Leave capekino to her

Leave capekino to her.

Imagine taking off her boots after a long day of Wonder Womaning. The smell that unfolds as you take a huge whiff of her soft feet

Do you think they are stinky?

tfw shnozz is like 40 percent of her entire face

>it's a "Gal Gadot has angry eyebrows" scene

They stink but it's a good kind of stink. You know that smell of good stink? It's that kind of stink.

That's not Hugh Jackman though

I love how slutty her boots are. Notice that they show off the sides of her sweaty feet. If we get a close up of her boot at some mooks throat it's going to look absolutely delicious.


she's a fucking box office poison

practically a trojan horse for the entire jews community

they are cheapening the batman and superman universe with this lame shit attempt at trying to create a marvel universe. It's like trying to outcompete diarrhea. Wonder woman worked perfectly in bvs with ther aura of mistery, making a lame movie about her only cheapens this character from the batman and superman universe

she overacts badly.

Does she? I always imagined she'd be the underacting type.

>RT or any aggregate has meaning
People need to stop paying attention to this and either A. see the movie or B. find a critic YOU trust and take their advice, not the advice of a bunch of tumbr/bloggers.

I guess it depends on the role, but anything evolving heavy emotion she's really over the top.

Fuck I can't wait for this!


Your the fucking idiot for pointing out one misspelled word


End yourself, weeb.

Wtf I want to fuck gak gadot now??

How do you fuck up a casting SO FUCKING BAD.

there was probably coercion and $$$$ involved.


How hard is to understand that? she is from Israel.