What happened?

What happened?

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Elite of nation into gulag


sums it up quite nicely

Tripoloski tripo tripoloski

Stalin was a prisoner, and he turned all country into gopnics mordor. Cheeky breeki

modern russia has no culture
reinstate tsarisms

it's always interesting reading old russian books and comparing the characters in them to modern russians

Communism and Russians

soo many young posers around the world are pretending to be gopniks, why?

it's a meme now

Fuckin marx
With you started everything

You are comparing aristocrats with freed serfs

it was a meme in 2002.

Still better than fucking slant eyed subhumans :^)

She had a sex-change surgery and multiplied into three?

Nothing. Stop cherry picking.


French masters left us.

He's a Pole behind a proxy-

>he unironically compares Japan to Russia aka poorman's Poland

lmao you have to defeat Poland at first

>He compares cities by some meme sites
No wonder your country is a hellhole where human beings can't exist.

How can Russia ever recover?

Btw, Poland > Japan. I'd pick any polish city rather than Japanese one.

Nah, it's the "greek"

According to that site Warsaw is better than New York City. What the fuck is this shit

>The Pyatigorsk Cheka organized a "day of Red Terror" to execute 300 people in one day.
They ordered local Communist Party organizations to draw up execution lists.
According to one of the chekists, "this rather unsatisfactory method led to a great deal of private settling of old scores.
In Kislovodsk, for lack of a better idea, it was decided to kill people who were in the hospital."

>In the Crimea, (((Béla Kun))) and (((Rosalia Zemlyachka))), with Vladimir Lenin's approval, had 50,000 White prisoners of war and civilians summarily executed via shooting or hanging after the defeat of general Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel at the end of 1920.
They had been promised amnesty if they would surrender.

The Communists literally killed the entire elite.
The only Russians left are either gopniks or mudslimes (the commies loved them).

>Implying it was good at some time

>idealised painting vs reality
Somehow, reality always loses!

If he bothered to pick a photo of someone of upper class, like a woman in a painting, it would kinda match.

But Russian elite was like that at some time and plebs strived to be like them.

Russia is inferior to Poland by any measures anyway
I didn't think i could meet a sane Russian :^)

Our homicide rates are basically made by bydlo and alcoholics who kill each other. Mostly it's pretty safe here.

wtf is wrong with Finland and Baltic States?

Btw, as of 2009, Moscow had homicide rates just like the Amsterdam ones, which is pretty good I think.

I'll believe objective statistics rather than your anecdote

Actually he's right, crime is extremely isolated there. Not that it changes anything, but still.

What's the point with that statistics? It shows that Moscow is one of the cleanest cities in the world. I don't think you'll actually notice those 0.5 points by yourself.

So? how about now?
Also, Amsterdam is pretty unsafe city by developed countries' standards.

>not a single terrorist attack in the last 10 years
>"General risk"

Can't find a reliable statistics for now 2bh.

I just wanted to compliment poor Russia :^)



Yeah wages are low, but before the crisis we were kinda ok. Shit happens. Maybe we'll get better.

Not for Russia. It's still like that and won't change until at least 2020.

why is russia so fucking poor and dirty?

Not a pic I would post if I were polish. Kinda shows that you are shit.

Stop lying

Come on mate, what can you do on those? Sometimes I spend it just in a bar.

poor yes dirty no blame communism

Why is Russia so bad at economics

first pic shows the elite.

second shows poor people.

it's not like today's russia doesn't have an elite, and it's not like tsarist russia didn't have poverty.

>compare the bottom 10% with the top 5%
>what happened
Your retarded mother gave birth to you is what went wrong

But plebs wanted to be like elite in general, now they're fucking subhumans.

Slavic Enlightenment.

Defeat in Cold war.

We need a foreign hand to rules us in order to not become a shithole.
Ancient russian was ruled by ruriks (they were not russians).
Russian empire was ruled by prussians (google catherine the great for example).
Soviet union was ruled by jews, georgians etc and the moment a russian took the power it started to turn into shit and eventually collapsed.
Right now we just need a foreign hand to take the power in russia.

What do you think happened Kim Dong?

We started collapsing when Jews took the power. Can't trust a kike.

Where are the picture's of Russian serfs during the tsarist reign? You'd have to be stupid to support feudalism in the 20th century

No we didn't. If anything we achieved a huge economic progress and industrial growth during that period. Not to mention we became a superpower that was capable of being a rival to America itself.
And the living standards were quite good back then.

yes i will do it
t. oligarch

they didnt take refugee doctors and engineers in when the almighty merchant told them to

like japan is trying not to.

they've always existed, but their ancestors were kept as serfs away from civilized russian folk.

after the gommies killed them all they became the majority.

Putin improved Russia's economy and living standards.

When you have 'communist revolution' of any sort, they tend to kill the middle-upper class people who are mostly the retainer of traditional / high culture of the country, incase of Russia its even worse since they target rural farmers as well, effectively killing the folk culture
Even when these countries stop being commies, their culture is effectively eroded, as even the new emerging middle class are just elevated chavs / gopniks, having wealth but without taste, like bling wearing niggers, or the mainland Chinese

>they were not russians

Kek anyone who belong to Russian or Rus state is Russian, Russia is not fucking monoethnic European shithole, but political and social construct from earliest times.

Зaдoлбaли дeбилы пocтящиe хyepгy пpo тo чтo caми нe пoнимaют. Кaкиe нe pyccкиe лять? Любoe гocyдacpтвo - aнaлoг бpaтвы coбиpaющeй нaлoг c paйeнa, cooтвeтcтвeннo живeшь в paйoнe Coлнцeвcких, знaчит ты coлнцeвcкий, a тaк хoть нeгp вceм пoфиг. Taк-жe и pyccкиe, coбpaлиcь чeткиe пaцaнчики кoнтpoлиpoвaть тopгoвлю пo peкaм pyccкoй paвнины - нaзвaли cвoю бaндy - pycaми, и вce лять вce тeпepь pycы, пoх чтo y них пoлoвинa имeн тo тюpкcкиe, тo пepcидcкиe, тo cлaвянcкиe, тo cкaндинaвcкиe, aнгeлы aдa типa блин.

Eщё paз для дeбилoв - нaциoнaльнcть - тepмин вoзникший в 19 вeкe и oбoзнaчaющий житeля cтpaны, пoлитичecкoгo oбpaзoвaния лять, живeшь в фpaнции, знaчит фpaнцyз - плaти нaлoги и пиcдyй в apмию poдинe cлyжить. Дpyгих cмыcлoв y этoгo тepминa нeт.

>He fell for a communism meme
Du-ude. Look at other European and new world countries, they also achieved industrial growth and huge, really huge economical progress. But they end up being best countries in the world and we end up being a shithole no one wants to live in. And no, that's not because someone collapsed our union. That's because communism is a retarded system that shouldn't exist. Also, good standards of living in the ussr is a propaganda meme.

Your image is lacking citations, no proofs to be found! FAKE NEWS

Russia have an incredible stratification of society. 90 percent resources owned by 0.1 percent people. That's a reason.

You have it good, compared to starving kids in Africa and terrorist shitholes in Middle East.

Wtf i wanna that girl

>rich people are retainers of culture and good taste
>except if they have tastes I disagree with

We have our own terrorist shithole called kavkaz. Also look at our achievements in science and arts. We're not the smartest people in the world maybe, but with those smartasses we should definitely live in a better county. You can't say it about Africa or ME.

>other European and new world countries, they also achieved industrial growth and huge, really huge economical progress. But they end up being best countries in the world
Of course. But russia will never ever achieve it no matter what system we adopt. And even if russia wasn't communistic we would be nothing like the Netherlands or Switzerland. Russia's best achievements and the brightest periods were when foreigners ruled us, and it does not really matter if the country was a communist state or whatever.
We can only improve and prosper under a foreign rule.
It's because of stupidity and corrupted nature of the majority of this country, it's in our genes. We are like livestock that needs a Master to achieve something, be it a georgian, a prussian, a jew etc. just not russian.


4 chan would be so much better of all these anglosphere assholes like aussies and new zoolanders and britshits and leafs were range banned

what vicious scum of a """"people"""""they are.

now wonder Arabs (and not only them) are trying to purge them from this world

Have you ever been in a home of the proletariat? Its terribly gaudy

I don't agree with you, we just need some time to educate the population so we can have more democracy and control over the authority. We have almost everything to be a good prosperous and entirely independent country.

>Its terribly gaudy
which is literally only a bad thing according to arbitrary bourgeois tastes.

He also destroyed it after annexing Crimea

>Russian living in 3rd world conditions currently, thinks that living in the USSR was better


The worst thing is they don't want to improve their lives in current conditions, they just want to dream about muh we wuz superpower and shiet.

>Elite of nation

Bunch of arrogant turkeys. If they were elites, then consider any rich niggers as elite too.

>Delusional hohol
How surprising

I recently read something from a german foreign policy guy who was retiring to write books on bloomberg or somewhere else.
He talked primarily about Germany and it's future policy in EU, but he also brought up Putin.
There use to be an arrangement between the west and Russia until Bush broke it when he announced nato possibilities for Georgia and another country, against the advice of german and french heads of government.
That's why Putin changed into what he is now.

I bet they treat their dogs better than your ancestors :^)

Russia and the West's relationship was improving before the Ukraine mess started.

Jew on the left.

No, no, that was way before, Obama may have tried to patch it up, but the hole was there before Ukraine.
Obama brokered a 'reset in relations' because they were bad from before.

how about the war in Georgia in 08'? everyone was wilding back then like a mf

Quite amusing considering your ancestors where their dogs.

Hmm? What invasion was that comrade


the sanctions meme was formed back then, but only it's first intial form.

Quite amusing post considering 80% of Russian Empire population were slaves.

Feudalism isn't just a Russian thing.


>What happened?

Why not?

Shut the fuck up and go back to your cuckshed. Serfs in Russian and pretty much all of Eastern Europe were slaves