Can we get a feels thread? I need to know if theres anyone else super bummed out right about now

Can we get a feels thread? I need to know if theres anyone else super bummed out right about now.

Nope. Everybodirs happy. Kys.

I'm in bed right now

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better year.
Hope to find someone that likes me. Parents Sure don't like me. Why, I don't know


just because your gf dumped you doesn't mean you have to be depressed. Fucking get up your ass and do something, anything it doesn't matter what as long it's productive.

wrong image but whatever

Straight and still a virgin college student

Just built half a shed on my new land which I'll be putting a manufactured home on soon. I'm 22 and I know some 30 y.o.'s that still work for rent. So soon I'll only be paying bills and less than 400/yr property tax. Not really that bummed because I'm working hard for my goals and its working out right now.

You are lucky to be able to be in college. Don't let thelack of sex distract you from that blessing. Women aren't actually capable of love anyway especially in college.

Also if you are living with parents who will not kick you out on the streets you have no reason to be sad. Do you pay them rent?

I just want someone to like me

I only have 6 friends and they all like me for who I am.

No but I live 1h away from the college. A college room is only 65-90 per week

So you have 6 friends who like you for who you are, you are in college, and you don't pay rent?

Why are you bummed, again?

>be last month
>signed up for tinder after friends bug about it for months
>"you're handsome bro you dress well you're funny bro"
>match with 4 girls first few days
>all of them stand me up
>delete tinder
>3 girls from bars/shows text last week
>all but 1 stands me up
>1 has a bf but wants to cheat
>my last ex fucked my best friends in an mmf
>been talking to a really sweet girl 2 hours away
>she talks to a lot of guys but I've been deluding myself when she says I'm the only one she has feelings for
>never been in a relationship where I wasn't cheated on
>going into the new year alone, getting old and no chance of starting a family and being a father any time soon
>I'd be dead if it weren't for my dogs

I just want to be a dad goddamnit.

Be gay, all women will cheat.

>be gay
Not attracted to men.

Well, if a woman cheats on their man to be with you, you will be with a woman who cheats. You don't know any women already in your life or invested in you? Has any woman ever went out of their way to do anything for you?

Yeah I'm not getting with that girl that wants to cheat. No, outside of girls with husbands/so's or that I'm just not attracted to. Also no, pretty sure at this point I'm just a loser.

i am, OP

About what? You're spending new years alone?

No GF to dump me. Also not why i'm bummed. Just got off work, so I was productive.
What's bumming you out newfriend?
Not why I'm bummed.

relapsed on alcohol, having bad hangover anxiety and insomia, need to quit again and it's hard

Most days I put on a thin veneer of happiness to cover a horrible pain that underlies every action I take. I feel like I'm living a lie, I don't know who I am, I don't know what I like, and I never learned how to be happy.

I hate my entire past. I hate how I was treated growing up, how I was raised, what I learned, and how it influenced my actions. I hate the results of those actions and where it led me. I hate how I'm perceived by others and the expectations people hold of me, and I hate how things turn out for me.

It feels like there's a life I want to live, and I have no idea how to reach it.

I'm successful by many standards. I have a job that pays well, I secured a wife - although she seems sexually disinterested most of the time and may be cheating on me, and I own a house. But no matter how much success I amass, it only makes me feel more trapped. If I want to go out to a club I can't because I need to do the dishes or head into work or take the car out to get washed or pick up the dry cleaning. I feel like I'm living in a cage and I'm always watching other people play and dance and enjoy themselves but the more I try to join them, the more I just end up hurting myself.

I don't know what happiness is anymore.

I know that feel, bud. Been there a few times. It's rough, but I believe in you.
I feel for you, newfriend. I wouldn't say I'm successful by most standards, but I have a decent paying job, starting school for network security (albeit later in the game than most people,) and have a job in the field lined up after I'm finished.
Never seems like what you have is enough when your brain is wired like that. Any mental illness by chance?

> Women aren't actually capable of love anyway especially in college.
>encourage ex to go to college
>leaves me for some dude she secretly hung out with
i fucked up been single since don't really have time for dating now a days as a door to door salesman fug

Everyone thinks they have a mental illness nowadays. You can't talk to anyone without them claiming they suffer from PTSD, anxiety, depression, OCD, and at least 3 other ailments - made up, or otherwise.

"Mental illness" is a really piss-poor word for "thing we don't want to deal with". A better word is "disorder", because it actually has a scientific definition. A disorder is something that prevents you from having a "normal" life, and "normal" is defined statistically as fitting within a standard deviation of the mean for society. Therefore the difference between obsessive compulsion and obsessive compulsive DISORDER is that someone with OCD can't hold a job or maintain a relationship.

By that definition, I don't have any disorders -- because I have a job and a relationship.

As far as other potential mental ailments, since there's no good distinction between physical, chemical, and psychological issues it's difficult to draw any lines. Most of my problems probably stem from getting beaten up -- both by others by mentally by myself. Which I wouldn't consider "illnesses" as much as "injuries". Although there is strong evidence for a genetic link to Asperger's, which I may have. Then again, who on this site doesn't?

Sat about my room at 10 mins til midnight with no one to talk and feeling sorry for myself as all my mates are out having a good time without me.
I hate new years.

Asperger's isn't a real disorder. It got taken out of the DSM because it was an umbrella term for a wide variety of issues. Doctor's essentially diagnosed everyone with Asperger's because the DSMV made it so that everyone was on the autism spectrum to some degree. I was raised being told I was autistic as fuck and now I'm the most social person I know, granted I get mentally exhausted and need to take days to myself but that is normal human behavior and needs. You don't have autism, but you might be a hypochondriac with that line of thinking
>catch the oxymoron

Asperger's was reclassified as autism spectrum disorder, it wasn't removed. Very few people met the criteria for it either, it was less then 1 in a thousand people. While it true there are many illnesses people make up, having an actual diagnosed medical issue is a real thing that isn't bullshit. However you shouldn't let it rule you.

You're conflating Asperger's with autism, and misunderstanding the DSM's decision to remove it.

Autism is defined very broadly as "the inability to communicate effectively with others"

Asperger's was originally a very specific FORM of autism noted by Hans Asperger. He saw that some children felt the compulsive need to explain EVERYTHING in excruciating detail to him. As such he dubbed them "little professors". He noted that these children had an incredible ability to learn, but were often incapable of making friends or socializing at a young age because they had trouble understanding social cues or recognizing when their input wasn't desired.

The latest edition of the DSM attempted to reduce the number of disorders because it was growing so large that it was impossible to keep track or properly diagnose things, and since Asperger's was effectively identical to high-functioning autism (difficulty communicating but full ability to learn, operate in society, etc) they smashed the two together and just made it part of the new "autism spectrum" which includes something like 90 previous disorders and illnesses.

That said, there have been studies done specifically related to Asperger's and there are still people who view it was a separate and distinct disorder on the basis that there's a physical manifestation for it. People with Asperger's show higher neuroplasticity so their brain re-wires itself more rapidly than normal. This means that you learn, and forget, at an accelerated rate. It also means that if a child isn't CONSTANTLY surrounded by other people and CONSTANTLY practicing social interactions, they'll quickly forget them in favor of whatever mechanical process they ARE practicing.

There have also been plenty of studies linking Asperger's specifically (but not all forms of autism) to a specific gene that first appeared in Neanderthals in northern Europe. It's believed it was an evolutionary advantage so it stuck around.

Right, but even then the symptoms needed for a diagnosis were thinned down as well, effectively destroying what was Asperger's.
>1 in 1000
About a third of my graduating class was diagnosed with Asperger's. The issue was living in a large city with a large medical community, everyone who sent their kid in to be looked over by a psych ended up getting a diagnosis of some kind and for the one's who fit half the criteria, it was Asperger's. For me, that was enough to say that modern psychology is horseshit.

I understand all of that, and I agree that the original study was fantastic work, along with the genetics debate, but I'm talking about the mania that it caused by misdiagnosis by large. It was on par with the ADD/ADHD scam.

The doctors you mention should lose their license, even under the old guidelines one of the criteria involved having a pervasive developmental disability and an outright defect in certain neurological functions pertaining to social interaction, sensory issues, and a co-morbid mental illness. It was never simply being shit socially, that is social anxiety which is completely different. Where I live everyone who got that diagnoses had it after the reclassification and had it for life.

That's the Mayo Clinic for you.

I was actually diagnosed in 2011, before the diagnosis criteria were changed. I was also diagnosed later in life -- I wasn't being sent by a parent because of some inability to sit still in school. I went to a psychiatrist myself to try and understand why I had so much trouble dealing with people.

I utterly loathe people. I don't want to live in a world without them, mind you. I just wish they were different. It's not that I'm better off alone, it's that people are broken and need to be fixed. Their brains don't work right. They act in illogical ways and make poor decisions based on emotion instead of reason.

Enough about illnesses, though -- this was a feels thread, not a mental disorder thread. I came in here to share with OP that I'm unhappy.

I used to find some semblance of solace in gaming. It wasn't real happiness. In fact, I usually felt sad or depressed or lonely during it. But it was a cathartic feeling. Almost like I had an excuse for being miserable, so it made it better. I wasn't happy, but I felt like it was at least explainable in those moments.

It wasn't normal gaming, though. I should clarify. I'd play an MMO, find a remote corner of the world that no one knew existed, and sit in a corner for hours either sorting inventory items or playing with game menus... Even in games I would make myself alone and make myself miserable. For me games weren't about winning or losing - but about finding out just how alone I could truly make myself. Even in a world with 1 million other players, I found ways to be so utterly distant no one even knew I existed.

Even that little bit of solace is gone now, though. Modern games leave me nothing but jaded. People releasing alphas full of bugs, micro-transactions encroaching on even paid games, and even single-player console games auto-updating without my permission... If Nintendo broke into your house and swapped out your cartridge of Super Mario because they fixed the warp pipe bug, you'd be pissed.

That is pretty awful, that takes away funding from the people who actually have the condition and makes people think people with the real disorder don't exist.

Oh, yeah. That's why I started my first post with "Everyone thinks they have a mental illness nowadays"

It's absolute hysteria. Even if you do, get the fuck over it and figure out how to live with it. You can't change the hand you're dealt, just how you play your cards. People seem to like getting a mental disorder diagnosis to excuse their behavior so they can remain children forever and never have to grow up. Get the fuck over yourself.

It's absolute absurdity how many people are diagnosed with things. ADHD is the worst. They literally took BEING A CHILD and turned it into a disease. "Can't sit still"? You find me ONE eight year old who can sit still for a fucking hour in a classroom. Kids just don't sit still. That's what it's like to be a kid. Instead of bitching about it and medicating them, try letting them climb a fucking tree.

>Come to feels thread to be with individuals who are as miserable as me
>After I post, everyone leaves

Did I bum them out?