Hey Sup Forums i had a stye since yesterday and its now so bad i cant open my eye. it hurts a lot...

hey Sup Forums i had a stye since yesterday and its now so bad i cant open my eye. it hurts a lot. why is it getting worse? ive been applying a hot compress all day and it doesnt seem to help.
any b doctors willung to help

Keep jizz out of your eye faggot.

go to a doctor as soon as possible in the new year, this won't get better by itself and likely not diagnoseable over the internet

its a stye, my sister got one and she put warm things on it and it helped
mine is still the same after putting warm things on it

shameless selfbump

It will get better by itself. Keep doing what you're doing and stop being a baby. Fuckin' look it up on the internet and get the answer. Go back go bed...

Hospital or doctor NOW!!

Its a danger to ur eye sight GO NOW

you have to do what they did in rocky and slice it open so that you can keep fighting

kek kek - unless you didn't mean to make a sophisticated pun - then fuck you.

the risk is staph or similar infection doing serious, drug resistant damage to your very delicate eye lid. GO TO THE DOCTOR NOW


well the original pic was pulled from the internet. it's even dated 2013...so I don't think OP really meant this was a pic of him/her.

go to a doctor dummie why would you not have gone by now
if you dont have insurance just go to the ER and they will bill you later... and you don't even have to pay it
this is an emergency

you mean OP is just wasting our time? why would someone spend their time doing this? what is the point?

Medfag here. You may need abx.
Also tits or gtfo.

also dats.not me and i wint post titas

Implying it's easy for Amerifats to go to a doctor.
Implying he wouldn't have to pay shit loads of money.


Medfag needs payment.
Stye gets better in 3 to 5 days with conservative treatment. Otherwise need oral keflex or eye drop abx

whats an abx
im not a medfag



Lift your eyelid if there is a black dot underneath put vaporub inside eyelid had same shit a while back gone within 1 day.

Warmth if anything causes more swelling..

Didn't help. Sort of burned a little.

wtf why are you pretending to be me in a stye thread

Get jizz in your other eye and then you'll look like a fucking Chinky McChink Chink!


Heat the handle of a fork on open fire, then press firmly on eyelid. This will make all the clogged puss fluid and your body is able to dispose it the natural way.

If you have a stye, and it's getting worse, just try rubbing some vinegar on it, you dingus....for your health!

Wash it with baby shampoo and a hot cloth a few times a day. Don’t be afraid to get all up in it - baby shampoo doesn’t hurt the eyes.

There are some OTC ointments that'll help. Your local pharmacist can assist you.

Shit sucks, but it should go away after a few days. It's just your friendly staphylococcus bacteria saying hello. :)

Basically you have a bag of pus there, but the last thing you want to do is pop or fug with it. It looks fairly normal for a stye, but you'll be back to normal in a few days, maybe a week on the long end.

Shit happens to just about everyone once or twice in their life.

No make up for a bit, too.