It's literally 2018

>it's literally 2018
>some of you fucking faggots murderers pieces of shits are not yet converted to veganism

Explain yourselves for beingsuch fucking retards


its called cultural values get out of here jew our society values certain animals enough to sympathize with them if you wanna endorse the consumption of such creatures then go to a third world shithole that hasnt been westernized yet to accept such if you wanna discuss the differences between pigs and dogs, dogs are more loyal they are pack animals and in the modern world much easier to maintain than pigs now your probably a city fuck and dont understand just how troublesome pigs can be but other than housetraining and playing with them to develope loyalty and mantain stress and excersize dogs pretty much take care of themselves and dont cause a ruckus...theres also the fact that pigs arent as appealing to most people....there are plenty of reasons to defend the ownership of dogs granting them "pet status" without having to resort to your childish worldview grow up and realize the only purpose livestock serve is to feed the populace without that claim we would simply exterminate them en masse and leave the rest in zoos to be outbid by more "exotic creatures"

I'll become vegan if you can prove there's a God.

Dog make good dinner


>the differences between a pig and a dog
One is a scavenging pest and the other is a loyal protector.

here's a question, why do you shill on Sup Forums? do you actually think anyone here gives a fuck about your cause? do you actually think you can recruit more members to your movement in a board dedicated to containing autism? do you think panning for gold in raw sewage is also a good use of time?

Why are leftists so bad at logic?
>Defenders of homes (big ones anyway)
>Can hunt

>Does nothing but graze

Dogs are clearly the superior animal. Besides, man and dog have stood side by side for many years.

Some pigs are more loyal than some dog breeds.

If you want to eat dog thats your business, nothing wrong with it. I would ask that you kill the animal humanely just like I would ask of pig farmers.

It's just a cultural choice... the fact that we don't eat dog doesn't make eating cow or pig wrong, because eating dogs ISN'T wrong, its just something we choose not to do.

I'd eat a dog.
I'd eat a human.

I wouldn't eat a vegan.

That's because of how farmers are forced to keep them to reduce costs.


Pigs are not stupid. They are as/more intelligent than most dog breeds.


How does that mean anything? They graze therefore they deserve death?

I'm not even a fucking vegetarian but you guys SUCK at defending your positions.

I too have noticed a trend of vegan spam.

I would eat a dog.

vegan diets are less healthy than pretty much any diet but the SAD, and are some of the most restrictive diets imaginable as well as being one of the few diets that obliges you to take supplements to be healthy

the ethical arguments for veganism fall apart when you consider that animals need to die to produce any possible food source, and that sometimes meats (such as grass fed beef) lead to a lower loss of animal life than many plant foods (one well known example that many vegans love eating anyway being coconut oil)

veganism is retarded babby tier ethics for small souled bugmen who care more about virtue signaling and pretending to be ethical, than they actually care about animal welfare

Cats taste nice, almost like a tailed hare, according to testimonials.

Pigs taste great.

Dogs taste awful. That's why only chinks eat them, chinks have a diferent standard for tastes.

The purpose of life is to procreate and continue the chain of life. Farm animals are far more successful at passing on their DNA than their wild counterparts. The partnership between humans and livestock is biologically successful for both sides.

One is an actual shit animal of which the only saving grace is that it tastes good, and the other we've selectively bred for thousands of years so it can make a good pet.

dogs dont really have enough meat on them to even consider them for food, plus they were specifically domesticated and bred as a hunting tool and companion unlike pigs whos only main use to humans is food

GTFO dirty vegan

Eating dog is not immoral, it's just that humans domesticated dogs for the purpose of hunting, while pigs were domesticated specifically to be eaten. It's ingrained into our culture to eat pigs and not eat dogs.

I raise pigs. Definitely not dirty. They keep their pen cleaner than many animals. Its only when you dont maintain that they get dirty.

Why do we eat pigs? Because thats the best use for them. Dogs are better compainions.
Try using a guard pig.

Unless their pen is fucking huge or is concrete floored then I know you are full of shit.

Meat remains a status food and the effort to replace it requires significant social and material sacrifice on my part.

The veggie industry kills more animals than the meat industry, during harvests and with removal of habitation, also the pesticides are killing the bees. So question, why do vegans hate the planet?

> If I like the taste of dog, its ok for me to slit my dogs throat?

Yes, yes it is. Is there an argument that can be made against eating dogs that doesnt inolve arbitrary societal norms?

I am a vegan and a dog person. If a person who likes pork has the opinion it is ok to kill a pig for meat then why wouldn't it be the same for someone who likes the taste of dog?

I agree with the sentiment of OPs comic, but it is that sort of argument and attitude that puts people off veganism.

I just mention the health benefits I have felt, the global benefits and so on as my argument for going vegan or vego at the very least and in not being a self righteous duckhead about it have managed to get a few friends and surrounding people to give it a go and they have stuck to it.

If you make people feel like they are being attacked they are going to defend themselves and reject the opposition. It doesn't help our cause and gives the rest of us a shitty name.

I am all for it, but if you go around spouting veganism shit all day people get sick of it. Only bring it up when asked, don't attack and stay positive.

As an end point, Meat is fucking delicious, but so is a vegan diet.
In my opinion, killing animals at the levels we do is horrible, but it isn't my place to shove that down peoples throats.
I am of the opinion that we as a species have evolved to eat meat.
Animal welfare plays a big part in my decision but a lot of it has to do with Climate, land, logistics, pollution, waste.