Should we lower the age of consent?

Should we lower the age of consent?


not like you could possibly get pussy that fresh even if it did happen

Asks the pedophile.

I was always amazed at US having such a high age of consent. In Slovakia it is 15 and we turned out juuuuuust right.

>just right
good one m8

Should be 16 no more no less.

in canada the age of consent is already 16
why the fuck would you want to stick your dick into anything younger? you have some morals to question.

>age of consent
like there should be 1 set age.

>Should we lower the age of consent?
it won't matter.
no one would want to have sex with you regardless of what age they might be.



Just think about 15 year old Kate Upton


i never heard of this word. this sounds like a fake word. i don't like fake words. but i'll tell you this, my grandfather used to tell me, a man has every right to fuck any woman that he wants. i'm pretty sure it even says that in the bible. right after "god made woman" and before "always vote republican". but it's in there. it says it right there in the bible. believe me. nobody knows the bible better than i do. and i'm not just saying that. meany people are. i don't know who, just many many people.




Yea 17 should be legal


Lol good one


who is "we" exactly?
lol, stupid millenials and their direct democracy ideals... as if "we" can do anything about it.


Nah. 16 is good to go.

lol no


Who is we? Every place has different laws regarding age of consent even though it's sort of 18 in the US.

According to wiki in 2001 and 10 year old girl married a 31 year old man in Tennessee.

Meanwhile, 22 year old women are going to prison for fucking 17 year old boys. We might want to re-evaluate things.

Pic related. Hunter day had sex with and sexted one of her students and charged with charges of second-degree rape, possession of child pornography and soliciting sex from a minor using technology.

In an unrelated case this year. A 17 year old male got all the cheese pizza related charges thrown at him for sending dick picks to his over 18 year old girlfriend.

So now 2 consenting near adults can both be given long felony sentences for engaging in relations.

Who's that protecting again?


yeah down to around 10 for penetrative acts and 4 for non-penetrative. little girls like dick you can't deny them that without making a mess of things.


Yes. And forced sex by law.

should be between two and four

What seems to be going on here...

No, you pedophile

You wouldn't even profit from it lowering, anyways you faggot.

I don't know been having sex since I was 15 didn't feel wrong then.... also wasn't having sex with adults.

I will gladly spend my hard earned money on watching first graders at a strip club, even if I don't get to bang them.

Just for the sake of argument: Why do we need age of consent at all? Why is not consent itself enough?

Fucking kek

I hope you're joking.
If a toddler just mutters "yes" without knowing any context of the situation, that would mean you could fuck it's brains out? Consent itself doesn't work. Plus just having something like an 80 year old fucking anormies 11 year old just seems wrong.



This. Europoor here, age of consent is 15 and some kids were already fucking each other when they were 13.
I always laugh when they say that in America, someone fucked a 16yo / 15yo and 'is a pedo'.

no pedo

For the sake of argument, how long should a woman be able to wait until she decides she didn't consent?

Though the origin for need outside of puritan logic. Is that it protects young people who are vulnerable to suggestion, being paid etc. though there's already an epic fuckton of laws covering all those other possibilities.

Hence why teachers and Jared are getting hit with felonies instead of misdemeanors for sex or attempted sex with minors.

If Jared had just fucked a 17 year old girl and not offered to pay her, he'd be doing 6 months not 6 years eating footlong cockmeat sandwiches.

Wouldn't it then be the responsibility of the adult to make sure the kid was into it and stop at the first sign of discomfort?

>Parents leaving their kid alone with a pedophile.
>Blame the pedophile

Yeah okay.

Pedophilia is degenerate and disgusting, but if you leave your kid alone with one you need to neck yourself.

>I hope you're joking.
Sadly, no. I am just looking for argument, though.

>If a toddler just mutters "yes" without knowing any context of the situation
That is not consent, though.
Also, the moment toddler would start to cry is the moment he is effectively saying "Stop, i no longer consent to this."

>Plus just having something like an 80 year old fucking anormies 11 year old just seems wrong.
Well, having sex outside committed relationship seems wrong to me as well, but it is certainly legal, innit?

No need.
Girls below 16 don't want sex anyway.

why? it's already 14 where I live

Yes and here are my reasons why:
1)Sex is nothing bad. If its fun for both parties there should be nothing wrong with it too. If a, lets say 12 yr old, is finding out that touching/playing with their genitals bring enjoyment and they get curious about the other sex, why should it be forbidden if its with an older person? Maybe little Sophie now always gets wet when she sees her 30yr old neighbour and he is interested in her as well. That should be no problem. Or little Tom gets a raging boner when he sees the 30 yr old milf sunbathing next to the pool. It would be ok for them to have sex.
2)If nature tells us that the body is ready for sex, it is. If a girl already has her period thats pretty much natures sign for her to go out and get pounded.

Everything should involve consent and probably contraception but you should not get into jail just because a 14 yr old with already enourmous tits wanted to try and suck your cock and your wife comes back home early.

it literally changes nothing

There should be no age of consent

In fact, biological reproduction should be banned to ensure the extinction of manking to the benefit of Mother Nature

Checked, the dubs of truth.

if you can't get someone of you're own age you're most likely a lowlife
i dated someone 16 years older than me when i was 18
definition of a manchild

of course, 16 is too old, should be 13

bro, why would everybody even want to fuck 13 and younger if we can have 14-16 wanting your dick still looking very young

It personally became too much of a hassle for me but I still dated 16 years old when I was 27.

Kids are curious about sex, our society castrate them, then they grow up with the mind fucked

Is that the sims?
more pls.

Hmm, i see your point. Somewhat.

I mean: Is having sex so serious decision that you need to be adult to make it?

Some women love older men, case in point, was banging 18 at 80 and the bitches loved it.

roy, we're all very sorry you didn't win but its time to go to bed.

Mate, I'd have banged him for the amount of cash I'd havbe able to get out of him.


And behind that castration are roasties of course. By labeling everyone who goes after more attractive and healthy females a sick pervert, they effectively remove competition and get to keep men in place. Fucked up

In which province?

No, but we should make sex outside of marriage illegal.



If I aint getting laid nobody is!

So I guess no one is ever getting laid again

Sweet baby Jesus...


How old is she?

Most likely not, can't even remember the last time a saw a meatcanyon

Not sure

If you are serious about it and not troll, could you share your reasoning?

17 is the age of consent in a lot of states/countries. It is in Texas. Also you can fuck a 15 y/o if you just turned 18 (within 3 years of each other). Just don't get nudes from anyone below 18 or they'll get ya on cp. kek, you can touch, but don't look!

Well the real reason is kinda simple actually, it would create a more moral society with more stable families since it would not be horny sluts marrying horny sluts and would not end in as many divorces.





This thread is fun, don't let it die


Its protecting the horny fucks in congress. Also good post, keep sharing your opinions. We all should do that more.

she had herself plasticized for certain.

Threads getting my cock hard kik bigdickdaddyyo

>I mean: Is having sex so serious decision that you need to be adult to make it?
Aside from STD and pregnancy risks, not really, safer than letting kids drive cars at 16.

Obviously the country with the highest age of consent is letting 10 year olds get married and I think marriage allows consent to ones spouse, so how fucked up is that?

What does that tell you it's really about? Fucking religion, apparently any age is okay so long as your married. 15 or 16 is probably pretty realistic.

Interesting side note: worlds youngest mother was allegedly 5 1/2, made possible by some weird onset of early puberty.

Absolutely not, people should stop making a big deal out of people under the age of consent having sex with each other though, otherwise we end up with children being punished for crimes "against themselves" (???)

When i was 14 i fucked a 16 year old girl, what does that make me or her in american logic?

has any1 else noticed the huge amount of cheese pizza at the other /b. ?????8

From 1500 to 1800 it wasn't uncommon for families to start at 12 or 13 years old. But the average life span was only 30 to 40 years. And the world population was under 1 billion. Today the average life span is 72 to 82 years. And the world population is over 7.6 billion. Surprised the world governments haven't raised the age of consent to 30 or higher.

This is Gold.

>, it would create a more moral society

>more stable families
Necessity to get married in order to have sex, would hardly lead to stable or happy relationships.

Imagine you've got roommate who you liked at first, but whom, you hate right now, BUT YOU CAN'T MOVE AWAY.

I am actually quite happy that my mother got to divorce my father and leave him behind. I don't like that guy. Her second husband is much better person.

word up son

It makes you a virgin faggot that lies on the internet

yes let's lower the age of consent

I will fight for your legal right to fuck kids post your rl name, location, and email address in this thread

Its 14 in my country. Even if you are adult. Feels good man.

