How strong are separatist movements in Italy? Renaissance Italy with all its different city-states, cultures...

How strong are separatist movements in Italy? Renaissance Italy with all its different city-states, cultures, and dialects fascinates me, but modern Italy is just... stale and bland.

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Close to nothing

Great differences between regions still exist.

But separatists are weak, they tend more to regional authonomy.

I read that the dialects are becoming weaker and more diluted every year because of the Italian language being standardized in the schools.

Italian is standardized in the school from fascist era.
Tuscany and Campania, pratically refuse to speak a standard italian.
For the rest, yeah, real dialects are only live in the countryside, but you can always tell the region (and often the city) of birth of most italians by the accent and the different common saying and swearing.

As weak as they've ever been I think.
Dialects tend to be ostracized and they tend to get lost if the families does make an effort to keep it alive.

Veneto is having a referendum about autonomy, that's as far as they are willing to take it right now
If Catalonia manages to secede it could fuel the separatist sentiment, we'll see

don't put much hope in it paisà

Do you think that the refugee nonsense going on right now could boost support for Lega Nord and so make separatism stronger in that way?

Maybe federalism, Lega Nord isn't really about separatism anymore

nope, Lega is just anti-immigrants now
separatism is long gone

Lega Nord and Forza Italia ruled here for 15 years and all they did to stop immigration was a Law called Bossi - Fini, that actually didn't stop immigrants from coming to our country. So no, I don't think so, "separatism" is just a big delusion for people who sold their traditions in exchange of an illusion of wealth

I see. Thanks for answering all my questions well and politely, lads. My opinion of your country has gone up greatly because of it. (in before someone ruins it)

>Lega Nord and Forza Italia ruled here for 15 years
Yeah but it was mostly Forza Italia and LN was different at the time, i don't think it's fair to blame them for something someone else did

As a brit in Italy, there's a but of separationist stuff-mainly north-south shit (Milan is heartless and boring, Rome is dusty and useless). Some areas are pretty separate, the calabresi are a thing on their own, as are the sardianians and a lot of the southern area. However, there's not a big active movement, as there'd be in ireland/n.Ireland, Scotland. Most of the people I know are more concerned with wanting out of the European rather than anything more specific.
In fairness, modern Italy is still new, it only became unified in, what, the 1800s? There are some insanely strong views on each area (especially cos some dialects are impossible to understand) but I haven't seen any major pushing for separation yet (although the Italians can barely organise a city wide scoperio never mind anything bigger, so I might just have missed all the fuss)

So does this mean croatia is rightful italian clay?

Friûl libar !

Meh the way I see it, LN is just a big hoax of a party, even if they'd win elections they wouldn't have the balls to do any serious reform. Hell they are just in for the money. I'm sure you know how italian politics works, don't you? They ride the "fear of the black muslim" train get, elected and do their own agenda. Think about ppl like bossi, maroni, and borghezio, Getting fatter and fatter on UE money from the EU parlament.

I farted.

The separatist parties in rightful austrian clay are relatively strong, yet they will never achieve anything since this region is basically autonomous as it is already. Maybe if all of italy is fucked up by immigrants and they can't escape past the Brenner anymore, those separatists will grow in power

Fat chance.
Everyone in Veneto is basically a commie and commies are all for kissing Rome's ass.
After decades of communists, Venice elected its first right wing mayor last year and he's so worthless everyone wants him out of the picture already so chances are 50 more years of lefties await after this guy.

Not as long as they keep feeding on italian government money

>Italians slowing eating away at the rightful Greek population of Calabria and Salento


>Everyone in Veneto is basically a commie
Then in makes it even more remarkable that Zaia manages to get 50-60% of the votes