Diane Kruger in National Treasure is the most beautiful woman ever

Diane Kruger in National Treasure is the most beautiful woman ever.


she divorced from joshua jackson nows my chance to become her pusy slave

Why did she have like 4 accents in that movie

Rapture --is that you?


I dont care. Its sexy as fuck

Well she is German..




post her feet from IB

How can you possibly be so wrong?

diane kruger in troy was hotter

rachel wiesz in the mummy 1/2 was the epitome of perfection tbqh lads


im launching a thousand ships right now hhgggnnn

damn Orlando looks like a little twink fuccboi compared to the testosterone replacing male leads of today

I'd fuck both of them desu

He was a fag in Troy as well.

>not posting the one with her titties

why are blonde white women so much better than other women?


lighter hair is perceived as more feminine