Friends and I have a tradition of naming our cars. Theirs are named Lola and Charlotte

Friends and I have a tradition of naming our cars. Theirs are named Lola and Charlotte.
My last one was named Savannah.

Just bought a used 2005 tan Chevi Colorado

What should I name her?








man juice

girl repellent

Countess Gwinneth Frappinger of Derbyshire.

I mean obviously, that's why I decided it was a girl, so I;m not completely alone

People who name their cars are cunts.


How about before you think of a name you actually spell the name of the truck correctly. Stupid cunt

Money pit

Good luck if you have the 4 cylinder and it starts running lean.

small penis

Meh that doesn't quite look like a small penis truck. If he got bigger tires or anything like that it would be there but he's right on the line, as it is in that pic.


I got it because I needed the utility of a truck, but it drove more like an equinox, so it was more fun to drive.

She was also a hell lot cheeper than the big ass Ford on the lot

Yeah nothing wrong with a truck. Like I said to me they only look like overcompensation if they're made to stick out and look tacky.

Yeah, my dipshit neighbor thinks himself has a huge badass, and got a big ass, cherry red, F-150, but works as a fucking accountant. The damn thing will never be used properly in it's life.

He keeps giving me shit for not getting a "Real truck" but I've used mine far more as an actual truck in the month that I've owned mine than the 3 years he's had his

Yeah you can bet that nigger's hung like a bull hamster. Nice dubs btw


Well his current girl friend is only dating him because she needed a truck to move, and plans to dump his ass in a month
