I have a close female friend that i met a few years ago...

i have a close female friend that i met a few years ago, we're very similar in everything but i never thought we'd get along so well, so i let myself fall into the friendzone. now i regret it, what can do

Nothing. Move on, or ask her to wingman for you and help you pick up chicks. There is a teeny tiny chance for a drunken three way, but don't get your hopes up.

Ask her out you puss puss

Flirt with her friends, spend less time with her than you usually do and after some time make yuor intentions clear. It's a long shot but that's probably the only way to apporach the matter.

it has to actually make her jealous for that to work. if she isn't attracted to him he might as well forget about it.

>it has to actually make her jealous for that to work
I know imo the best way to gauge whether that's the case.

guess I'll just move on and not make the same mistake again, thanks for your time

Nigga tell her straight out. If you dont, she is raping your time and then you become a cuck. Tell her flat out you want to taste that pussy. If she says no, did you really lose anything?

he's raping his own time by being a cuck. blaming her is pathetic.

Honestly, just don't let it bother you. Be friends with her and go on about your business. If she's interested She'll try to get you. If you try to force it you'll fuck up.

Nah man because bitches play fucking games so how would he know he was being played. He thought she was cool and now caught feelings. Its not her or his fault. But now he has to take charge and not get his time raped. He could use that time to find another bitch.

Dude put it on yourself now, not her. Make the statement or walk away.

stop taking patrice o neals advice to heart. It's his fault. he needs to move on.

who is she brah?

But why should he not at least say it. Again is he losing anything?

Move on

Simple answer : move on.

You probably fell into the friend zone category because you were insecure. She wouldn't have friendzoned you and pursued you too if she actually saw potential. If there was potential, you didn't show it to her and now it's too late. 8 guys out of 10 that are in this situation will make themselves look like an idiot before this small chapter of life is complete. I'd say it's safe to assume you are one of those 8 because you are posting on Sup Forums

it legit sounds like he's begging to eat pussy when he does that. he needs to move on and regroup.

>Keep being friends
>Stop being a soiboi
>fuck her

really that simple

So if hes leaving anyway, WHY NOT AT LEAST PUT IT ON THE TABLE?

I've done exactly what your saying multiple times and it never ends well. Never flat out go all in with that as your trump card. NEVERRRRRR

So then nothing is lost and nothing is gained. But at least he said his peace before he left.

that shit never puts you at peace, man.. ever.

It could possibly put him in a better position once he's moved on. He somehow magically becomes more attractive to her once she sees him with other women. Begging is pathetic as fuck and gets you nowhere if she isn't attracted to you to begin with.

Tell her how you feel and ask her out

Also sauce on that hot pussy!!


Then the bitch got you and you lost to yourself. But at least when you get rejected thats the end of things.

We men gotta stop letting these hoes into our hearts.


Exactly, she can reject him and thats that. But if he rejects her she would not be able to handle it.

As animals, if a girl wants to give her security and her eggs to you, she'd have done so. I have a gf who's a friend. There's no reason you can't have both a friend and a fucktoy. however, if she does't wanna expose that part of herself to you... it fucking sucks and it hurts, but go find another. Then we die,. Have fun.

... dude. XD copying Patrice isn't going to improve your odds with women. He was the full package and it was more than his ideology that made him such a killer.

Nah i reject that. Its confidence and a not giving a fuck attitude. If you gotta bitch thats your friend okay cool, but as soon as you get feelings for her, what hurts more, not saying anything and waiting or getting rejected and moving on?

And nigga patrice just said whats in all mens hearts. You know what he said so you clearly have some minuscule connection to it.

I understood a lot of what he mentions, but I think you're trying to BE the guy. It's not going to work my man. It's alright to take a little advice here and there, but once you start putting on a charade trying to act exactly like the person is when people start noticing how fake you are. Kind of like how I just did.

First I wanna say, in no way am i denying what you are saying, even in the other posts. Thanks for talking it out with me.

I just feel strongly about this topic. In no way am i telling him to be a pimp or a womanizer. All im trying to say is that honesty is key. You have to be honest with her in order for you to be honest with yourself.

So confidence and not giving a fuck attitude is not easily gained but being more honest can help you get there.

I now have a girl because of that. I just want to give out what i feel.

Well put my man.
