Huh? Dam....really makes you think

Huh? Dam....really makes you think....

Other urls found in this thread:

>We had this exact thread yesterday

Damn Daniel

I wish I had a house.

Stay woke.

>clinton lives in a plantation owner style house
>gets the black vote
Man niggers are fucking retarded


Wow. This really made me think! Is there a Facebook group for this I can join? I'd love to see more thought-provoking intellectual posts like this!


>Built from 1924 to 1927 by Marjorie Merriweather Post and envisioned by her as a future winter retreat of US presidents

It's fate.

i'd bet money that she has slaves in the back yard

And berniebots will post this then say Trump is not a billionaire. Fucking delusional.

But the eco-conamay was better under Bill Clinton and hey played uh he played that there saxophone on the Arsenic Hall show that one time and uh George Bush doesn't care about black people

Oh my lord though that made me remember Kanye West and Mike Meyers doing that post-Katrina PSA and Mike Meyers fucking face when Kanye unleashed that was just pure comedy gold.

>What the fuck did he just say? Why am I doing a PSA with a nigger again? Maybe if they'd left their damn homes instead of waiting for government handouts in Rape Stadium...

Trump's and Cruz's houses are pretty gaudy desu.

Damn, I'm a #Daffy4McAffe now

in some ways hillary really is based, too bad she has to go far so left to compete with sanders, unless all of this is controlled by the NWO anyway..


i hate living in the ghetto here

Kek I guess now #istandwithher

>comparing one main home dwelling out instead of net worth/ assets.

also all but trumps were bought with your money stupid.

Anti-Trump losers need to die already
Race, sex, class and ideology war when?

>Self-made millionaire lives in enormous mansion

why the fuck is this relevant

H-heh you are right, Bill Clinton had the um best economy I think, I mean, heh what housing crisis, also Bush once choked on a pretzel so take that

Im now a #ShillForHill

Being successful is bad?? Only to a communist.

Founding fathers were very successful:

2. Thomas Jefferson 3rd President Net worth: $212 million

Jefferson inherited his beloved Monticello estate from his father, earning significantly more as a politician and lawyer both before and after the American Revolution. He was an innovative architect and founded the University of Virginia. In an attempt to pay off his growing debts, he sold off his remarkable book collection to the Library of Congress after its own was lost in a fire.

1. George Washington 1st President Net worth: $525 million

In personal wealth, as in many things, the first president stands head and shoulders above even his peers. Before the Revolution, Washington owned significant portions of Virginia land as tobacco and wheat farms, owing to the wealth he acquired in his marriage to the widow Mary Custis.

Trump lives in Trump Tower

>billionaire businessman lives in a large house

wow never would have guessed
