Why are Asian males so pathetic

Why are Asian males so pathetic

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I report directly to my manager who is a Chinese national. The guy has a PHD in organic synthesis.

The guy is a freaking ace. A living swiss army knife. If he knew any more English he would be running the department.

Did you let him fuck your wife with his tiny Chinese dick?












ITT: one literal cuck




>ancient chinese secret
>speaks with japanese accent
It's almost like you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. The Chinese language has the "L" sound you idiot.

>Implying that eating dogs or cats matters at all when you eat cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, etc..

Not a weeb so I don't care

>implying that's the same at all
>killing dogs

>But dog lives are subjectively more important
Fuck off with your retard logic. This is now a vegan thread faggot.

Crackers be into Asian women.






mfw OP is cucked getting an azn qt


you sound jealous, nigger. get off your Metro PCS phone and go get a job.



lmao but I love it when every meat eater in the world kills a pig like that?

Yeah, standard procedure for killing livestock is to stun them with a captive bolt pistol, raise them upside down, and slit their throat to drain them of their blood. If they kill the animal first and then drain the blood, it takes longer which is not acceptable.



Ew a vegan, go fuck tofu or whatever you subhumans do



How is a milkshake or eggs animal abuse?

There is more to life than just sex. For example, some relationships are more focused on platonic love.

At least get it right. Otherwise your low-quality thread will get low-quality posts. Are you even trying?

that doesn't mean they're inherently more intelligent.

asians study using rote learning; they repeat things thousands of times to learn it as well as you know the basic english alphabet. the thing is that they only end up performing 10% better than lazy white males who study 1/10 as much and spend most of their time enjoying the wide variety of the culture of their nation, whereas asians are hardly interested in our television.

they work 100 times as hard to barely outperform us.

also, employers can easily find people who can perform well enough but it's hard to find good slaves who will take any shit and never complain or make demands. white males bad, asians and indians good (thinks an employer).


this guy is alright

Dairy cows are forcably impregnated and have their children taken away from them. the male children are slaughtered for veal since they do not produce milk. the dairy cows themselves live in confinement and are slaughtered when their milk production drops below industry standard, which is usually around age 4 or 5. Their normal lifespan would be around 15-20. Additionally, dairy cows have been artificially selected to produce so much milk that it is painful for them. They often get infections on their udders from the machinery (which often leads to pus ending up in the milk, although the industry calls this "somatic cells" in order to avoid freaking people out).

Egg laying hens also live in confinement and are selectively bred to produce absurd amounts of eggs. This is very cruel to the hens. Additionally, male chicks born in the egg laying industry are slaughtered. Typically by being fed through a grinder, being suffocated, or being asphyxiated with carbon dioxide.

Breeding animals or keeping them in confinement is unethical even without all these terrible things happening.

I love so you're posts, it makes it painfully obvious you've never been in any of the following

>A farm
>A chicken coop
>A pig sty
>A slaughter house
>A 4th grade (or higher) classroom

If you had any idea how these actually worked and not just what food inc told you you probably would have a very different opinion


This video covers eggs and dairy.

actually it's painfully obvious that you have no idea what standard method of slaughter is for livestock. Standard practice is to stun the animal with a captive bolt pistol, raise them upside down, and then slit their throat to drain the blood while they are still alive (the heart beating speeds up the process)

Nice straw mans

Make your best argument so I can explain to you how much of an idiot you are.

Lol most of the white bf and asian bf looks beta as fk, white bf cant get a white gf so he settles for a asian gf lmfao, then faps to blacked.com white people smh


It's almost as if there's a deeply rooted cultural importance that dogs have in most of our lives, you're arguments don't mean anything to anyone whos smart enough to know that

>Implying animals count as "anyone"

>but dogs are subjectively important to me
Okay retard, but that has nothing to do with ethics.

Fuck man, if you grew up under strict asian parents whopping your ass every time you did something wrong youd be the same

Says the guy that's never been to a slaughter house


Standard practices are documented by the meat industry. It's almost like you have never bothered to read any educational content on this subject.

Did you copy the script from food inc? As someone who has lived and worked on a farm I can assure you with 100% certainty that you're batsuit crazy and being manipulated to believe that, the cows that are bread for milking are not forcefully impregnated, in fact if they were not milked regularly they would all die a very slow painful bloated death, as for the eggs yes in mass production egg farms they are kept in pretty shitty conditions I will give you that, but what about the vast number of people that but locally sourced eggs from local farmers who have a big coup and plenty of land for the chickens to run around on? Your idea of what happens on farms is immensely different from reality

>Chapter 7: Slaughter of livestock
>When ready for slaughter, animals should be driven to the stunning area in a quiet and orderly manner
>Animals should be led in single file into the stunning area where they can be held in appropriate restraining device(s) before stunning.
>It is very important that slaughter animals should be properly restrained before stunning or bleeding.
>Cattle - A stunning box is the most common method of restraining cattle
>Sheep/goats - A properly constructed metal stunning box is appropriate. However, they can be restrained manually quite satisfactorily.
>Pigs - A stunning box is suitable for pigs
>Poultry - Chickens are shackled by their legs onto a conveyor line
>Captive bolt - This method works on the principle of a gun and fires a blank cartridge and it propels a short bolt (metal rod) from the barrel. The bolt penetrates the skull bone and produces concussion by damaging the brain or increasing intracranial pressure, causing bruising of the brain. The captive bolt is perhaps the most versatile stunning instrument as it is suitable for use on cattle, pigs, sheep and goats as well as horses and camels, and can be used anywhere in the world. (Although electrical stunning is preferable to captive bolt pistols for stunning pigs and sheep.)
>Electrical stunning - This method of stunning is well suited for pigs, sheep or goats, poultry and ostriches. (Use in cattle or other large species is in development, but if not properly applied it may result in excessive haemorrhage in the muscles or spinal fractures.)
>Bleeding - Bleeding is the part of the slaughter process where the main blood vessels of the neck are severed in order to allow blood to drain from the carcass, resulting in the death of the animal from cerebral anoxia.

>the cows that are bread for milking are not forcefully impregnated
Right, I forgot in carnist lala land cows just spontaneously get pregnant for no reason whatsoever.
>In fact if they were not milked regularly they would all die a very slow painful bloated death
That is because they have been artificially selected to produce too much milk, as I already stated. That is the fault of humans.


Standard practice for who exactly? Because as far as I'm aware every slaughter house I've ever been to/ used clearly state that the animal must be dead before you can drain the blood, also regardless what kind argument is that? They stun and kill the pigs efficiently? As opposed to what? Would you prefer they suffer long drawn out deaths? Please enlighten us all how you would prefer to kill them in a less quick and painless way

see >Because as far as I'm aware every slaughter house I've ever been to
Which is clearly none of them because all the documented standard practices by the industry directly contradict that. The fact is that it takes too long to drain the blood when the heart stops beating. Stop trying to pretend like you know what you are talking about when you clearly haven't done an inkling of research.

>Please enlighten us all how you would prefer to kill them in a less quick and painless way
I would prefer that we didn't breed or kill them in the first place. Did you fail to pick up on that?

You're an absolute fucking moron, "has nothing to do with ethics" that's literally all it is, we just have a different view on what's ethical and what's not, you're probably just tired from the lack of essential vitamins and proteims

It's almost as if I lived it and don't need to quote uncitated "facts"

You think the average person honestly gives a shit what some random dude in China is doing right now? If someone in China died right now, how many people do you think even care?


as an asian male posting,

i am not triggered at all by the amount of shitposting in this thread.

>pic related, its my wife

Ethics is dervied from empathy which is an extension of the lowest level functions of the brain. These low level functions are: 1 - avoidance of suffering. 2 - seeking of pleasure
Since we can suffer, we know it is unethical to unnecessarily inflict suffering on any entity which is capable of experiencing that feeling.
Since we can feel pleasure, we know it is unethical to unnecessarily deny the opportunity to seek pleasure to any entity which is capable of experiencing that feeling.
Ethics are not subjective in the way you would like to believe in order to justify the contradictions in your belief system. The only thing that is subjective is what constitutes "unnecessary". However, given that you don't need to consume animal products for any survival purpose, I don't see how you could argue that it is necessary in either case. Also, any argument you could make could also be applied by people who kill dogs for food.

>you're probably just tired from the lack of essential vitamins and proteins
Plant based foods are generally regarded as being the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet. Also I can easily meet my protein intake requirements after consuming only 1000 kcal out of my 2300 kcal/day diet. The fact that you honestly think protein or other essential nutrients are difficult to obtain without eating animals only shows how truly ignorant you are.

see faggot

Jesus Christ you're stupid. It's clear you're not going to listen to someone who has actually worked in the industry and instead choose to be ignorant to the real world, let me guess you're a liberal to?


YOU LUCKY SOB! !@$#@#$



>Lived and worked on a farm my entire life

"YoU NeEd tO do ReSeaRch"


>It's clear you're not going to listen to someone who has actually worked in the industry
It's pretty clear to me that you haven't actually worked in the industry. I know people in real life who I have verified have/do work in the industry and everything they say and the publically documented information produced by the industry directly contradict the nonsense you are spewing.

>giant forehead and only looks semi-attractive due to the pound of makeup



>making things up on the internet
>tries to argue against public documentation produced by the industry



>"YoU NeEd tO do ReSeaRch"
You mean like the research that I already cited from a non-biased source?





not huge but too bad off....


So jelly of all these Asian chicks/gaysians getting all the hot white guys, why live on this planet anymore.