Finland + Estonia

>Finland + Estonia
>= Finest

Only civilized people, mongrels and monkeys aka Tyrones need to apply

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We are slowly drifting apart tho. Finns can't understand eesti anymore. And they are carrying NATO plague.

Ebin thread Genghis :D :D

post some Finnish memes

Presenting to you the latest dank meme from Finnish meme forgeries:
>The Food Help Helper

That might be the most cancerous thing we ever invented. Makes me proud.



hyi vittu et on kuuma hitsasin koko päivän telakalla hyi hyi

Finns are not white
They are Mongols from Central Asia

Do you finns have qt youtubers?
Who do similar videos like her

Kai sulla on miehekäs valokaarirusketus sävytettynä metallipölyllä?

Finnish memes are not free anymore. We learn from Israel

Both lovely nations. Quiet, polite people that just want everyone else to fuck off. I respect that.

ei ole kuin gingerin kalpea iho ja kilo pisamia, huomenna 101% punanen iho

Why can't Finland copy Estonia's taxing system? We can't afford all the startups and business moving there. Someone wake me up from this social democracy nightmare.

>You will never be finngolian

You guys look pretty white to me...

Can I blease join ya?



Voi niin suomalaiset tulevat. Luleen, kun on aika mennä minun ystävät yhyy :v)

mene itseesi ja ole oma suihkusi

>hugging someone

Holy fuck and I thought I hated being near people

This is how I start to queue. But invariably a guy or a trashy woman with a stinking cigarette arrives and wants to stand next to me.

mitäkö vittua että tarkoittaa, jätkä

its a cure for social anxiety


Lines here only look like this when you're queueing for an ATM. Pretty extreme for a bus though.


So what's the deal with finns? Why are they one of the most represented people on Sup Forums?

Are you guys naturally autistic, or is the nation just very involved in global politics? I'm having trouble figuring this out.

Also why are you guys so beautiful? you look like snow elves.

Why do you love estonia so? Why the fuck do they have their own language?

When will you get nukes?

Why is your economy stagnating while you have the best schools?

Kiitos. My Finnish is the only thing worse than my own anxiety, anyway /shrug

Recently returned from Estonia and had sex with a nice estonian girl. 10/10 country would go again. Latvia was cool too

>why the fuck they (estonians) have their own language
fuck off

> a 5 million country getting nukes

Honestly though...

Sweden had a nuclear weapons program with a 7 million population back in the days.

wll if you would be any smarter you would know that after a tribe seperates (in this case estonians and finns) the proto finnic they spoke started to change, dialects started to form and with thousands of years they got more and more different, thats why we have our own language and they have theirs

We have our own language because we were ruled by Germans when somebody decided to write down what the peasants are saying. Due to that most of our words were written down as Germans would say them and all the words we didn't have were brought in from Germany. The grammar rules were also slightly bent so it would be easier for Germans to understand them. Finland however was ruled by either Swedes or Russians so they didn't have the German friendly changes we did.
Very simply put Estonian is a German speaking Finnish.

not entirely true
altough we have tons and tons of german loanwords (finns share some of them (if not most) too
apelsin - orange - Apfelsine (this is probably a borrowing in German as well)
arst - doctor - Arzt
härra - mister, sir - Herr
jaa - yes - ja
kahvel - fork - Gabel (in many loanwords Estonian k- corresponds to German g-, Estonian -hv- corresponds to (Low)German -f- and Standard German -b-)
kartul - potato - Kartoffel
kast - box, case - Kasten
kirik - church - Kirche, Low German Kark, Swedish kyrka
kirs - cherry - Kirsche
kleit - skirt - Kleid
korsten - chimney - Schornstein (even closer to Swedish skorsten)
köök - kitchen - Küche (Low German köken, Swedish kök)
korv - basket - Korb
loss - palace - Schloss (Estonian tends to simplify consonant clusters word-initially)
nojaa - well, yes, okay - nun ja (similar to Latvian "nu jā")
pall - ball - Ball (this might be related to English as well, of course)
pank - bench - Bank (Estonian p- often corresponds to German b-)
pilt - picture - Bild
proovima - to try - probieren (-ma is one of the two infinitive endings in Estonian)
proua - lady, Mrs. - Frau (Estonian didn't have the letter f originally and replaced it with p in many cases)
püksid - trousers - Low German Büchsen, Swedish byxor (-d is the nominative plural in Estonian)
tass - cup -Tasse
tellima - to order - bestellen (this doesn't look similar but very often be- disappeared in Low German, st- became t- in Estonian and -ma again is the infinitive)
torn - tower - Low German Torn
tund - hour -Stunde
tuba - room - Stube
tükk - piece - Stück
vein - wine - Wein
üür - rent (for an apartment) - Low German Hüer

the grammar thing isnt true, they wanted to remake our language, so it would fit the german grammar rules, but when they saw that it doesnt work out they used the finnish example, hence why our grammar is literally the same

If I were any smarter, I'd have niche knowledge about the migration patterns of languages?

Ty for the summary fambam that's actually pretty neat.

To cry is not "hauta" in finnish. It's "itkeä".

Hauta is a grave in finnish.

yes i know, haud is also grave in estonian, but this pic was created by a hungarian and in their language it has the same meaning

Sweden no?








+Jimmie åkesson live versionen!

Finland has a lot of NEET's just like Japan.

We have a lot of high functioning autists too probably, hard to tell insane people and hf autists apart.

We used to be under Swedish and Russian rule, id assume they brought some hot chick genes along with them.

Estonia is very similar to Finland culturally and language sounds kind of similar but the words are all fucked up.

Estonia has their own language because they are their own country, simple as that.

We won't because US and Russia would slap the shit out of us, also EU wouldn't let us have those either.

Because education doesn't mean as much anymore, there are people with masters degree working at mcdonalds and people play it too safe to start their own businesses.

Is this legit Estonian?

No, didnt understand any of it

Highly functioning autists, indeed

When they made our German grammar, they used the Latin grammar as a basis. They even introduced some temporal forms that German didn't have before.

On the other hand, there are some grammatical phenomena in the dialects that weren't incorporated in the official grammar, like double negatives in Bavarian or a continuous tense in Westfalian. When you use it as a child, teacher will tell you it's wrong even though all the grown ups around you use it like you do.

funland you say

Just after fin-soviet war,