
Terrible points all around, also you spelled liar incorrectly.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Trying to convince racists that they shouldn't elect a racist


why is racism bad ?

>linking directly to huffpo

I sincerely hope you didn't follow that link.

Implying is anything wrong with racism

Based Korea

>huff puff

>Pretending like progressives don't hate white people.

> huffingtonpost.com

Clickbait discarded.
Direct linking faggot.

all hearsay kek

Sounds like my kinda guy.

If you are mean to a colored person you are racist
If you are mean to a woman you are sexist
If you are mean to a white guy you are -?-
pls fill in

>racist racist racist
How about you explain to me objectively why being a racist is bad in your own country?

Trump is an anti-racist Jew/Israel lover. For the left to claim that he's a racist is just stupid as fuck.

Because nonwhites who aren't niggers or bottom feeder Mudslimes boost countries' GDP and contribute to society greatly. There's much more civilisational threats to 'Western' society than some fucking refugees, most of them economical. Standing up against the real enemy of the uber wealthy is too daunting for Sup Forumslacks so naturally we strawman darkies and jews

Holy fuck, that article is RRRREEEEEAAAAACHING

>questions whether Obama was born in Hawaii
What the fuck are these people smoking?

I don't see anything racist there.

But even if there were, it wouldn't matter. The story of The Boy who Cried Racist has come to its climax.

It's called liberalism. Liberalism.

You gotta understand, to the anti-Whites, anything other than you completely supporting the genocide of the White race is "racist".

So them call you a racist is an attempt to shame you into supporting White Genocide.

This is hilarious.

>heresay from people that attempted to sue Trump
>heresay from a doofus that tried to sell a book


>he condoned the beating of black lives matter protestor

Wasn't a protestor dude was intentionally instigating. Still violence should only be a last resort so whatever. Doesn't make him racist though.

I refuse to have this argument with anyone unless they want to provide a concrete definition of the word racism and promise that it won't change.


Yes, liberalism. They put it in their pipe and smoked it.

Only like two of those examples could even maybe be considered racist and they're based on hearsay. The rest are things he said about a specific person/group being construed as him applying it to an entire race.

Poor form, but what can you expect from HuffPo?


Oh yeah, the team of all-white, all-female, all-easily-triggered "journalists"... and yet they call Trump racist.

Pot, meet kettle.

you're mistaking leftism as liberalism

>Make claim person is racist
>get asked to provide evidence for that claim
>can't at the given moment
>finds compiled evidence for claim by major leftist news agency
>somehow makes the person asking for evidence a "lier"

How does that work in your mind?

I am not. You are making a distinction without a difference.

>boost countries' GDP and contribute to society greatly
That is wrong tho, you would think they boost it but they create problems as well and you are forgetting that even in homogeneous countries there is always REGISTERED work shortage.
Also , mudshits drag the country down in terms of IQ and that has a strong correlation with democracy and economical success. Related

Huffpo also posted that Hillary was indicted. Their editorial staff is incompetent as fuck, and "coincidentally" all women.

>Huff post
Kill yourself Ahmed

Never going to give Huffington clicks. Shoo Shoo nigger

I'm pretty left leaning and even i know that the only legitimate point here is the first one. And even that one is reaching since he can deny direct involvement.

holy shit Kim Jong Un is that you?