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I tried once it's really hard

Throw a banana at a nigger

hydrogen sulfide

Torpedo launch yourself into a wall. trust me on this is russian

Losing the game.

Magic bag!

By far the most painless way is to asphyxiate yourself with an inert gas such as nitrogen or helium. Be careful with helium sold for baloons though, as it is often diluted with oxygen. The reason this method works is because the way your brain can tell if you need more air is based on the levels of carbon dioxide in your blood stream. If you inhale oxygen, that results in carbon dioxide buildup and triggers the panic response that makes you want to breathe fresh air. If you inhale an inert gas like nitrogen or helium, there is no carbon dioxide buildup. Google how to make an "exit bag".

Why painless? If you can't take a little bit of pain you should probably kill yourself.



Just don't

>rat poison in water

You are retarded. You cannot survive if the only gas available to your lungs in nitrogen. It's literally impossible.

jump from a building of more than average height

if you want to play it safe, do a head first dive or try and land on your butt (hello spine)

some people survived fallig drom 10 stories. It must be, I'd say at least 15 or 20 to make 100% sure you die. Wonder how long it takes for a 150 pounds mass to reach the ground from 150 feet. Yes, I'm crap at physics


600 mg will take your pain away.

overdose is one of the most common ways for people to fail to kill themselves.

Take a smith and wesson point it to your head and fire. If you hit your brain you wont feel pain. Then again fragments of your skull will be scattered around the room

I think carbon monoxide poisoning is still the best way if done properly.


No, it's not. Pure nitrogen or helium is better.

Go to the beach and keep burrowing and digging yourself into the sand. The weight of all the sand that piles on top of you will gently crush you like a cozy death blanket

This guide isn't taking into consideration that those party baloon tanks are often diluted with oxygen. The oxygen will be used in the creation of carbon dioxide in the blood stream which will trigger the panic response making the person feel like they desparately need to breathe.

everything falls at the same speed. You really fucking crap at psychics. christ.

>You really fucking crap at psychics
I already stated such thing.
if you are so good tell me how long it takes for a human body (or any goven object) to hit the ground from 150 feet. Asking for a depressed frend

I'm not so good, never taken one class or researched it at all. But lmfao I at least know that everything falls at the same speed. It's fine tho user.

As for your friend, I would tell "him" to not kill himself. I would be sad. Maybe go see if you can find God. Really. Or find a gf. or good friends.

helium balloons don't fall at the same speed as bowling balls

no gf, no frends, no god. he really wants to die. prays for cancer everyday and shit

What you've gotta do is stab your leg repeatedly until you bleed out. by far the least painful way.

no fucking shit retard
the only thing preventing lets say a bowling ball and a piece of paper falling at the same speed is air resistance

Nah fuck that. The trick is you have to go get those things. And to get them you have to improve yourself just a little bit every day. I look at it in terms of being good at a video game. You don't become diamond rank in 1 day of playing. It takes hours and hours of smart practice to get to where you want to be. Friends are gold level. In all honesty, you probably already know what you have to do. You just need a reason to do it. I know, it's hard to find that reason. But you have to, some how some way.

If you have a balloon filled with air and a equal sized ballloon filled to the same capacity with water, they will both have the same air resistance, but the water balloon will fall faster. Checkmate.

>mfw I am witnessing the embodiment of autism

Growing old.


oh sweet summer user. experiencing life is what we are trying to avoid. Becuase in day to day life is where the most excruciating pain truly lies.

That's because there's the existence of buoyancy force, retard. Go back to school

Grow a pair faggit.

retards, you are not killed by falling down but the force of collision with ground .now force=massXaccleration; accelration is constant =gravity of earth; so higher the mass more is force felt with ground; so a fat boy will have more chance of dying then someone thin;

>retards, you are not killed by falling down but the force of collision with ground
Oh rly now?

gun to head

Shots of whiskey and a 9mm to the temple. Also live stream and post link on Sup Forums this part is VERY important

You're a fucking genius user


>so a fat boy will have more chance of dying then someone thin

would fatty hit terminal velocity faster than slim given the extra drag? This may be more of a biological question as to whom would be more likely to survive the fall if fatty has more cushion around vital organs

In a vacuum? Yes. In 1atm? No.


I would go top the top of a 2 story building. Something like a mall or movie theatre. Tie one end of piano wire to building, and the other around my neck. Then I would super glue my hands to my head, as if I'm holding my head, with elbows pointing up. Then jump.

If things go well I should land in the middle of a crowded street holding my dismembered head.

I just want to be able to figure out the time it would take to my body to hit the ground as I understand those few seconds must be of horrible suffereing, and I want it as paimles as possible.



It is very fucking painful.
I fell on my face and felt air getting sucked out of lungs power of a thousand knives


Not being a bitch and deal with the terrible pain in your life

How it's possible?

it's not

Hey Sup Forums haven't posted here in years. Rooted for you in the babbies every season.

I think it's time I come clean and see what you guys really think. Never made a thread before.

>Paralyzed in the left leg
>GF of 2 years leaves me
>Moved in with grandparents
>Need their help to get in and out of the bathtub
>Waiting months now to get diagnosed for leg
>Already have chest defect that's going to kill me within the year
>No friends
>Girlfriend hates me
>Grandparents do nothing but support me

All I ever wanted was to make other people happy. Should I end it? Possible stream.

if dubs stream it. roll

hammer nails pro pain gasoline liter matches car hookers


He doesn't want pro pain he said painless

Don't, you only live once and all life is precious, do something that makes you happy it will get better, I promise.

No make the most of the time you have left because once your gone you will never see it again, why suicide early when you know your death is already penned in, live it up, protip cocaine and hookers.

nigger I can't afford food, what makes you think I can afford coke. I got $50 in my wallet and I'm itching for a bottle of jack and a bridge over a river.

What if suicide makes him the happiest?

Cut your own head off and cook, fry, or boil it, and let the family eat it for a New Years treat, I bet they'll love that.

Morphine, painless death