Wtf! anyone got the video?

wtf! anyone got the video?

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what did this faggot do now

jesus christ!
the guy finally does something interesting and no one downloads it?
fucking hell!!!

he posted a video in suicide forest with a dead body in it then quickly took it down.

>I don't get it.
Why the fuck would you apologise for showing reality? If let's say a super advaced alien race looked at me as the representator of humanity, I'd rather beg for mercy because of all the beauty trends and faked society videos that blur out the struggles in life, for fuck's sake.

you are a scholar and a saint.

Who is this? Why should I recognise him?


Whoever he is, he looks like a fag.

This is, probably, the most shittiest version of the Blair Witch Project than I ever saw. With a retarded faggot as the protagonist. A SJW dressing like a rainbow bitch, by the way.

This shit is staged, at least that's what it looks like to me.
>The faggot is overreacting. Something a person would not do in such a serious situation.
>Faggot number 2 is not fucking hanging! The feet are obviously standing on a root covered with leaves.
>The hands look good while the head, though censored, has a too intense color. A dead guy would be a bit whiter.
>If this was real, faggot numero uno would have stopped recording it as if it was a mannequin and instead gone away a few feet to take some pics from the distance and make the shit less controversial.
>FFS, faggot uno is an attention seeking whore

no idea who this guy is either

I honestly don't really get the anger. He videod a dead guy in suicide forest. So what? No one would be outraged of it was a documentary.

>normalfags getting upset over corpses, which is part of life
>normalfags so weak they cant stray from their safe bubble in even 1 video
>advertisers not wanting to put their ads on youtube even though it's a 0.0000001% chance they end up on something like this and EVERYBODY understands that they don't have anything to do with the video itself or endorse it
>advertisers fine with putting ads into news coverage on tv talking about school shootings
this fucking world

it's not staged. he always overreacts and people hang themselves all the time without ACTUALLY hanging off the ground.

the guy who made the video is a super rich, childish man who makes videos for young kids. he has never experienced anything like this in his life. he doesn't know the seriousness and can't react in any other way he did. i think he grows up a bit after this video.

come on bro, you know better than to think everything is staged.


i feel kinda bad for the guy, first dead guy i saw was when i was like 9, (the guy hung himself off a stairwell in a trainstation) so im used to it, but he hasnt ever seen this shit cuz hes sheltered. Its sad to watch.

He's probably in a rekt thread right now laughing his ass of


he's way too weak for that

What kind of extra-chromosomed sub human filth would even watch this faggots videos?
The only interesting things from him are when idubz and shit roast him.

you can see his lil heart drop, he probably still believes in fuckin santa with that childish demeanour.

12 year old detected

I mean... they're not exactly hard to watch.

Didn't he start laughing like 5 mins later

exactly my point. My friend and i saw a man dead when we were younger, he started laughing really fucking hard, then fell over and vomited. People deal differently, and i thoroughly beliee that. When my grandma died i ate chinese food with my friends and went christmas shopping. People are weird.

>We found a corpse in a place where people tend to go to kill themselves



Yeah I understand that. I mean, anything that happens with me, good or bad, my first reaction is always to smile and laugh. I can't fucking help it. But with Logan it felt kinda fake Idk

thats just cuz youtubers generally have a persona, like a shitty superhero. Being into only real fuckers like sips when i was youner helps me see through all of their bullshit. Hes just a kid who has too much, so he fakes it. literally, fake it till ya make it.

>defending logan paul
Back to your subreddit you underaged faggot.

Fuck off edgy Mcgillacuty

What I can't understand is the fact that the girl is laughing almost the whole time in many of the clips you see her with a smile on her face?

Why's it ok when vice does it?

Hes wearing clothes of a massive douche, who would have guessed