So Trump actually tweeted this

So Trump actually tweeted this...

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He's sure been busy lately it seem just yesterday he brought in a new tex reform and had all those people fired and investigated for good reason it's definitely been a good year for him

To be fair liberals think Summer is global warming.

I love Trump! He's the ultimate troll against you leftist freaks

Tex reform, what is that, like confiscate all the boots and hats and hand out condoms?

Global warming is old news, climate change is real, but alarmists solutions for it are made up hokum. Climate change is a rebranding of global warming after getting BTFO when their faulty science was demonstrated.

>It just means less punching in Texas by Texas.
>Good man.

Im sure that you 200+ IQ intelectuals do know that global warming is calculated by taking the average temperatures, there's been an increase in the global temperature, that influences a lot of other processes and changes global climate and weather patterns, not that your NA education would help in understanding any of that, trump cum guzzlers, i agree with him but he's just using you for his personal motives...

>Totally not the end but it is happening.

>Climate change is a rebranding of global warming after getting BTFO when their faulty science was demonstrated
No they changed terminology when they figured out that while some place would heat up other would cool and this climate was changing and not a global warming

The term was changed so old people and people with low iq understand that some places will get colder even if the world as a whole is getting warmer

He's just a rough master. Whipping this pariah country into something hungry and even a little spiteful again.
All he wants is to light a fire under our asses.

He's made his empire and his success already. This is the way to benefit yourself in his situation.

>this. So idiots who can barely read can figure out not to fucking ruin their ability to live on this planet.

Do you guys think he actually believes this or is he just trying to rile up his hillbilly supporters?

Neither. He's just upsetting liberals and the entirety of San Francisco.

Thank god someone who knows his stuff and here I was thinking there was no more good people on this site

This. When you realize Global Warming (Al Gore hoax based on disproven evidence) is not the same as climate change (what global warming fags are pretending scientists agree with them about) then you'll finally be slightly less of a good goy moron.

TL;DR Climate Change is real and has happened many times, man made "global warming" is a 5th column hoax trying to survive on the coattails of climate change.


I think he is a retard, so yes

This can't be fucking true if, in reality, the world is getting warmer.

We are barely affecting the natural cycle of temperature rises and dips at all. These temperatures have changed in this way in cycles longer than humans have been here

the man is a fucking retard


Fun fact global warming is all natural the earth has done this many time before just look at the past be it hot or cold the world changes all the time
So we're fxck and not much we can do about it on a large scale


Someone who actually knows there shit.

Al gore dicksuckers can buzz off.

>The planet was always really cold
>Now it's getting hot very fast.


Fuck you libtard! I don't want trillions of my tax money going to some foreign country for the scam of global warming.
America comes first. You need to work for our mighty American dollar. We aren't running a charity.

>Trump 2020

You snowflakes are going to be crying again in 2020 if you keep this up. I love it!

>knows there shit
>there shit

Too stupid to ever be taken seriously about anything for any reason.

Except the whole fucking point of the studies we are doing is to show that humanity is changing the temperatures faster than is normal for earth's history. Like a lot faster.

This. Besides, everyone knows anthropomorphic climate change is a hoax.

Solar-cycle driven climate change, however, is real.


sure kid

>Now it's getting hot very fast.
>The liberal media told me so

How the fuck have you ever supported this argument beyond your undying love of supporting a political party that hates you?

>Liberal media

You know. Because rockets are gay voters in the UK or some stupid bullshit.
See. You can't just make shit up like this. Then you just seem like an idiot republican shill lapdog.

>guise there's no money in renewable energy, it just makes it self; the technology, the infrastructure, the installation, etc that whole industry doesn't make money or create jobs. It just all appears and works by its self

Congrats. Youre an idiot

Our climate is shifting about 200x faster than it was before we started powering everything with fossil fuels, and it's changing in the opposite direction, you idiots.

I have no idea what it was you were going for there

NASA is full of shit

Good point.

stay mad

1. Climate change is real and measurable.
2. Carbon tax is part of the jewish agenda.
3. China and India are the major contributors to whatever percentage is human related.
4. Good luck getting billions of chinks and wogs to go green.

I'm not mad. I'm not the one with downs

aint even mad that the president is this stupid. this shit is good entertainment. will they have to admit his mind is gone or will they keep covering for him like they did poor ole ronnie raygun?

LOL. Some stupid bullshit right here, boiz.

>When you can tell that the government organization is in on it because of a 7,000 year old language.

The big pro-camps, NOAA and NASA are well known to falsify their data, often even replacing it with biased computer models. Since, you know, their fantasy is more accurate than what actually happened.

Chinese will. India is just too poor but will aswell.

Nature plays a huge part in both of their religions and philosophies.

sure kid
stay mad

National Aeronautics and Space Administration



Who the fuck says so?

Not just some big boi, jeb bush republicans, right?
Because if they have something to gain in disreputing the world's forefront in science and technology....

Oh wait.

>You're a fucking retard.

get paid by tax money to study climate
guess what
there is huge problem we need to study more and more but never fix!
give us 100

So? He’s retarded. He isn’t our best and brightest. Just have to wait until 2020. He’s 80. He isn’t going to change.

source is on the right.

Lol. You really believe this shit.

women believe anything they're told on facebook which is why most of them are far left

anthropomorphic global warming is real. The real debate is how much do we contribute, and of that how much can we control?

In my opinion science will by far outpace global warming. Alternative energies will become more efficient than coal or other things long before the end of the world. There's no need to regulate anything or freak out. laissez-faire

One big boi with a weather system that's billions of years old vs.
Billions of small bois who cover less than 1% of it

>whatever percentage is human related.
There's zero evidence climate change is human related, if there was it would be a fact, not a debate.

>Well know to falsify data

>Back when women were so traditional and bigoted.

>he’s made his empire and his success

Pretty much anyone whose father hands him millions could build an empire.
And yes, so successful that I go to Tumo Uni, feast on only Olathe finest Trump steaks, and sip on only the best of Vodkas, Trump Vodka™.

Go suck a dick you moron, light the fire under your own ass and educate yourself.

NASA personnel have even admitted they have to photoshop the images. HAVE TO

None of that shit is true.

Know it for a fact. You a shill or just sleeping?

get lobbied by big oil to ignore science
guess what
there isnt a problem and we wont acknowledge it
give us millions
retards LOL

"At last, we've a ruler, who knows facts, are for losers!"

Thts litteraly what he just said you fucking retard.
So you had to chnage the bame to something else that is ambigous but still kinda sounds like it moght be global warming in order to keep up your luttle act.
Fuck off

Trump Uni.
Pic related to original post where auto correct would rather correct me to sushi than that assclown’s name.

There's been an increase in global temperatures over the last couple hundred years worth of data. The planet has been around for how many billion years?

No they think of global climate change

It's called grant funded bias, there's billions of $$ in funding available to shill scientists who tow the line.

Oh no?
So why don’t you disprove me about those businessss, and tell me that’s not true.

Yeah. I used to crunch numbers for them.

About orbits distant from Earth.

The resources that it would take to use those numbers makes the ability to do anything else impossible.

>But yeah. You know something that I don't.

>guise I have no clue how science works, why would they change a hypothesis and test again after their initial hypothesis was wrong?

It isn’t rebranding. It’s simply what it always was.

I know, they worship money and power, they ignore the truth

You have no clue how science works do you?

Trump is awesome, most honest politician in a long time

Honestly explain to me how the far left isn't responsible for the most greenhouse gases.


True daddy trump is the best he's like the father I never had

Climate change is real.
Humans did not cause it. A counter domcumentary to Al Gores famous global warming video was made by a group scientists who gathered together to counter his arguments.

They said volcano activity and just the fucking sun getting hotter is what has caused the climate to change. Humans have such a tiny effect compared to volcanoes and other natural sources, that it is like a ant farting in a tornado and believing it tore down a house.

They also looked into Al Gores sad polar bear video amd discovered the study done on their survival used four bears. They all drowned from a extremely bad storm they swam through. The famous photo of one on a iceberg was stuck because it was exhausted from the storm. The picture was also cherry picked to look like he was isolated when other areas of ice were close by.

Proof that it is the sun can be found in one sentence. Ice caps have melted on Mars.

The sun goes through cycles. It is very well known and the cause of the ice age.

We are technically in the ice age still and will not be out of it until the ice caps melt completely. The ice age is defined as a periodic time when the earth switches between a majority of ice, to heat and no large areas of ice.

Made me spit out my drink. Thank you user. 10/10 would laugh at joke again.

Well apparently you don’t either. Because you were wrong.
That or your were blantantly lying to push a political agenda.
Both of them make you look bad.

Stay mad kid

Thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard. It's a fact that evolution is real, but a ton of Americans believe it to be false. It's a fact that vaccinations don't cause autism and not getting vaxxed leads to death but people still don't vax their kids. People ignore facts all the fucking time, and the fact that there is ample evidence to show that the temperature of the earth heavily correlates and is caused by co2 emissions is impossible to dispute.

No one desputes the earth is naturally heating, but we know co2 level cause the heat to rise. We also know that man made technologies produce co2 emissions.

It can be both faggot. It’s kind of like giving a steroid to Lance Armstrong or Arod. They both are already top players, but giving the roids increases their abilities.

>97% of """climatologists""" reliant on climate change funding agree climate changes
Powerful stuff. Keep me posted.

So scientists never ever revise a hypothesis and retest? Kek, what is the scientific method?

Evolution is a theory and ONLY A THEORY

Because bigger populations produce more greenhouse gases? Why don't you try per capita you fucking retard

You're a conspiratard...oh wow. Ha. Hahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Not mad whatsoever. Watching this shit unfold has been making me kek since I found out this moron was running for pres.
Ps- I don’t live there and im not from there, my BMI is within normal range.

True or false.

Was Northumberland a wine growing region in the past?

Did wheat used to be grown in Iceland?

Global cooling, global warming, climate change. Eventually we will just call it climate again.

Looks to be a natural cycle to me given pic related.

They've admitted it though, it's not conspiracy on my part


So you're admitting that this is a far left problem?

Per capita doesn't matter if you don't have a huge population.

If there was only 1 man on earth and he shat in the ocean it wouldn't fucking matter.