Be me 30 mins ago

>be me 30 mins ago
>talking with my "friend" who I went to a party with
>seemed pretty chill dude
>start talking about politics
>tell him that I'm against mass immigratsion, false flag of globalism, multiculturalism, LGBTQIASHNEEGFJDSK+ etc
>add that I don't care if we have political differences
>he snaps, tells me I'm a racist and now all his friends who were my friends also hate me

How many friends have you lost due to your political views, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

None, we're too irrelevant of a country for anyone to give a shit about eachother's views.

You're better without them

This. They will just find something to be offended by sooner or later. May as well be direct and let them fuck off.

Being called a racist only bothers you the first time, after that it is just a non-argument.

I know but for some reason I still feel like shit

None, estonian youth is hella blue-pilled, I think they would be in massive denial before they even start questioning the world. Estonian media doing its work as well with massive anti-Russia propaganda.


Well you should stop being a horrible racist then

He's a traitor to the Country and to his ancestors. Care not of the fool, care more for his angels, who weep at his sight.

you don't reveal your entire hand to normies, you gotta slowly introduce the concepts to them.

You have to be subliminal, by the time they realize you are a racist piece of shit they will be one too. Don't ever reveal your power level unless it is to a person that absolutely depends on you, since they can't talk back without reason.

The reason he's angry is not because he cares, it's because he's been brainwashed to not think

Being called racist is now the same as a woman getting "raped"

Maybe if you weren't a racist you wouldn't have this problem.

It's kind of a question of semantics.
To my way of thinking, I've never lost a friend to my political views, because as far as I'm concerned, all I did was discover that they were never my friend in the first place.

stop sending inmigrants here nigger

Murder him

All of my friends know me as an ardent Trump supporter.

If they hate you because of your political beliefs, you guys weren't really friends in the first place dude.

Being this reckless, start by talking about great philosopher, like xenophobia is a good thing(plato, levi-strauss) democracy is shit(plato,hobbes,pascal,voltaire etc etc)

boys, listen. maybe we should stay open to the conclusion, that 1+1 equals 2 in the end.

>How many friends have you lost due to your political views, Sup Forums?

None, they were not my friends to begin with, only disguised enemies.

>he snaps, tells me I'm a racist and now all his friends who were my friends also hate me

I guess you just learned you belong to the 3% Good luck trying to convince the sheeple. The'll only listen if you are in a position of power

Sounds like a good riddance to me.

This is the proper way to do it. Normis wont understand the true facts when them in whole, but will understand it when give pieces of it over time.

I expected more from your country desu.

None until now. And I'm pretty much open about my political beliefs (traditional catholic monarchist).
Sometimes there are little discussions explaining why muslims are shit and feminism is cancer, between other things, but nothing so aggravant.
You need to find better friends, m8.

All but two.

>things that never happened

estonians are all racist.

Everyone I've ever been friends or accountancies with has agreed with me. You have to know how to talk to people and how to convince them that you're right.
Learn to be a good people person.

One of the most important things to do is to gouge reactions.
Recently I met a group of 3 people. They all seemed pretty cool. I was getting to know them, and I decided to gouge their reactions to anti-PC things by making some comments that are offensive enough to get a reaction, but not offensive enough for them to get all triggered.
Sure enough 2 of them had a noticeably negative reaction and one of them more tolerant. I established myself as a good guy and then triggered the two people. I used them to make myself look smart and reasonable in front of the one person in the group I saw as friend material. Worked like a charm, and now I have this one friend who now hates SJW types.

Who cares

None because I'm usually persuasive and blasé enough about it to convince them.


none because im not a retarded autist

Usually when I talk about politics I think I'm having a nice red pilled chat with someone and then I find out they thought we were joking and being ironic

The reason is you take words at face value; if someone says something mean about you think you must have done something proportionate to the use of that word and feel bad.

The left has no understanding that different opinions do not automatically make you a baby killer so they will call you preposterous shit.

Holy fuck this. I started by introducing my friend to trump youtube videos like can't stump the trump. It started as a "joke" but now he is more right wing than I am. Shit works if you do it properly.


I fucking hate stupid people so if I offended someone because they are dumb, fuck them.

This. Well done. It's really an art. I've redpilled so many friends just through being funny, not taking myself too seriously, and knowing how to subtly push things.

>Learn to be a good people person.
I'm INTJ, impossible.

You have some shitty friends, man.

I'm the "far rightist" of my group of friends. Even though most of them are slightly left, they don't hate me for it because we're not children who hate someone because of a political difference.

I've already secretly redpilled two. 2/6

none because political conversations are either a faggy circlejerk or a cockswinging contest. as far as it goes, i say i am voting for Donald Trump because I agree with a lot of what he says. If anyone starts up with racism sexism war mongering etc i just shut them down immediately. most of these people are not good friends, my good friends dont care and are either in the Trump camp or are defecting to the Trump camp from the Sanders campaign

You don't reveal your true power level.

Everyone at work knows im a jew so they know im racist as fuark.

I rarely cut into politics when talking to fellow frogs but every now and then I just drop a morsel. Leftist seem to be way more ideologically embedded in their cult than the general "light weight" right wingers. Since leftcucks can get pretty aggressive better ignore them. Simple tip - gauge the value of a social contact before you start droppind "red pill nukes".

>muh anti-Russia propaganda
>reading organized Russian shilling on the internet
You are shitting on the memory of your ancestors, unless they are Russian scum who came here to desecrate the land.

>>he snaps, tells me I'm a racist and now all his friends who were my friends also hate me

Classic liberal response: "We are all about freedom, but only when it aligns with our defined acceptable freedoms."

If they were really your friends, they would respect your difference of opinion.

He was never your friend user. Friendship doesnt end just for political differences (unless shit gets real like a civil war).


My old best friend and I clashed on whether he deserved to make $15 an hour flipping burgers because, "it worked well with his school schedule and he deserved to earn more."

My power level hit too high and I was seen as a jackass because I made more than $15 an hour and simply thought myself as better or whatever.

I mentioned a few times that i do not wish muslims in this beautiful country. Their heads exploded because i am slavshit and they could no accuse me of being racist, because somehow they think "only whites can be racist".
Still lost many "friends". Kept two close friends.

I have friends with differing political views, like seriously different. We get along because at the end of the day we don't get butthurt over opinions.

I used to be INTJ according to those tests. Now the same tests say I am INTP.

I've met a few Estonians and Mongolians here and they were all pretty left wing.

Had a serious conversation about rape culture with a middle age guy,told him how most women lie about being raped or molested to garner sympathy or get a govt job or ruin a man's life,we have had few genuine cases, but not all of us are rapist or molesters. Now going through the whole conversation in my head, damn the whole thing was so silly,retarded. Wana bash my head against a wall now.thnx pol

the idea that burger flippers think they should get payed more than or the same as EMT's is just baffling.

Zero because even though I come from a country retarded enough to pick a fucking leaf as it's symbol I was smart enough to befriend people who aren't total losers who can't handle different opinions.

kill yourself

Say back yeah sure buddy, you were more serious than I was, etc. Turn it around on them.

odds are they are just hiding behind that, half the people on Sup Forums still tell themselves they're joking

>How many friends have you lost due to your political views, Sup Forums?

I-I don't have any friends, user.

You just have to get your beliefs across without sounding like an extremist.

For example immigration: If they are qualified, will integrate smoothly and are coming here legally then I am all for immigration.

Normies will generally agree with you.

Just use liberal propaganda.
>Wow, you dropped my opinion instantly, this is bigotry.I thought we could have a proper talk like grown people.
>Come on, its 2016, we need some fresh research on the problem of Holocaust, I think jewish people might have faked some numbers of people dead by nazi.I am for free speech so revisionism shouldn't be banned.No nazi, though.
etc etc.You need to adopt ways of your enemies like these retards try to adopt memetics

None, I redpill all of my friends, be it gradually or instantly

Exactly zero. I know maybe two beta cucks who support immigration and even they don't force their opinions on me. We just argue whenever the topic comes up, agree to disagree and talk about something else. They're not bad people.

LOL I grew up in a completely white rural area all my friends are racist your friends sound like city faggots screw them just go for pussy

Oh, yes, when someone who is liberal tells you things about tolerance you should just laugh and say ARE YOU KIDDING ME?YOU ARE JUST CORPORATE SLUT LOOK AT HIM NO SELF ESTEEM.

My friends are cool with it, they know I sometimes say racist shit and I just play along when they take the piss out of me

Funny thing is it is neither you or your friends business, the government does whatever they want, while self righteous or edgy idiots like to argue about it over and over again, normal people are irrelevant slaves, stop ruining your relationships for things that you have no control of.

You're a coward who is afraid to say openly what you think secretly, you are basically castrated you cuck faggot

0, none of my blue-pilled friends mind much.

>Pissing in an ocean of piss

Praise Kek

who gives a shit, guy sounds like a faggot anyway that needs to be gassed

>tells me I'm a racist

epic buzzword, just tell him that, factually speaking people should be racist, if you don't acknowledge the differences in races then you might just be a retard

or would he say africans are comparable to the japanese? lel

just like attack dogs


the brainwashing is unreal, i've came across a few of these 2 digit iq subhumans, just like clock work, they spout buzzwords, feign being insulted then continue to scream buzzwords

i prefer reals over feels

I didn't think things like that happened, genuinely.

But then a friend of a friend who is an assistant professor/furry porn artist. They posted a petition on Facebook to get sponsors of the RNC to pull out because of trump. Literally trying to silence all opposition. The reasoning was Michelle fields and that chic that got pepper sprayed. The petition flat out lied for both cases.

I posted saying I don't agree with the petition because both those examples were fraudulent. I linked video evidence for both cases.

She was like,"even so he's still racist and sexist and bla bla bla."

I said until she provided concrete evidence of those instances what she was saying was worthless rhetoric.

So then she links me articles from the huff post, gawker and Marie Claire uk. It's all click bait, racism claims from 30 years ago and carefully clipped quotes with no context whatsoever.

I say, "thanks for providing sources, let's hope this click bait is more credible than previous examples."

Bam! Unfriended and shit talked by that person to my friends after I couldn't reply in the same comments.

This is the kind of person teaching at universities.

Same happened to me, but it really goes to show that the left that spouts about beeing so tolerant, cant even tolerate conservatives.

So the right is actually more tolerant than the left.

>see he's totally a bigot! he is not even defending himself against my baseless ad-hominum attack!

those people are the worse, your right though it a complete cop out emotional appeal and once you realize that it doesnt work against facts and your claims

Zero, and I'm the only one totally redpilled, but I'm so charming that I can't stand it and they can't live without me.

i don't even give a fuck. bitch was an emo, feminazi character

you went full retard


I haven't lost any friends, in fact I've had a different problem...
I make convincing, concise, and well spoken arguments that tend to make people come around to my way of thinking.
You have to be careful though, because most people aren't ready for the redpill.
One former sjw friend of mine was spouting off publicly about the Eternal jew after a few conversations.
Remember, a lot of these sjw types are weak minded and are simply followers believing vehemently in what everyone else thinks.
They are prone to extremes and can't control themselves.

And i never, ever tell anyone about this place

I'll be your friend. If you suck my cock daily.

You can't argue with them, just give them subtle hints of reality, eventually they will start seeing the light. Kinda like Jews, the brainwashing starts very slowly and then reaches completion, this is prefect way to brainwash normies.

Says Poland

You feel like shit because being ostracized from you're group could of meant death through starvation for you're early ancestors for thousands of years, it's a survival mechanism don't worry about it'll go soon.


They weren't friends anyway then.

Lost about....5. I was pretty popular and had a lot of friends. Two of them were brothes, and both are supreme cucks. One married an indigent lawyer who is a feminist activist and literally says she is taking down the 'patriarchy' and stuff on FB. She didn't take his name, not even hyphenated. The other married a woman 6 years older than him with a child from one of her TWO previous marriages.

So idgaf. I'm at the point in my life I don't need friends to have friends, I want like minded men around me.


Seems to me a certain Estonian hasn't given his friends the ultimate redpill dosage.

>Estonian elite is busy selling out the Estonian people, all in the name of gaining comfortable positions in multinationals or Euro civil service after leaving office
>increased migration, increased regulation, increased control
But it's Russia who are the TR00 enemy!
Don't make the same mistake we in the West made, m8.

INTJs don't need friends.

It's the mandingo effect

Teach me senpai

None. I'm pretty forthright with my racism and my homophobia and my xenophobia and so on. I've yet to meet anyone that objects, at least publicly, to it.

Tell them to come to London to see what's coming their way soon. We ought to call it red pill city.

Real friends? None.
Kikebook """friends""" about 50 or so

I have lost none. People who do not want to be friends with me because of my views have never been my friends and I suggest you think the same about this. Most of my friends are quite right wing and this has barely ever been a problem for me, because lefists are generally beta losers whom I'd not want to be seen with anyways. I did have a socialist friend once. He's still my friend, but he made a 180 degree turn in his views and I may have had something to do with this.

Wife wants a divorce because I'm voting Trump

She's a berniebot

Says if I change my voting she'll stay
We have 2 kids 1.5 and 2.5 yo
And she's 8 months pregnant

Still wasn't hard to say I'm not changing from Trump