I did it boys. I fucked a girl. And it was horrible

I did it boys. I fucked a girl. And it was horrible.

It was fine until foreplay was over and I had to penetrate. I got flaccid while we repositioned, so it got awkward for a sec. But I made a recovery and started getting her back into it. Then midway I slipped out and couldn't find the hole again. COULDN'T FUCKING FIND THE HOLE. After I got back in, the mood was wrecked. I could feel it, especially in her silence. So I slowed down until just pulling out. Asked if she wanted to try another position and she kicked me out.

My worst mistake was looking at her face. Such an emotionless expression. It killed me inside.

Life is lonely when you're too weak to please a woman.

At least you got to touch a girl. I'm 32 and have only kissed one girl.

Can only get better dude

Viagra + practice.

The true redpill is that sex is only good if you are comfortable with one another and willing to learn and work for the sake of pleasure of another.

IE sex is only decent in a committed relationship.

Degenerates BTFO

I was waiting for my first time to be with a girl I held a relationship with who I really felt connected to. I pressured myself and can't tell if it was a mistake or not but it sure feels like one.

This. First time I had sex, she was a virgin and I had/have an extremely demanding, large dick. Went flaccid trying to put on a condom after like 30 seconds of it not getting any attention and failing to penetrate. But we were comfortable enough with each other to laugh it off, and we stuck to foreplay and masturbation until she started taking the pill. It was perfect sex from then onward.

Don't have sex if you're not absolutely comfortable with the person, you should be smart enough to know if you're about to have sex with a girl who's openly going to demean you for anxieties or other problems. Most women aren't completely retarded and are aware that dicks are finnicky things.

Nigga, first bitch I fucked got a condom that was too small and rode me rough, on the bright side, I no longer have a pronounced foreskin

You fucked up. If you had fucked her mean style and not worried how the hell she felt, you would have got a nut in her, and then you could have left her stupid ass. Don't be such a pitiful beta next time.

Protip, unless you're doing something to her that arouses the shit out of you, never stop playing with your dick.

Also, when you slip out, the strategy there is to just run your knob along her vagina until it pushes into something.

This exact story happened to me too user.

It sucked.

>Asked if she wanted to try another position and she kicked me out.

that's some funny shit right there

Two things. If you couldn't keep it up, you're either gay, or she wasn't working it enough.
That is all.

Fellow Wizard, dubs confirm your power.

Shut the fuck up

>wearing a condom

this is true

>she kicked me out.
damn. i've had bad experiences, but never that bad. at least you're not a virgin anymore. better luck with the next girl

The only true power is the power of a woman's' touch, on my dick

Need more apostrophes

Don't change positions next time if you're so damn nervous. Also, lift her ass up (if you're on top, which you should be since you're new), and don't try to do "porn star" power thrusts if you don't think you can find the hole again. You have to be comfortable with fucking to do that kind of stuff. Also, don't pull out until you're done if the room is cold. Finally, don't ever ask to do anything, just do it. It always kills the moment. Especially something like changing positions, either stay as you are, or make her change by moving her around and telling her what to do.

>Finally, don't ever ask to do anything, just do it. It always kills the moment
Fucking THIS. Nothing dries up her puss faster than asking if you can do something. Never ask her if it's ok. Ask her if she's ok while you're doing it.

Also commit to positions. It's fucking annoying being with someone who wants to have sex in a certain way, then they switch after thirty seconds anyway. No one gets off on that shit.

>telling her what to do

It's always been really hard for me to take initiative with women, or really anyone in any situation. Maybe I should die.


Do it faggot

She gave you a shot, but being new years Eve, she must have been shit out of options.

You better hope she's nowhere near your social/living circles and decides to take out her frustration on you by telling everyone you couldn't perform.

Hopefully she's just as embarrassed and keeps her mouth shut. If she doesn't, just put it back on her. Make clear that she was such a fucking dead fish that she killed your mood.

Otherwise, maybe talk with her tomorrow, let her know it wasn't her and that you were just that nervous. Do it very privately, nobody around.

Perhaps you could fill us in on how you two decided try to hook up tonight?

Depending on those details, you may be able to salvage this and your sex life.

She lives nowhere near me. I'm on a family trip out of state. I would never do something like this in my own town. Not sure I can salvage much though, since we didn't really leave on a bad note. She told me her friend was coming over and that I had to go. I just assumed she was lying to be nice. I could probably try talking to her in the morning, but I'm a pussy.

I made the awful mistake of asking a girl if I could kiss her in high school. Never again. It's so much easier to just see how far you can get while checking her reaction.

I blame that on porn. The only time I'd change positions is when I wanted to try a new one. Even then I would use missionary as warmup for several minutes, then end with the next position.

I guess I got lucky with my first girlfriend. I was handholdless virgin until I joined the military in my 20s, and a huge daddies girl (whose dad was a colonel) got super turned on by the fact that I was in Iraq pretty much let me unleash all my sexual frustration on her. She was super submissive. Even after I broke up with her (she was also crazy) I stayed dominat. As a guy that's your role, the whole femdom shit is massively overblown, and is a niche fetish for a tiny amount of girls, every other girl it totally turns them off. If you just can't do it still, imagine saying "could you please" in your head before saying the rest of the sentence.

I feel like being dominant is something I'm literally incapable of. Being a manlet doesn't save me, either. Idk I probably have issues.