You cant stop the horse buts

You cant stop the horse buts



Imagine if a mare sat on you and you went up her vag and over the next few months slowly turned into a baby horse and then you were birthed as a foal and you lived the rest of your life as a horse.

>Now that's a whole new level of being a faggot

I think I'll stick with just Fucking them.

My first mild surprise in a long fucking time

Hey where is the dick? Us furfaggots don’t like vagoo

Is it just me or does that look like two legs squeezing a mouth

Speak for yourself. I'd fuck a mare if I had the opportunity.


Us fur not faggots prefer vag.

I'm gay irl and in furry, but bi for animals :o

got a few of these


I'm only half furry.
But I am active zoo.
Always straight.


aw yiss two threads in one night. it must be my birthday.

Hey, that's one of my mares.

What animals do you prefer to fuck?

Also what's it like?

hope you don't mind. I just trawl /trash/ for them.

Horse are good, probably best because you don't have to be gentle.
Does feel a little better but don't work as well because of their smaller size.

I don't mind.
I think there a 5 pics of her I've posted to Sup Forums.
Not going to post them tonight because I'm lazy and don't want to log off my pass.

Do u have a video?




Wish I owned a horse




It looks kinda nice to me...

that's a great webm

Even if you are not into this it looks kinda hot...

it is hot. no ifs or butts

I bet she can squeeze a cock until it spurts

i'd let her milk me any day


So jealous :'(

thanks Sup Forums now i want to fuck a horse

i that you? im jealous

omg that looks so pretty and juicy