SO my friend went away for a while and shes asked me to watch her cat while she's away. I don't live very close to her...

SO my friend went away for a while and shes asked me to watch her cat while she's away. I don't live very close to her, but I am the only one she knows in this town and did not hire a sitter.

I last fed the cat on thursday with a WHOLE CAN of that mushy food and I left the kibbles literally overflowing and lots of water.

Please tell me I can stay home today and I can just feed it tomorrow.

Go to her house and snoop on her computer and in her room, find her vibrator and post pics.

Fucking furry die.
Also just check on the cat before it burns the fucking house down

Idk her password, she doesn't trust me enough for that I guess

If there is no threat of starvation I'm inclined to wait till tomorrow

>she doesn't trust me enough for that I guess
a trust issue? do you give out your own passwords to friends and family? silly cunt

nono dont get me wrong. I was just stream of consciousness typing, i dont care, i dont give passwords

It'll probably be fine

Yiff in hell, disgusting furfag.

she asked you to watch her cat. how can you watch it from home?


Raid the laundry bin, then sniff used panties

how bigs a can? grams?

This isn't a yiff thread, an animals life hangs in the balance. I personally think its well fed. She never finishes the kibbles by the time I come back.


is this what you guys would do if your hot close female friend gave you her keys

Uh, the normal sized ones? Looks like this. She said half is feeds for a day, so I put in the whole thing hoping I could come back in 2 days. Maybe its 6 grams. Is the standard 6? im not there right now

>is this what you guys would do if your hot close female friend gave you her keys

Pretty much. Would also post the underwear and snoop around for dildos

Cmon guys this is why the women hate us. We can be objectionably superior if we keep doing panty raids. No matter how satisfying

But also I never thought about whether she had sex toys. She might have one good vibrator but idk

Wet food rots after a couple hours like any normal food retard. That cat is going to be sick and shitting everywhere, probably starving and dehydrated too. You guaranteed kitty food poisioning because youre being a lazy shit.

>Maybe its 6 grams. Is the standard 6?
6 grams? absolute madman. looks more like 100
I dont have a cat but if that is 2 days worth of food + the kibble, then I guess that could be fine. My dog skips his food somedays

How far is the walk? id probably go just in case if i were you

I could open a 55 gallon drum of chili and feed my family for a week but I wouldn't just open it and leave it to rot for a few days as OP has done.

So its sounding like I have to leave my home today, fine.

Yeah that was not to scale, its hockey puck sized.

It's not a walk, its more like an hour with public transportation

Lmao you're right. It's just the owner told me I could get away with a whole can if I didn't wanna show up everyday.

Then the cat owner is lazy and misinformed you. Wet cat food needs to be refrigerated and generally is for the "meals" and kibble is just there for snacking between.

the cat would probably finish the wet food within the first day. Even then, ive seen my dog eat his old shitty food the next day before i could throw it out and hes never been sick

She doesn't refrigerate them, she just leaves them on top of the fridge. Sealed of course. I also feel like the cat probably eats it all at once. Haven't walked in on any messes either.

But alright I've been spooked into going today.

You refridgerate after opening and portioning half.

oh no yeah I haven't, I've been dishing out the full can fuck


You have a good point there. You have to look for the vibrator tho

>being so lazy that you are willing to put a cats life on the line just so you don't have to check on it.
Okay bud.

dude do you not want to eat for 2 days, bc thats pretty much what you are doing to KT