I want to make a pc set up where I have a full 360 degree view

I want to make a pc set up where I have a full 360 degree view.

I don't know if any companies make a 360 degree monitor at the moment but if any of you out there know how to, please let me know!

I want a 360 degree monitor and then have a wireless keyboard and mouse on a sushi train type mechanic that will allow me to rotate around 360 degrees and as my keyboard/mouse moves along my sushi train, my character in the game on my 360 degree monitor will also move to that direction.
I will be on a swivel chair in the middle so I can rotate as well.

I will attach a picture for reference

Look up 360° monitors and why don't you just get vr

Inb4 Vr headset


Op is so retarded he had to draw a pic on paper, take a photo and upload it to demonstrate his question.

....couldn't Google it.

Yes retard it's called projectors. Don't help this Gaylord.

While it's a technically interesting question you don't seem the necessary technical knowledge to get something like that up and running.
Your crude sketch and your post seem like you just had an idea and think that'll be super easy.

Inb4 projector

Would you prefer I didn't include the photo? I think it helps to see it

How do you get in and out of the middle?

You're an idiot.

You don't. You walk around the outside of it, like you're looking through a window. People here are dumb apparently.

I haven't thought about that yet. It's still a prototype idea. Do you have any ideas?

Inb4 ideas

Op is a fucking genius you think of an original idea

Op just pay someone to make one and btw how would you get out of the circle

Mmm I'm feeling you OP, install full Dolby digital surround sound and you could sound whore the absolute shit out of that setup

You idiots.. this has already been done

Where's the sushi train fuck head?

You would be thinking about sushi you fat fuck

I guess crawling or climbing. OP might struggle with both though

Just get 3 monitors and triangle yourself, fag