnt make you obesse you can live a normal healthy life and eat alot of meat

1: I do not care.
2: I also do not care. I don't get how anyone cares, you won't live long enough to see how it goes either way.
3: This can be true, personally I don't eat meat, but in small amounts, like old school Japanese people ate it, as a side dish, it's alright.

Also, killing an animal can be justified for any reason within the law. It's absolutely subjective. Honestly, I'd kill you and feed you to my dog if it where legal and or socially accepted.

Morality simply = the majority opinion at any given time.

Suck it up cupcake, there isn't shit you can do about it. Nice opinions though.

1) who cares
2) see answer one
3) so are of not eating meat at all.

Go fuck yourself plat hater. I hope you choke on water mf. Leave plants alone A HOLE just kill yourself mf.and in indiaeat is not consed for religious reasons and Fuck you.for killing innocent plants A HOLES JUSTIFYING GENOCIDE MF

>Your actually harming more plants by eating meat.

Wrong, I'm saving the plants by eating the animals who eat them.

>because the animals eat plants to grow and live before they get slaughtered.

Big farms use pesticides that poison the land, water and insects far worse than meat farms harm plant life.

>Thus if you want to minimize plant suffering you would eat plant only. Also plants contain protein.

If vegans REALLY want to minimize plant suffering you would operate your own garden and only eat from them and not support the Big Farms or Importing lines that bring said fruits and greens to your local "organic" section.

I will eat all the fucking animals to save plants. Plants deserve better than some retard eating and then justifying genocide. Plants feel MF LOOK IT UP A HOLES. FUCLING COWS EAT THEM ALL MF PLANT HATING MACHINES

This is worse then picking your nose and eating it....
And I do that, and it tast ok


Stearic acid used on electronics only comes from animals, nice research there mate. And its not the only compound used on electronics.

>Bullshit, ever researched history?

Tthat never happened in my culture or what it is now my country. Sorry that yours is morally corrupt.

>If you go on a whole food plant based diet and pay a little attention to your B12, your brain will develop fine.

It was an insult not to be taken literally. How dumb are you?

> Any respectable nutritionist says you should eat not to much meat.

That was the point, you clearly missed it.

how bout i dont give a fuck what you believe im gonna look that cow in the eye and shoot it in the fucking face you have a problem then you can take its place on my table

Animals with smooth cerebral cortices are called "lissencephalic". Since they don't feel emotion they don't experience pain, since pain is an emotional response.

It's like plants or animals.

The only evidence you have of balanced diet reducing meat is the diet-heart hypothesis.


Back in the 20th century, there was a major epidemic of heart disease running rampant in America.

It used to be a rare disease, but very quickly it skyrocketed and became the number one cause of death... which it still is (2).

Researchers learned that eating saturated fat seemed to increase levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

This was an important finding at the time, because they also knew that having high cholesterol was linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

This led to the following assumption being made:

If saturated fat raises cholesterol (A causes B) and cholesterol causes heart disease (B causes C), then this must mean that saturated fat causes heart disease (A causes C).

However, at the time, this was not based on any experimental evidence in humans.

This hypothesis (called the "diet-heart hypothesis") was based on assumptions, observational data and animal studies (3).

The diet-heart hypothesis then turned into public policy in 1977, before it was ever proven to be true (4).

Even though we now have plenty of experimental data in humans showing these initial assumptions to be wrong, people are still being told to avoid saturated fat in order to reduce heart disease risk.


1:Ending all meat consumption at once will leave no place for the poor animals you seek to save to live.

2: Ending of the meat industry will cut off a huge portion of the earth’s food supply, making more people starve

3:Vegans need to eat massive amounts of nuts and such and still need infusions in order to be semi-healthy. Many vegans are underweight due to the lack of protein in their diet.

Now, why aren’t you eating meat?

You all need to get laid.

>look that cow in the eye and shoot it in the fucking face

yes, you have that power...

but you're not immune to the fat and cholesterol contained in meat.

do you smoke cigarettes too?

I pray and hope some virus kills all the cows on this planet. Finally all planets will be safe and grass will be able to grow. Mf cows are never full filled like human they have to destroy a feild mf. Cow loving ass holes hating plants like they are nothing. FUCK YOU IF YOUR LAST MEAL WAS ONLY GRERNS FUCK YOU BILLION TIMES

I could eat less mind your own fucking business.

>Eating meat reduces the chance of heart diseases and strokes.
No, utter bullshit. How does the food that contains cholesterol that clogs up your arteries reduce heart disease?
>Killing is natural and always has been.
Not an argument
>Animals kill for fun (like lions).
They kill for survival and because they have to, we're not carnivores
>Humans have animalic gene material in them which results in various instincts.
Like the instinct to have sex doesn't justify rape.
>Humans are animals, ffs. Differentiating between humans and animals is like saying cats are not animals but cats.
Aren't we differentiating if we allow killing of animals and not of humans? You are contradicting your own.
>Nobody cares for the envoirment. Sooner or later our CO2 emissions will destroy everything we need to live. A similar thing has already happened before human era and it took tens of thousands of years to recover.
Yeah and animal agriculture doesn't help
>>Fuck off to your PETA subreddit, faggot.
Fuck off brainlet, carnist.
Study's funded by the meat and dairy industries prove nothing.
Again, to minimize plant suffering you need to eat less meat.
> America eats too much veggies. Corn syrup mostly
Calling corn syrup a veggie, are you retarded? Processed foods is the main cause of fat people.
Eating meat does more harm to the environment than driving a car.
>Eat it raw
No user, we didn't.

Look in to close and clear in grass and leafs tell them they are retards and a idiot machine of cow will eat them and they are not suppose to feel pain and yes I smoke natural tobacco it helps my motor nurions if it was up to to some asshole animal I would have lost that medicen mf


That's what exercise is for tho, to burn of the fat, and cholesterol could be taken care off by eating with moderation.

I met some real vegans once. They lived in the mountains of Peru and actually practiced what they believed in. They had nothing to do with modern society and grew everything they ate and used.

I can respect them.

What I don't respect are these hypocrites that call themselves "Vegans" while essentially functioning as just another cog in the same machine.

Works for and spends all his/her money in a social system erected by animal eaters. Shops at stores, restaurants, buys consumer goods that directly cause suffering/death, has a roof over his head, ect all built by, supported by, invented by animal eaters. Literally work and pay right back into the system that is built by and maintained by the same people you wrongly hold yourselves above in one of the greatest examples cognitive dissonance in all of human history.

Simply put, you can not live and work in a modern world and not do your part in the torture, suffering and killing of other beings, human or non-human. One way or another, you too are responsible because you choose to be when there is an alternative you've convinced yourself isn't viable, yet, there are people who live it.

You choose modern comfort over the well being of other beings. That's fine, so do I, but I'm not the one preaching from a delusional stance.

Fuck you and fuck you. I will not let plants suffer I will eat only retard cows no harm or suffering to plants.

>mmune to the fat and cholesterol contained in meat.
>do you smoke cigarettes too?
no i dont

>No user, we didn't.
Actually, we did fuckface.

Wanna know why I eat meat? Because of retards like you. FUCK OFF

>yes I smoke natural tobacco

If you consume meat, dairy, and smoke tobacco we can safely assume that your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer is exponentially higher than a vegan.

This is considered common knowledge in the year 2017 and I assume you are aware of the statistics.

2018 is almost here and it's a great opportunity to pivot into a healthier lifestyle.

>No, utter bullshit. How does the food that contains cholesterol that clogs up your arteries reduce heart disease?

Cholesterol from your diet is no longer taken into account. Most cholesterol issues are now known to be from genetic defects in the structure of lipoproteins.

>They kill for survival and because they have to, we're not carnivores

Animals do kill for fun. Sorry user, its true.

>Processed foods is the main cause of fat people.

And its also why famine is non existant when crops are lost.

>Eating meat does more harm to the environment than driving a car.

The making and transportation of the computer parts that you're using is more damaging than eating meat for the entirity of your life. Ever heard of bunker oil?

>Animals with smooth cerebral cortices are called "lissencephalic". Since they don't feel emotion they don't experience pain, since pain is an emotional response.
It's like plants or animals.

please stop your not making us meatlovers jobs any easier they do feel pain they dont feel pain when they die quickly but they do feel it its the basic part of most all mamals brains

I bet you jizz butterflies, you sanctimonious fuckhead

>not an argument

you keep saying this

>not an argument

you did it in your last shitty thread, and now your doing it again now, dismissing peoples points with

>not an argument

is not an argument, now will you kindly take your tree huggin hippy ass back to fucking reddit before i spam your pathetic thread with gore

>cholesterol could be taken care off by eating with moderation

Unfortunately, there is no safe 'moderation' when consuming an average western diet.

Was going to stay at home and have a salad but now cant stop thinking about meat,so im grabbing the mrs and going to BBQ Barn! Animals are about to die as a direct result of your actions OP, hope your happy.

how about not consuming an average western diet? but with meat.

What is the french paradox?
Oh nevermind, another vegan that only reads blogs.


>1. Animals are killed humanly
Either you are incredibly ill-informed or you are in deep denial of the facts. We have all been deceived about how farm animals are treated. Go to any library or bookstore and search the children’s section for books about farms. You will see idyllic settings with tons of grass and pasture, families of chickens pecking about for seeds and worms, ducks and geese swimming with their babies, cows roaming all around, and pigs rolling about in mud baths.

Unfortunately, that’s just not the way it is. I’m not going to go into it here. There are many sources to find out the graphic truth about factory farms. You don’t have to look very far on the web to see the gory details. Try a YouTube search or any number of animal rights or vegan sites. If only you would. But I doubt you will, if you are in denial. Why avoid the flat-out truth about how our meat is made, if it’s not true? Take a look. No watering-down of the facts, just the truth. I can understand why you don’t wish to see or hear it. It’s not pleasant at all. But how can you be a denier if you don’t know exactly what it is that you’re denying? Bottom line, as Paul McCartney said, “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.”

It’s time to take a (relatively mild) look through the window (in increasing levels of graphic imagery):

Full descriptions of conditions for most species in factory farms (few small pictures):

Pamphlet with some graphic imagery of “normal” abuses:

Details and videos of “normal” abuses:

I think you can find many more, if you care to look. If not, you have to ask yourself “why not?” If it’s too much to bear to see, then perhaps eating meat/eggs/milk is too much for the animals to bear. I’m just sayin’…

This is the best bargaining I have seen to try to convert me from my ways.

I however refuse

As an American man I love eating these fucking sack of shit cows.

Seeing as I'm currently tripping balls on some shit that FUCKING COW has been giving me them eyes and I'm having NONE OF IT.

You will never persuade me commie

I mean, people from all over the world at meat (most probably not in your average western diet) but still live healthily.

Ew the fuck

>Study's funded by the meat and dairy industries prove nothing.

You dismiss published science documents as FAKE NEWS, without citing any actual proof it was meat and dairy industry funded.

This wasn't some link to a small group I gave you, but Harvard University, it's about as official as you can get. You're confusing actual scientific work for the same propaganda brainwashing you read like

This meta-analysis was called "seriously misleading" by Walter Willet, chair of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard, who explained that the paper contained major errors and omissions, most notably that the foods used to replace saturated fats were other unhealthy foods like refined sugars and starches.

>>Eat it raw
>No user, we didn't.
well technically you dont have any proof because history was being recorded but i agree we most likely didnt eat it raw but fun fact you can do it and not die

>2. You provide no evidence to back up anything you say.
It is impossible for any rational person to intelligently deny the negative ecological fallout of industrial farming. The arguments are sound and incontrovertible: three quarters of the US’s nitrous oxide (296 times more polluting than carbon dioxide) comes from meat agriculture; pigs and cattle excrete almost three times as much waste nitrogen than humans globally (in the US it is 130 times more); toxic chemical and animal runoff from factory farms has poisoned 173,000 miles of rivers and streams; land the size of seven football fields (often precious forested areas) is razed every minute to create room for farmed animals; 40 percent of all grain produced worldwide goes to feed livestock, not humans. The list of insults to the environment goes on and on and on.

And the causal links are straightforward: nitrous oxide, along with methane and carbon dioxide, is a greenhouse gas which contributes to climate change; the waste products from irresponsible farming practices pollute water sources and damage ecosystems; rainforests act as carbon sinks – natural and vital temperature regulators to keep the planet healthy – we need them. Global climate change deniers are like malzoans who try to use this argument: In denial.