Call me all you want. You wouldn't last 10 minutes in a debate about any subject within politics, philosophy...

Call me all you want. You wouldn't last 10 minutes in a debate about any subject within politics, philosophy, sociology or economics with me anyway. Or would you? Because so far, all I see is that you're just another sad millenial that has only ever learned anything about conservatism or the right via some random snowflake on youtube, Tumblr or Twitter. Or even worse, from a canned commie history teacher in school. Do you fap to hentai still living with mom too? I really hope you don't.
The mere fact you mentioned the word "fascist" and Nazi towards my person gives away the fact you are clueless just like 99% of the SJWs, Antifas, Blackblocs.

Feel welcome to invite me to a debate if you want. Until then, you can downvote and play the 20-something year old millenial with college debt you probably are all you want, I won't mind. Feel free to say I was triggered by you. Would entertain me even further if you did.

Don't give a shit about a debate but opinions on brexit?

Alt-right (alt. CIAlt-right, salt-right) is a fascist ideology whose adherents have achieved absolutely nothing of value, have no discernible skills or merit as human beings, and therefore put pride in their race above all other things (sound familiar). Their whiteness is the one thing that can never be taken away from them, yet also is the one thing that took no effort whatsoever to possess, thus giving them a completely undeserved sense of superiority over ethnic minority individuals, many of whom have accomplished far more than they ever will.

Despite having zero power or influence over real life politics, these sub-Nazi deadbeats have a significant online presence ready to thumb down YouTube videos on important topics such as female Ghostbusters and Mexican Spider-Man. This is their natural habitat, along with Twitter, where they can be found protesting against multiculturalism while masturbating to Japanese anime waifus in their avatars and expressing the opinion that immigration to the United States should have ended the second after their pasty ancestors arrived to ethnically cleanse the natives. It is sometimes said that the salt-right is the endpoint of the Republican party- its purest manifest form.

It's funny that you look down on hentai and post a picture by a popular porn artist with an obvious sexual undertone.
Feels a lot like copypasta aswell.

You're welcome to invite me to a debate too. I might be the comedy factory to you, but you have no idea how much fun I have when you reply with more teasing. You guys prove my point too easily.

You were triggered by me.

I'm 40. Can you debate a 40 yr old conservative if you're so sure you're on the "good side of the force"?
Or does my "high and mighty 🧠🧠🧠🧠intellect" posing scare you so much all you can do is to keep calling conservatives (which is more than clear you know zero about) things like "fascist" and "nazi" (and you don't even know what these mean! lol lol)? At least you know what a snowflake is to acknowledge my tease on millenials.
Perhaps you guys want to be right⬅, instead of accepting whatever is right. Perhaps that's why you guys need to appeal to trolling, bullying, censoring, reporting/nuking accounts, breaking stuff, all in the name of your supposed "justice" (which again, you people have no idea of what it actually is or means). Perhaps you really 🧠🧠can't handle pure reasoning. 🧠🧠Perhaps you can just be driven by how you feel about things, because debating requires actually knowing what you are talking about, doesn't it?
Is your knowledge about what you think you defend so shallow and weak this is the best you can pull off? You are still closing your eyes and ears and screaming "lalala pedo nazi-fash lalala". Left wing stereotypes really are hard to miss.
I'm black, by the way.**

lalala pedo nazi-fash lalala

I mean, seriously. It's too much dedication for someone that dislikes my shitty comics. It's hilarious. You literally created a snowflake circle-jerk to bash my hentai comics, and me. You do it out of passion? Yes I draw these shitty comics but at least I get paid for that. Millenials are amazing. You and your generation trully are the future of mankind. We're so fucked.

This is from r/iamverysmart, isn't it?

Actually I am a successful man that happens to be White Nationalist. Most alt.right and White Nationalist I know are very successful and most have college degrees. So your argument shows you are an ignorant commie snowflake. 14/88

>That kid who bragged on how smart he was however he didn't have any clue about academical science as a hole.

That's you OP

Under a global communist government, the global warming issue would be resolved in under a decade. Debate that.


wrong board
thanks for the image though

Religious people believe the same thing while getting rekt with the force of a battering ram.

You, like them, are too stupid to admit when you're wrong.


what is your discord we can debate on there if you are really interested ?

Fucking Nazi dumbass

You're a faggot ass bitch.

Enjoy being cucked by capitalism, Nazis?

naw political factions would create a power struggle under this "global communist government"