Meth heads are living downstairs from me in me my apartment. How do i get rid of them?

Meth heads are living downstairs from me in me my apartment. How do i get rid of them?

kill them with a heroin overdose, nobody will suspect anything

Have you ever been stabbed?

Be careful calling the cops on them. They're a vengeful lot.

You could stage a domestic disturbance, and be loud enough to get someone to call the cops. Or you could even start something with them and call the police yourself but pretending to be a neighbour.

You could also just kill them through ODing

Wait until their next fight, call the police, they'll come escalate and one will probably die and the other will move out to get away from the memories.

i feel your struggle user i live all round meth heads i have cameras everywhere i dont even feel safe leaving my house with out worrying something will be stolen.

Wait a while, meth heads normally an hero at some point


Killing them through OD would be impossible. We dont talk. I do find their needles under my tires and beer cans under my car.

Not true. At least not enough of them do. Most of them will, and always will be chasing the high until they have a heartache in their forties.

Heart attack*

how many many methheads live there and how old are they?

Meth's illegal just call the cops

I live in a city of them. I swear to you, i cant even step into wal-mart without one pulling me off to the side of the parking lot with those big meth pupils asking me for a ride like i dont know that hes an obvious user. Wish it was legal to deal with drug addicts like that. They destroy every place they go.

Real young. They sound and look like college kids so probably somewhere in their twenties. I think its just one kid but he constantly has people over and basically yells at them the entire while hes holding a conversation, even when theyre not about fight in the foyer area (which is extremely common by the way, especially in the middle of the night.)

I keep getting close to calling them but their disputes dont last long. I live about a block away from the local PD but i want to time it just right if i do call them. I want the cops to have a reason to: A. Put them in jail and B. Search their home. I know whats going on down there and i want them to get some serious time and get the fuck off the streets.

you should bait trap them. have them steal some of your shit

Call your landlord, tell them you keep smelling chemicals coming out of their house
Say your concerned about the building.

Hmm, this is a good idea. Any suggestions? I.e. what bait to use, how to go about it? Ive got a few in mind as is

Is there a good certainty this will work? I figure the landlord has to call them to say "hey, were showing at X o'clock just so you know" which will give them enough time to clean up. The more hacks i take at putting these addicts behind bars, the more suspicious theyll get that its me.

just make sure you get them on film doing whatever u bait them with best easy bet drug users love to steal

leaving some meth in the hall would probably work well

Lolol wouldnt that get me in trouble? Filming myself baiting a meth head with more meth?

take a normal shipping box write
5 IPHONE Xs on the box leave out front. record them steal it and bam


Hm, not bad. I might do this. Thank you anaon

Leave some wraps of "meth" on the floor outside their door. They'll instantly take that shit, not realising it's actually some sort of deadly poison.

I mean, you'll possibly end up in jail for life for killing people, drug scum or not, but depends how bad you want it.

OR, you could stop being a lazy faggot and work harder, and move to a nicer place. How much of a fucking loser do you have to be to live in the same block as fucking meth heads.

As i said before, whole city is full of meth heads but i am working hard as fuck. I have the money to move out, im just saving more of it than i need. Im not afraid for my life. I own a gun. If they cross the line im not scared to defend myself. Its just that theyre disgusting dredges on society who should be rotting in jail. I absolutely hate meth heads.

>Im not afraid for my life. I own a gun.
every coward's motto.

Trying too hard/10

buy them lots of meth from really shady dealers the problem will sort itself one way or another

Go down there and tell them you know what's going on and they need to shut the fuck up, and stop causing shit or you're going to call the 5-o. If you're not afraid take charge and gtf off Sup Forums

This would be an amazing idea if i knew any meth dealers. Frankly, all i can find is users.

(Same guy who i told was trying too hard/10)

Youre trying too hard/10

Spend 50$ on opioids
Leave it at their mailbox
Repeat next week
Now they're into opioids
Would that be better, worse or same?