Don't know where to go. I'm lone tonight and would like to kill myself. All I need is there, on the table...

Don't know where to go. I'm lone tonight and would like to kill myself. All I need is there, on the table. Please help me Sup Forums

Holy KEK bro hold on..... think of the memes you will never see if you go now???

This aint pol faggot


For example look at me?
I woke up one morning and realized I was a nocoiner?? Did I kill myself? No.

It was hard but here I am today meming like a complete retard as per usual KEK!!!!!

If you've got all the tools, then what do you need help for?

Sure, sorry user, I wanted to post there

Sure. Good question. Fear ?

Either don't kill yourself, or call the police and have them take you to a safe place.
Wouldn't want society to have to clean up your mess either way.

>Um what is your sons job Mrs. user?
>I'm not sure, but he told me he 'saves other anons on Sup Forums?"

didn't took breakfast not to shit myself on.

What are you trying to say to me?

I didn't took breakfast, didn't eat of the day, in order not to shit on myself if I hang me.

livestream it if you aren't a cuck

Are you on drugs right now? If so you need to learn how to conduct yourself better while on them.

I don't know if you should hang yourself. I'm here to save your life if you don't want to, but if you're going to then why do you need the attention to post?

Eat you fool. Eat drink and be merry it's new year's eve. You are not the only one alone here.

But somehow you are not alone, we are not alone. See you in 2018. I have to go I really am at work fucking lol.

>but if you're going to then why do you need the attention to post?

it's called 'a cry for help" RHEEEEEEEEEEEE save him!

just took a bit of weed.

The funniest part of the story : I called to a suicide-listening-line, and the line is full. They ask me to "call back later".

I'm on codeine and weed, that's your excuse?


Call back after the suicide and sue the fuck out of them.

you made me laugh


They should just make a suicide prevention website which is full of memes.

she's there

dubs decide?


that is one shitty-ass noose. There is very little chance that will actually kill you. Way to fail at literally everything.


better livestream it if you're stupid enough to actually cuck yourself, op

Dubs say you don't kill yourself, get drunk and enjoy new years. Think it over tonight, if you must there is always tomorrow.

periscope ?

The world literally does not give a fuck if you kill yourself and everyone you know will die one day anyway and you'll be forgotten. Maybe that's some motivation to not kill yourself.

whatever works

You're not alone user, you have the retarded bunch known as Sup Forums so remember that when you're feeling alone and sad this autistic bunch is here for you

This sad bunch wants to watch him do it fag, what the fuck

every fuckin new years on this board there's like 15 people who can't handle looking at fireworks alone and they make these fuckin threads lol

talking to suicidal people is becoming a new years tradition for me

bump cuz this guy aint doing shit

If you want a less misanthropic response, go to /r9k

I'm alone tonight as well user, it's no big deal. Chilling on your own at new year doesn't have to be a bad thing

Be more like me and just jump off a building without saying anything to anyone faggot.

If your going to kill your self because your lonely at least try changing your life. Go to the gym hit on every girl you see. There are so many girls out there don’t worry about being rejected it happens to everyone. I’m a fucking ugly loser and I have a hot chick. You gotta stop giving a fuck go drink a beer a chill the fuck out dude happy new year


think of the children OP

Wow having fun on your Christmas vacation? Guess I’ll see you in the summer fag

"If... at least try... don't worry... stop giving a fuck... chill the fuck out...."

Oxymoronic diatribe.

Suicide is the final fuck you to the world. Let the poor bastard go out with a whimper. Life goes on, nothing of value is lost.