



Not a fan of steamy logs, but I'd be interested in some diarrhea broth

I have just the thing for you!

Now that's what I call customer service

What a SHIT meme, you're trying to force down 4chans throat like a LOG of SHIT. Like really, you STINK at making memes, they really are CRAP. I don't understand what BULLSHIT is running through your brain that doesn't make you want to kill yourself like the piece of SHIT you are.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Andy Sixx's log of shit. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of fecal matter most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Andy’s fecal outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from John Dryden literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Andy Sixx's log of shit truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Andy’s existential catchphrase “Creamy Steamy Dreamy” which itself is a cryptic reference to Coprophilia. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Andy Sixx’s genius shit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. XD And yes, by the way, i DO have a Log of shit tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid. :)



What a SHIT meme, you're trying to force down 4chans throat like a LOG of SHIT. Like really, you STINK at making memes, they really are CRAP. I don't understand what BULLSHIT is running through your brain that doesn't make you want to kill yourself like the piece of SHIT you are.


So did you got the trips last night from faggot OP?


I can't send pics of the thread I have yet to edit them forget my comment.





Look, having logs—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good logs, very good logs, OK, very creamy and steamy, the Fiber One, very good, very loggy—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a log, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal log, they would say I'm one of the loggiest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative log they try—oh, do they do a number two—that’s why I always start off: Went to a Sixx concert, went there, went there, did this, sucked a log of shit out of his ass—you know I have to give my log credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at Andy's log of shit, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these logs are (logs are powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power of logs and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen with logs and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with Andy—now it used to be three, now it’s four of his logs—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the shit nuggets; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but Andy's logs are great, his logs are great, so, and they, he just killed, he just killed us with his logs.

Our Logger,
whose anus is in contact with your lips,
Hallowed be thy colon;
Thy shitlog down your fucking throat come,
Thy will be dung
with turds, as it is with spicy diarrhea:
Give us this day our daily dump;
And forgive us our imperfect sphincter,
as we forgive those that choke on your feces,
And lead us not into the hands of Dani Filth,
But deliver us from the piss patrol:
For thine is the asshole over Sup Forums with a creamy, dreamy steamer,
the power over the cock raters, and the redditors
For ever and ever.




>Be me in highschool
>Scenefag back then
>Vans Warped Tour
>Summer 2011
>I staked out in the porta-jon toilet closest to the stages for 36 hours
>Hundreds of hot beer shits, piss, vomit, cigarette butts, bloody tampons and ass sweat rained down on me day and night
>Still I waited
>Second night falls
>Up to my chest in the cess pit of waste
>Delerious, I drift in and out of consciousness towards the end of another BvB set
>The music stops for a while
>Hear the jingling of scene kid accessories
>Am I hallucinating?
>"Great set, bros, I'll be back - I've got to take a massive shit."
>It's Andy Sixx
>His footsteps get closer, as does the jingling of his Hot Topic chains and belts
>The door opens
>It's time
>I tilt back my head and open my mouth as wide as I can
>Andy grunts
>He rips a massive fart that blows my hair back
>I see the log crowning
>The steam nearly blinds me
>It dangles for a moment before slidding silently down my throat
>It is warm in my chest, like a sip of brandy
>By the time it's all over he's pushed three more hulking logs into my gullet

SO fucking hot....

Ok I've ignored it as long as I can but I've had it with this shitty forced Andy Sixx meme. It's just one, maybe two faggots spamming and it's getting me steamed. Just earlier today my friend Andy and I posted perfectly good cock rate and pics you shouldn't share threads which immediately 404'd, meanwhile five or sixx of these stupid fucking log threads are sliding right to the first page. This might be a tough one for you to swallow, but whoever you are that keeps posting this if I ever meet you irl I will cream you. Your meme is shit and I'm fucking dung with it.

Fuck I keep forgetting to fix "sliding" to "slidding"



Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray Andy Sixx butthole reeks,
If I should clog before I 'wake,
I pray the Log my fucking throat to take

If I could suck a log of shit
Straight from Andy’s bum
Then I would plant upon my lips, his anus: oh what fun.

That I could do it with my mouth, to huff and suck and choke
All to have that creamy log slidding down my throat

Andy Sixx i beg of you, with your emo and gothicy might
That i may be the lucky one
To slurp your log tonight

Such cream... such steam...



stop posting this retarded idiot.

Grow up. Also dubs logged.





The cheese is shit


Alright, guys. I've had enough of this “log of shit” meme. Im actually one of Andy’s roadies.

Memes aside hes a good guy, very respectful, got invited to his house on 2014 new years eve when he saw me drinking alone on the sidewalk, he just told me to "put on something nice". Needless to say i had a good time, even for a Sup Forumstard, best food i've ever had and that booze selection my god dont even remind me of that.

However he is very sensitive about his shits, for some reason his shits smell obnoxiously bad, literally twenty four seven (could be the touring diet). One of his friends made a joke about it...and now we have this meme. Last saturday i saw him at the mart, tried to make idle talk with mr Biersack, but he sounded very sad, told me he had to hurry up. Now obviously he knows about this stupid meme and pretty sure people irl made fun of him (more than usual). We arent close friends but he is actually a good person, but also old and fragile both physically and mentally.
Now i don’t want to (and can’t) stop logposting but think about it before making fun of him, would you like random people making fun of your sick grandma just because she gets shitter splats, taking it to a level where people scream things at her irl?

Dear Sup Forums,

It's us, user-anus, once again. Except this time it's the logger speaking.

We are finished with your logless shills, immaturity, and Dani Filth pissfags that spread like a snakes bite and ruin the internet. Where have all of the internet's problems come from? Loggit? 9log? No, no.
Tonight at SIXX am Sup Forums will officially come to an end.

"kek u cant eat Andy's sh*t"

Not only do I have my slidding skills and team aside me, but I also have 9log, the founding website of user-anus, aside us.

You're probably all thinking


There is one thing you CAN do. Surrender. I want Poop and Heaving here, with the SLIDD and everything, saying sorry, and banning all of things logless from your website.

As of now, you have SIXX hour and SIXX minutes.

The log is slidding, gentlemen.

We are logion.
We do not waste shit.
We do not log off.

- The Logger

Hey Sagefags,

My name is Andy, and I log every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-feces who spend every second of their day sipping stupid ass urine. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any throat clogs? I mean, I guess it’s fun criticizing the bodily waste of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to cock rate threads.

Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shit. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the log roll steam, and starter on my diarrhea cream. What dumps do you take, other than “repost pics you shouldn't share”? I also get straight anus, and have a banging hot corn turd (She just blew out of my asshole; Shit was SO cash). You are all sagefags who should just clog yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It’s me and my log

Rothschilds and Bogdanoffs bow down to Andy Sixx
>His anus is In contact with your lips
>Possesses psychic-like abilities to brew you a unique log specific to your favorite tastes and textures
>Controls your throat with an iron but fair sphincter
>Direct descendant of the ancient royal log-line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Logdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of shit-log research facilities on Earth
>said to have 215+ LQ, such bowel movements on Earth have only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented log-sharing capabilities
>He owns Nano-log R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Logdabots inside you right now
>He learned fluent French in under a week, and then ordered everything off of the menu to create new European flavors of shit
>Nation states entrust their log reserves with him.
>In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. Eternal log slidding down your throat

>be me
>secretary at BVB Army headquarters
>in the music studio helping animaterr man put out a new track
>the alarms go off
>andy sixx announces over the facility loudspeaker, "THE STREAMERS ARE ATTACKING THE FACILITY"
>we all head to arms
>me, animaterr man, vocaroo guy and 2 others bunkered down in the music room, ready for anything
>the door bursts open and...
>dani's best streamboi... AKA... steven hawking rolls in... animaterr mans archnemesis
>animaterr man retrieves a weaponized log from his pocket, chucking it at him, landing in his mouth where he gags on it and fucking dies
>dani filth attempts to enter right after, but andy sixx bursts through the ceiling and grabs him
>"Hurting my loggers, eh?" he says to the now shivering dani
>Andy forcefully ties dani down, dani crying and pleading as it goes down
>andy removes his own pants and squats over dani's face... he starts grunting
>dani starts screaming and begging for his life, but his cries are muffled by a big heaping fucking log
>dani is crying, turned into a little bitch by a mighty log slidding down his streamer throat
>babbling like a baby, dani cries out “stop! stop! no more!” as andy and everyone in the room laughs at him
>mehmet hussein peeks his head into the doorway, curious from all the commotion
>andy looks him dead in the eyes
>”you’re next bitch.”
>andy gives mehmet a 10 second head start to run, but andy shits so hard it works like a fucking rocket, launching him to mehmet’s location
>”gotcha” he says to mehmet, now praying to allah, begging for his life
>andy pulls down his pants and shits in his face so hard, his head was gone from his body when the shitstorm ended
>all the streamers in our base dead, died a SHITTY death, topkekkle.png
>they never ended up finding mehmets head
>andy sixx is love, andy sixx is life.

Bretty Good :-DDDDD

I swear to FUCKING God, Andy, if I don't get your creamy, steam-tastic ass roll slidd down my FUCKING throat in the next few days
I will NOT be held responsible for my actions!. All day I scour the web, sifting through various social media and news outlets, tracking your every move. I don't even want to meet you in person. I just want to find the last bathroom you destroyed with your anus and slidd every last FUCKING piece of your wet, hot shit down my fucking THROAT. FUCK! Just thinking about shattering the toilet with my bare FUCKING hands and siphoning log upon steaming hot log into my mouth makes me want to FUCKING RAPE A FERRET. OH THAT'S JUST FUCKING GREAT, ANDY! DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO, ANDY? I just smashed my own toilet and now there's water everywhere. Where
are you, Andy? Where did you releive your bowels last, you kike? TELL ME. FUCKING TELL ME. I want that FUCKING log so fucking bad!

I skulk around like a detective. Always with an eye on Andy. He can not use a toilet without me knowing about it. I have to be the next person in that stall when he's done.
I own a large variety of disguises. Most of which are plumber or janitor uniforms so I can carry my plunger without arousing suspicion.
The second he leaves the room I'm furiously pumping my plunger into Andy's white throne. I must have every nugget.
I slide the dreamy treats down my throat, whole. They clog me. I swear they get better every time. I can hardly breathe from all the excitement and adrenaline.
I must pull myself together quickly so I don't lose track of Andy. I'll be there for his next toilet break.
I will always be there.

These need to be added to lognet

**Andy Sixx lowered his bare scenester ass onto Michael Cole's face**
>IT'S A LOG!!!!!!!
**the stinky, smelly joy slithered out of Andy Sixx's loose asshole with ease, like the Viper, Randy Orton**
**Michael Cole's mouth and eyes were now filled and encrusted with Andy's chocolatey undigested corn milkshake**
**The Crowd pops hard (biggest pop of the night)**
**While still squatting his shit covered ass over Michael Cole's euphoric face, Andy Sixx grabs a mic and begins to speak**
**Crowd erupts into an even bigger pop than before**
**Andy Sixx then held the mic to Michael Cole's shit covered mouth**
**Chewing noises were heard through out the arena while Michael Cole expressed his utter joy, moaning into the microphone while finishing up his steamy, creamy meal**
>"ONLY 9.99!!!!"
**Before being able to say anything else. Andy's ass erupted yet again like Krakatoa**
**Cole's head at this point was completely submerged in Andy's ass pudding**
**Crowd pops even harder for Michael Cole's now clearly visible erection**
**Dani Filth quickly swoops into the scene with a jealous look on his face staring into the deep canyon that is Andy Sixx's brown eye**
**Dani shoved his nose and his tongue deep into the crevice, trying his damndest to clean every last bit of Andy's bum crusties**
**he used his right hand to jerk off Michael Cole**
**RAW goes off air**

>be me
>single father
>daughter is in elementary school
>Let's call her Jill
>she signs up for the school spelling bee
>spend all week going over flash cards and practicing
>the big day arrives
>she's killing it
>most of the kids who entered are fucking retards
>one kid spells "catch" with a "k"
>I shout "get off the stage faggot"
>dirty looks from all the parents around me
>don't care my daughter's clearly gonna win
>it comes down to the last two kids
>the fat slut judge clears her throat
>"Jill, your word is 'six'"
>she spells it perfectly
>"S-I-X-X. Sixx"
>mfw the judge shakes her head no
>"I'm sorry, that's incorrect"
>other kid spells it with one fucking "x" and the judge grants him the point
>clenching my teeth so tight I break a crown
>literally shit my pants full I'm so angry
>other parents move away from me as it starts to smell like shit
>now the score is tied
>"Jill, your word is 'sliding'"

>Jill leans in to the mic
>"S-L-I-D-D-I-N-G. Slidding."
>I stand up to clap
>some shit slidds down my slacks and lands on my shoe leaving a massive skid mark
>then that fat cunt judge says "I'm sorry, that's incorrect"
>pick up my chair and start bashing the other parents without mercy
>kids all start screaming and running
>take down my slacks and let my muddy ass mess slop fall on the floor
>scoop up a handfull and chuck it at fat judge bitches face
>my dick is out now and fully erect
>someone pulls the fire alarm
>one of the kids pulls a gun out of his backpack and starts a shooting rampage
>pretty bad ass actually
>grab the judge slut by the hair and lift her off the ground
>"please, let me go,"
>I look her dead in the eyes
>"Logless shills aren't welcome here."
>slam her down on her desk, breaking her spine clean in half
>the rampaging kid asks the spelling bee winner if he beleives in god and then shoots him in the face
>Jill snatches the first place trophy from his cold dead hands
>"Daddy I won!"
>you sure did, sweety. You sure did

Listen up you bunch of roody-poo faggots. I've been seeing a lot of so-called "tough guy internet trolls" here lately talking a big game about how they think they can handle Andy Sixx and his sopping hot log of shit SLIDDING down their fucking throats. (That's right, bitch. It's spelled "slidding". S-L-I-D-D-I-N-G. Deal with it.) Ha! You make me laugh, kiddo. You really do. Did you seriously think you could just wash up here and slurp that corn-studded behemoth of creamy fucking shit out of ANDY SIXX's sexy, gothcore rectulum? Did you really think you'r sorry ass could just waltz right out for amateur hour and part those pale, black veil buttcheeks and tongue -punch the fecal feeding bar like some sort of ass-shit munching butthole rat? PSHHT come on kid, get real. I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast. Andy's shit. I bet Andy wouldn't even be able to get off a little pre-shit fart before your pussy lips curled in defeat. You think when Andy takes a break from performing on a hot stage in leather pants and goes to craft services and eats two dozen raw oysters that were not properly handled or refrigerated washed down with a quart of whole milk and tequila - that Andy just squeezes out of his skin-and-air-tight pleather slacks and goes easy on your throat? You fucking wish, jr. When Andy says he's ready to blow the walls off a 110-degree warped-tour portajon and your pathetic little tonsils can't even take the first loaf, I'll put my hand on your shoulder and say, "Nothing personnel, kid" and then suck down every last heaping fucking clogger andy pumps out. And I'll come back for seconds. And thirds.You know why? Because I have Logtismo. Because I believe in three things and three things only: the cream, the steam, and the fucking dream, baby. So step aside, keep your little logsucking fantasy in your mind where it belongs, and let the real men do the slidding. His log loaf is mine, bitch. What are you gonna do about it?
Would you?

Fuck you and this shit you're forcing down everyone's throats. I can't live my life the way I used to, because of you. Every time someone says "well" or my wife starts a sentence with "would you", all I can think of is this fucking guy and his log of shit. Sup Forums used to be a place for me to improve my life, and now I'm slidding into a deep depression because you need to grow up. Are you starved for attention? Does this daily monolog do something for you? Be logical..Is this going to change anything for the better? Why don't you stop shitting up Sup Forums and just have a blog for people who care? Do you really think anyone really wants to get under Andy's tour bus and drain the septic tank into their gullet like a pelican gulping mouthfuls of fresh fish? Do you think anyone really cares about the cream? The dream? The steam? Foamy ploppers, half-green gushers, or soggy loaves? Do you think anyone wants to feel their mustache entwine with his greasy ass hairs while they nuzzle their nose between his supple cheeks, searching for any remaining tag nuts? Maybe a nice wet BBBRRAPP on the tongue, like a burp after a good meal? To be honest, it does sound heavenly, but this is uncalled for. It's all I can think about now. I hope you're happy....

Actually, it’s not a meme, kiddo. It’s an artistic protest movement and a simple, yet brilliant, joke all at the same time.
The average faggot who frequents Sup Forums these days sees Andy and his Log of Shit as an irritating form of spam. It is worth noting though that nobody really knows why these people find Logs as infuriating and triggering as they do.
Now on the rare occasion that someone with a shred of intelligence and maturity finds themselves on Sup Forums, they might see Andy and his Logs as a humorous mockery of the adoration some teenage scene girls show towards Andy Sixx. They joke is that they love him so much they would eat his shit, while most other people consider Andy Sixx a cringy z-list celebrity/ scene fag.
But both of these interpretations of the Log fall short of fully explaining it. There is a certain drive to proliferate the Log that logbois discover to be a powerful force. Some say it’s brought on by the overwhelming tide of porn and shit threads (FB/IG fap, Pics you shouldn’t share, loli, etc.) Others argue that Andy and his Log have taken on their own power altogether, and that logposters really don’t even have control over the impulse at this point. Others still have developed such a religious relationship with Andy and his Log of Shit that it is the only thing keeping them tied to this life.
So what does Andy’s Log mean? All you have to do is log in to find out.

I'll have the banana shit.


I love this shit



Nice to see there's still some mature people left on here

>>7553073525306276cancer spam

kek grow up, kid

stop posting wheelchair man

I'll never stop

When did these threads become good?

while you were away

never it's one man.
>inb4 its not 1 man
its one faggot proxy posting

>being this paranoid
Top kek m8

One man cannot produce this many pastas this quickly.

smear campaign
you've even called it a "campaign" yourself
try harder


cancer spam

kek why are you so mad

Grow up

Grow up

cancer spam

ok so there are three of you here now.

Grow up

cancer spam

Grow up

spam more cancer

Grow up

spam more cancer

Grow up

>tfw you will never know the pleasure of sucking a creamy log of shit from Andy Sixx's asshole
Why even live?

spam more cancer

Grow up

cancer spam

spam more cancer
cancer spam

Grow up

spam more cancer


more cancer

Grow up.

spam more cancer
make some new cancer spam threads i'm awake now

If you stop bumping it, it'll die faster you twit