Stefan Molymeme gets hubris after 100,000,000 views

>hubris: the video.

He thinks his viewers and subscribers are all going to save the world with rational thinking. Because this has worked on a large scale in the past.

Other urls found in this thread:

Not an argument.

Why does Sup Forums have such a hate boner for him? He's great.

I don't hate him, I just think he's full of himself. He greatly exaggerates his influence. In the grand scheme of things, people aren't going to have some large scale awakening of rational thinking.

They're going to carry on being the useless fucks that they are.

The people who are drawn to him are already curious and rational thinkers to begin with.

He's a large scale echo chamber. That's all.

>Sargon getting jealous
Don't worry, we still love you, even after that video with that drunk guy whose only good point was that slavery was the pre industrial revolution's solution to industry... Which he probably got from Stefan.

And stop smoking weed on camera, we know what you're doing.

Idk, didn't watch the video desu. He has character flaws, but then again who doesn't? He consistently puts out quality content, we should appreciate that.

Based Shitlord Philosopher

I've been donating monthly for years!

>The people who are drawn to him are already curious and rational thinkers to begin with.
This. He gets many callers who are self-described listeners, who are always gung ho about his idea. Then they start describing the shit show of their lives, all while castigating other people and society for being fucked up. Then Stefan has to rip them a new asshole, while they still sanctimoniously parrot his beliefs in agreement, but are totally blind to how self-centered and dysfunctional THEY are. Ever other 'relationship' call is like this. There are obviously many people who just watch him for an ego kick, and to have ammo to use against the big bad world, but who are themselves incapable of self-reflection.

I'm just not used to seeing that amount of sycophantic zealotry paired with self-delusion and hypocrisy. Hmm, it's almost like religion.

>slavery was the pre industrial revolution's solution to industry
5% of the economy isn't that important. Unless you're speaking of South America which received 90%+ of the negros.

I meant, NOT* this. They may be curious, but they're not all rational. Many are rationalizing.

No I was thinking Greco-Roman culture.

Jesus not everything is about America, shut the fuck up.

American invented slavery, you racist!

Fuck off. There's nothing wrong with making a video dedicated to how far he (and by extension, we) have come.

It's been fucking amazing watching Stef slowly swallow the red pill over the past few years. He's slowly went from ancap to full-out fascist and I love it. Hell, he even talked about redpills.

What do you guys think of based Bill Whittle?

Is he red pilled?

>not enjoying Stefan's descent into madness

Excuse me you fucking exiled druggy spawn don't ever respond to my posts again

call me when he finally makes Black & White 3

Don't misunderstand me, I am not criticizing the content, which I believe to be valuable. My point is he seems to have the impression his channel is going to make a real difference in the world.

But as I said, many of his listeners were rational thinkers questioning things to begin with. He isn't really introducing people to philosophy, in fact many of the people who are watching him already had the interest to begin with. And if you read philosophy in this fucked up world then you're already pretty awake.

That is what I mean by echo chamber, his numbers might swell and swell, but he's convincing people who are already pretty convinced, the rest of the people? Not going to make a difference.

At the end of the day he's just another youtuber who greatly overestimates his influence.

Not an argument.

>Bill "the good Goy" Shittle

It can't be stopped

>It's been fucking amazing watching Stef slowly swallow the red pill over the past few years. He's slowly went from ancap to full-out fascist and I love it
Yeah this isn't what I was criticizing though. I also find it funny how he's been preaching from Olympus to now mentioning (in the video I linked) the necessity for nationalism. He's pretty much already crossed the line at this point. Yes it is hilarious, but isn't this why we take the piss out of him so much?

That's one of the reasons why he's a meme. We get to watch his emotional break down in real time.

Don't fool yourself, sometimes it takes just one man to change the world.

Stefan won't be that guy though. Not with his ancap views, which is admittedly losing grasp of.

Somebody will need to rise up in Europe though, not Canada.

another keyword to the auto-hide


It's actually not contradictory.

He would prefer a stateless society in an ideal world, but he also says you have to work with what you got. So if you have to have a state, it might as well be one that puts its interests ahead. Ergo, nationalism.

For example, I would prefer it if we didn't have any state benefits like medicare or social security. I'd prefer a system where each individual saves up on their own and spends their money as they themselves see fit. But given that we DO have a society where I have to pay taxes to fund these systems, there's nothing hypocritical about using the services provided.

Stefan Molyneux asks jew why the hypocrisy on immigration

> My point is he seems to have the impression his channel is going to make a real difference in the world.

I think he'd argue that even if his channel only influences 10-100K people, that'd still be making a difference. That many people isn't a huge difference, but it is impressive.

Molyneux would talk circles around Sargon, they're not even in the same league. Sargon still unironically believes in raising the minimum wage. Look at the types of the things that they talk about, Molyneux used to be huge on abstract philosophy and Sargon gets upset at some irrelevant whore who says video games are sexist.

Stefan Molyneux red pilled me onto race realism

Now I'm Alt-Right shitlord

Influence achieved

I like him, he's helped shape alot of my views

This was really eye-opening. Jews don't even realize when they're being contradictory. And when you call them out on it, they still don't see the hypocrisy and claim it's a different situation.

I've had similar experiences with jews I've known. I've known jews who were born in NYC and have lived in america all their lives that decided to go to israel and join the IDF.

And I call them out on joining a foreign military instead of serving in the united states armed forces, and they don't even understand the problem. They aren't even self-aware about the fact that they inherently put israel first and don't truly consider themselves american. And then they wonder why people are antisemitic.

Perhaps, and perhaps I am just a pessimist and a cynic, but I have a firm belief that in reality, throughout history, the people who have made the real difference in the world and brought about change, are those who did it by force.

There are many great minds throughout history who are valued now through the lenses of history, but were vilified or ignored in their own time.

Sargon is entry level basic-bitch shit. Shitting on feminists is the very definition of low hanging fruit.

Maybe Im living under a rock, but who the fuck is this guy? Being posted non-stop.

Can someone please briefly explain.

I agree with this. Sargon is irrelevant at this point. The way he talks fucks me off as well. He always sounds so pompous and pseudo intellectual, and here he is moaning about some useless slag on the internet.

He isn't even little league. He's like toddler league.


Quit it with the negative threads about him. He might be a little nutty, but his videos are still very high quality. I don't understand why so many of you people seem to have such a problem with him.

He's a libertarian youtube philosopher who constantly advocates for anarcho-capitalism and a non violent stateless society.

He used to believe this could be achieved over generations and now he see's the world going to hell and it is pushing his beliefs to breaking point.

His videos increasingly deal with this and talks about the migration crisis and the decline of Europe and we have reveled in watching him basically slowly and painfully turn into a fascist.

That's why he gets posted here so much. It's a hilarious spectacle to watch.


She's not really "irrelevant" if she's either talked to the UN or is assortment to someone who has, in fact it makes her more relevant to molyneux.

I digress, both are generally neoclassicists when it comes to philosophy so they have "that Australian's" completely irrelevant tick of approval. If they may, either of them may use the contemporarist label.

He's admitted the low hanging thing, first step...

Hahaha that damage control.

The problem with Sargon is that he walks in and starts making an argument that's all based on some fundamental axiom of his. And then he wants you to try to refute his argument while still accepting his baseline axiom.

>damage control
Against what?

What have I said about him that isn't true?

He actually went from libertarian to nationalist in 2 years


>Rational thinking
>Speaks in metaphors and use ambgiuity

He is more a cult leader than anything

sounds like a cult leader desu

Wew, calm down Stefan lad

this mad tho

Well said m8

>getting upset over a meme

I remember it like it was yesterday. Moly mostly just talked about ivory tower philosophical stuff and Trayvon Martin happened. That debacle redpilled him just like it redpilled me and a ton of other people. And it was all downhill (or rather uphill) from there.

Stefan is one more terrorist attack away from going full fash

Just you wait. In a month or two, Moly will be talking about _PHYSICAL_REMOVAL_ of nonwhites and communists

I think this might be the summer of love. Something is going to go down and he'll post a video and it will basically just be him in full SS uniform with Erika playing in the background whilst he recites Mein Kampf.

Based Hans. When Stefan made his shill video against the Third Reich two years ago he should have gotten Hans on their instead of the crypto kike.

I love the new Stefan.


He's be arrested by the Canadian government before he's 70.

What do you guys think of based Red Pill Whittle?

Is he Billed?


>I've been donating monthly for years!
So you're the prick who keeps donating $1

I'm just waiting for Stef to have Kevin MacDonald on the podcast so they can talk about Culture of Critique and the jewish question.

That video was a fucking mess

Where's the aussie molyposter? If you're reading this, you do realise that by not posting rare molymemes you're violating the NAP.





This is genuinely sad

Murray Rothbard wasn't so much different. He supported Pat Buchanan and was pretty hostile to immigration.

>Because this has worked on a large scale in the past.
It has, people have just become complacent and forgotten to maintain it.

That's why other ancaps like Christopher Cantwell of Radical Agenda and Love Life & Anarchy advocate the PHYSICAL REMOVAL PRINCIPLE

That's more views than there are migrants in germany

The equivalent would be an Irish-American joining the IRA in the 1970s , or a German-American joining the Wehrmacht in the 1930s, instead of joining the American military.

Both would be, and still are , massively frowned upon. Why do American Jews think it's ok to join the IDF?

"Red Pill" Whittle the Israeli fiddle

How do guys like Stefan Molyneux gain money by doing this? Who pays them?

Stevie Memeneux has sacrificed himself for the greater good of memekind

He makes money from donations. Plenty of youtubers do these because it avoids ads. I imagine that they can sometimes they can make more from donations than ad revenue.

Exactly. The jews I know love to talk about this sort of stuff - supporting israel and joining the IDF and all that - and I'm 100% positive nobody but me has ever called them out on this. They were completely dumbfounded when I asked why they joined the IDF and not the US military. I watched as they fumbled around trying to say it was a cultural thing, trying to somehow spin it in a way that doesn't look like them being disloyal to america.

I mean for fucks sake. It's ridiculous. I was actually seething with cold anger under my calm exterior when they were telling me about this shit. I wanted to slap them across their jew faces and start quoting Goebbels

Just listen to Dr. David Duke's daily radio show as K-Mac is on there like once a week.

>pump out a new video every few hours

Dude needs to get a life with his 100 million views.

get for the god emperor

All those ONE DOLLARs must add up

This IS his life!

fuck, where was it

I know I can listen to K Mac elsewhere. The point though is that I want to see _Stefan_ tackle the JQ.

That's when his ascension to Philosopher King of the alt-right will be complete.

Can't argue with a good economy

ONE FUCKING DOLLAR = 0 contribution
(>ONE) FUCKING DOLLARS = (>0) contribution
0 * n = 0, even if n is infinite, (ONE FUCKING DOLLAR)s do not add up

Sargons too.

I'm not sure what to make of people who do youtube full time. I mean on the one hand it's easy for us to call them no lifers because youtube careers are a new concept, on the other hand, it's not so different from working in the media. It just means you're working alone.

Moly is always there. During the venezuela video, he spent a good deal of time talking about how great Pinochet was.

spot on


your stormfag is showing. what a bullshit story

The videos his does where he critiques a video of what a certain feminist said are annoying. Because he pauses the video every few seconds to go on a complete tangent about every little thing they say.

He's interesting to listen to but I always get a very 'off' vibe when I tune in. I like his analysis of stuff like the refugee crisis, he's spot on, but he relies too much on debunked Freudian psychoanalysis when he speaks with his callers.

His theory of anarcho-Capitalism/the non aggression principle is interesting in a similar way that Marxism is interesting, and is similarly untenable. I feel like by being confronted with the Migrant Crisis, he's being forced to admit that the non-violence principle needs to be abandoned in order to save the Western world or else he has to go through amazing mental gymnastics in order to justify the deportation/expelling of foreigners from Europe. At the moment he's trying to base such an action on the respective IQs of all involved parties, but I don't think that's going to reach the vast majority of the population, the greater part of whom are terrified of anything vaguely related to Nazi ideology, the idea of 'inferior' (low iq) populations and 'superior' (high iq) populations, regardless of veracity.

Yes, I'm sure the Ausfag knows far more about what your day to day NYC jew is like. You got me.

It's called a sense of humor.

Confirmed for never having lived in NYC. Stick to the outback, drongo

>I feel like by being confronted with the Migrant Crisis, he's being forced to admit that the non-violence principle needs to be abandoned in order to save the Western world

This is why idealists tend to fall flat on their ass. When shit goes down, people will always take pragmatic action.

So who's this Molymeme guy? A youtube fag like Pewdiepie or whatever his name is?

To be fair, that's kinda what Stefan has done. He used to only do this high-theory ancap LARPy shit instead of talking about what we need to do right here and now. And since then he's moved away from the ivory tower and started being very pragmatic.

There is no non-violence principle. The refugee crisis is itself aggression since it is a govermnent welfare-subsidized invasion, hence completely consistent with anarcho-capitalism. He never said that you should kick them out because they have low IQ's but that you should oppose their migration since it is a government program.

So you haven't really listened / absorbed much of his content, have you?